A Egg Yoks Journey into becoming a better Artist.
I was recommended to this site actually by someone on another forum and forgive me, but whoever that was I still thank you.

Honestly, i'm not sure what i'm looking for exactly in a career, as far as being an artist goes but I know I want to go to school to study it as well as animation. uvu;

So to start this out let me have some recent doodles I've done from weeks to now.
[Image: art_dump_by_boogie45-da6j0bw.png]

[Image: hand_study_by_boogie45-da9adzd.png]

[Image: sai_e_by_boogie45-da8cv6d.png]
[Image: chlose_by_boogie45-da9erdt.png]
Critiques would be appreciated from time to time. I'll post more when I can.
Welcome aboard The Crimson Daggers Yokai90 :).

You've done some nice sketches there. If you're into drawing characters, I recommend searching for Andrew Loomis books, they contain great teachings on drawing the human figure.

Looking forward to more from you :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Welcome Yokai :) Glad you took my advice and joined daggers. Looking forward to seeing your progress!
I'll also second ArtLoader's suggestion of reading Andrew Loomis' books.
Have fun!
*takes one look at SB* Hmmm... *fries egg* MMMMMMhhmmm. Pass the pepper please? :D

Just kidding. Welcome to the forum, Yokai! This is a great place for learning. You are off to a nice start, now get cracking and start improving those skills.

"Drawing is a skill like hammering a nail. You might not be great at it yet, but there is nothing stopping you from gettin' down and hammering away." -Irshad Karim

@Artloader and Zest. Haha thank you both for the suggestion I just found a pdf version today of one of his books and i'll be sure to study it. and thank you for the welcome :)

@[url=http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/user-5107.html][/url]Mechazoid Thanks so much and nice joke there. X)


I do have a new drawing today which is surprising which usually I like to pace myself and post at least once a week. But eh-

I tried to paint digitally of course over some lineart with it in tact but of course. 
My digital program is SAI which I think it works well for me. And I was testing out some of the same brushes I had showed in my sketches  I mostly used this one today-
[Image: motch_by_boogie45-da9jgsx.png]
Has a sorta water color vibe to paint with? and also a sorta painted look.
[Image: portrait_by_boogie45-da9jetz.png]
Heres my painting attempt. I am trying my best right now but I feel as if my painting game is not the best so suggestions would be great. Thats it for now.
I think considering how often I post here to keep my progress I think I might post more often than my others. Im not sure it feels nicer to than any where else I suppose? 

I started to read some of Andrew Loomis's work that someone recommended and study it tonight.
The Book is about the drawing of figures and I found myself a bit confused by his choice of wording for things but intrigued none the less. Anyways, I won't ramble on he went in his first chapter on about the proportions and such about the male body/female and such. I was confused on how he worded it though, as he described a man as being the size of 8 heads? 

I had wanted to follow his advice and not make pecky sorta strokes he mentioned...and more definite lines,but sadly I found myself having trouble so I stopped and I figured maybe a sketch would be better? since im not familar with drawing the human face like all together you know. The last I did that was..god knows when lol. 
[Image: loomis.jpg]
His picture shown here.
[Image: jesys_by_boogie45-da9su2k.png]
maybe i'll re-sketch it again before I start on some actual linework?
anyways I hope you enjoy this maybe except more tomorrow?
[Image: tumblr_inline_oaaaj0QSxK1r98xjg_540.png]
Silly doodle for a friend. Plus testing out this brush.
Ngl I though this was gonna be a simple doodle but it took a few hours -w-;

One thing I would change about it?
Im not sure I feel like the linearts just a tad bit messy but, still tell me what you guys think?
(07-14-2016, 02:24 PM)Yokai90 Wrote: Im not sure I feel like the linearts just a tad bit messy but, still tell me what you guys think?

I'll be straight forward with you on this. I think it's awesome to doodle. However, on a "is this good?" standpoint, being keen on proportions, and better foreshortening might help. Also, the figure does not look stable. It looks like it's tipping over to the side. Line art is the least of your problems.

But, then again, props for drawing just for the sake of it. In a forum where every one striving to get better at something, this is a great reminder that people should never lose that notion of drawing in itself is rewarding as opposed to rewarding because I'm getting something out of it.

Again, basically, anatomy, form and perspective!

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
(07-15-2016, 02:51 PM)John Wrote:
(07-14-2016, 02:24 PM)Yokai90 Wrote: Im not sure I feel like the linearts just a tad bit messy but, still tell me what you guys think?

I'll be straight forward with you on this. I think it's awesome to doodle. However, on a "is this good?" standpoint, being keen on proportions, and better foreshortening might help. Also, the figure does not look stable. It looks like it's tipping over to the side. Line art is the least of your problems.

But, then again, props for drawing just for the sake of it. In a forum where every one striving to get better at something, this is a great reminder that people should never lose that notion of drawing in itself is rewarding as opposed to rewarding because I'm getting something out of it.

Again, basically, anatomy, form and perspective!

Well least I know line art is the least of my problems lol!
And I see what you mean by it being tilted now, perhaps that's why I also thought it looked odd? 
I'll be sure to study more in depth as well with anatomy form and perspective thank you for the advice it means a lot!
Hey, keep going!
Might I suggest Proko's free videos?
Those videos are amazing and very helpful when starting out.
But remember, 1 part theory and 50 parts practice! Just reading books or watching videos will not be sufficient, but I'm sure you know it already.
Looking forward to seeing more!
Thank you everyone!

[Image: tumblr_inline_oamxl0DU2z1r98xjg_540.png]
Took what you guys said to heart and I did something that is rare for me lol.
I took my time.
By taking my time I included breaking down the process which i'll post here-
[Image: process_4_by_boogie45-daaviay.png]
Figure drawing of said pose. 
[Image: process_3_by_boogie45-daavib7.png]
Rough sketch one-
[Image: process_1_by_boogie45-daavibp.png][Image: process_2_by_boogie45-daavibd.png]
Rough sketch 2 with also hair revision
[Image: process_5_by_boogie45-daavis0.png]
final Lineart without colors- I made some touches to the lineart whilst painting.

Overall the whole process took me 4 days.
Semi-what proud of it 
Opinions? I dunno honestly it looks iffy to me? perhaps its the hair-
Hey everyone heres an update, 7/30/16
 Did a paint study of an apple. Its still a wip but I like the progress so far! Although im wondering if my highlights are a bit too blurry? that or maybe the picture size is a bit too close. I do seem to have trouble with the size of my art.
Overall, instead of using my usual picking colors and messing with the hues I took it to my instinct and my knowledge of colors to shade. Overall I say I had to work with the paint and layer it- which helped me learn that when painting something not to expect it to shade right then and there. 
[Image: paint_study_by_boogie45-dac3e9p.png]

I think I do like it though it has the painty style I kinda want :)

I also did some pixel art- I find with pixel art it can help you also with colors-
[Image: colors_and_magic_by_boogie45-dac3he9.png]
[Image: fuvk_by_boogie45-dac3hmp.png]
Oh my gosh its been forever..since i've been here ^^;
Well, im in the last year of school and to sadly i've been super busy.
So busy i've been tired to do, as much drawing I can do in the summer.
Still im gonna show you guys what I have accomplished at least-

Picked up a book  called the natural way to draw and stuff and I totally need to study it again but I did figure drawing-
[Image: image_by_boogie45-dafqabp.jpg][Image: image_by_boogie45-dafqad9.jpg][Image: image_by_boogie45-dafqadp.jpg][Image: image_by_boogie45-dafqaeg.jpg][Image: image_by_boogie45-dafqaf4.jpg][Image: image_by_boogie45-dafqafx.jpg]
Next, a self portrait of sorts for a project-
[Image: image_by_boogie45-dafqagk.jpg]
Next and lastly is pen and ink practice/cross-hatching practice/ fabric practice a little mixed in.
[Image: image_by_boogie45-dafqahn.jpg][Image: image_by_boogie45-dafqai8.jpg][Image: image_by_boogie45-dafqajp.jpg]
Thats all for now. uvu
Hey Yokai,At the moment your forms are kind of folding in on themselves and not looking as full as they could. I'd second Jun's recommendation to check out Prokos videos for figure drawing. I'd recommend checking his the video on "The Bean". I personally found it very helpful when it came to making my figures have a fuller structure.
Good on you for making time to draw even though you're busy too, don't stop!

(08-29-2016, 09:23 AM)The Lama Wrote: Hey Yokai,At the moment your forms are kind of folding in on themselves and not looking as full as they could. I'd second Jun's recommendation to check out Prokos videos for  figure drawing.  I'd recommend checking his the video on "The Bean". I personally found it very helpful when it came to making my figures have a fuller structure.
Good on you for making time to draw even though you're busy too, don't stop!

I took your advice and started to work on more fuller figure drawings today and looked at Prokos gesture drawings.
[Image: image_by_boogie45-dafw00l.jpg]
Im I doing it alright?
[Image: image_by_boogie45-dafvzzn.jpg]
[Image: image_by_boogie45-dafvzyo.jpg]
Nice! The ones where you've spent more time on the torso area have turned out the best. I think spending more time building up that solid base will do a lot for the quality of the rest of the figure. Good job :)

Quick update!
Been to school as well as being sick.
I've only had enough time to practice some lips and a small sketch.
[Image: tumblr_odgzafUBTy1u4pg5ho1_540.jpg]
I kinda need help and any tips with lips would be appreciated ^^; especially with wrinkle drawing in lips
[Image: tumblr_inline_odf3uroI161r98xjg_540.png]
and these sketches/wip's 

thats all for now!
I've been super busy like ridiculously busy with school.
Although I haven't updated in a horiblly long while, i've still been drawing and focusing on my art.
I'm proud to say that when sketching, during the process I can notice thanks to a little insight with friends now why I had thought something looked off. So when I fix such things now im proud to say that it helps me feel a bit better about my art,or more accomplished.
Notice some of these kinda messy or unifinished.
[Image: lewis_by_boogie45-daulxn9.png]
[Image: mario_has_logged_in_by_boogie45-daont11.png]
[Image: dfs_by_boogie45-daulymo.png]
[Image: present_by_boogie45-dasf1l7.png][Image: agh_by_boogie45-daulz7x.png]
[Image: cheesse.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: agh2_by_boogie45-daulzh4.png]
[Image: agh3_by_boogie45-daum0o3.png]
The last one I did today, after starting it a bit, but while scanning I had to adjust it and...yeah ^^;
[Image: img002__2__by_boogie45-daum1rf.jpg]
Sketch for an upcoming project. Might add more later. ((Also if anyone knows how to work with scanners please give me some tips!))
Hi Yokai! Really like that last sketch you did, but i wanted to point something out that has to deal with light and color... Talking about that apple study you did ( funny cause my first digital study was an apple :P ) it is better to start off on a white background, because gray makes the colors look a bit different, not that it matters so much if you draw from imagination, but if you want to learn from that study i think you should. Also an apple is quite shiny so it reflects the environmental colors around it ( which is now white ) so the highlight should be almost towards a pink or orangy white on the top, and less so around the edge of the apple. Hope it make sense to you :) Youre doing great so far, keep up the good work!

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