AfricanVoodoo's Sketchbook
Quote:I was referring to the majority of the people on here (and in real life) that says that I improved a lot since [time frame]. I dunno... I feel like that is just not enough for me. It is cool that I am getting better but is that really all you can say about it?... So... I was hoping that along the road, I can improve enough to the point where there will be more than just "well... you can got better".

I do understand quite a bit. Like the 'is this better' answer to that question isn't enough anymore whether it garners an approval or not. I think I upped the stakes from 'is this better' to 'would you buy this'; which is a totally different scenario altogether. I recently went and sold at a convention and my sales tanked hard. That got me to thinking to approach a veteran artist who's in the same business as I am and try to get pointers.

Which in turn, going back to the matter at hand, have you tried approaching local working artists in the same field you're doing and ask for their opinion? Audience and amateur opinion is one thing, someone doing it as their job is another.

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
[Image: srLx60y.png]:
Quote:I do understand quite a bit. Like the 'is this better' answer to that question isn't enough anymore whether it garners an approval or not. I think I upped the stakes from 'is this better' to 'would you buy this'; which is a totally different scenario altogether. I recently went and sold at a convention and my sales tanked hard. That got me to thinking to approach a veteran artist who's in the same business as I am and try to get pointers.

Which in turn, going back to the matter at hand, have you tried approaching local working artists in the same field you're doing and ask for their opinion? Audience and amateur opinion is one thing, someone doing it as their job is another.

Facts. It just isn't a strong enough reaction for me, especially since improvement is GOING to happen anyways if I keep at it.
Aaaaand.... no, I have not tried to talk to people in the industry nor locals because that requires driving and I have school work to do. Well... there is no excuse after all since we have  

  and I can talk to them whenever I want, but honestly it never crossed my mind to do that sort of thing (and I don't like to be a burden). And an opinion on what? My art? OOOOOOOOOOO, time to get fucking destroyed. im ready. But in actual seriousness, I might just talk to character designers and people in the animation industry mostly about design, fundamentals, marketing yourself... I should write this shit down.
 sup, there is only one piece of art here

and its this piece of music here
Saturday - Sunday

[Image: nWJ6vmo.png]
(Art): An update on this sudden burst of motivation to open my Paint Tool Sai for once. 

Hmm... I guess I am a little bit more aware about line weight and the blocks of shadow nowadays. I tried really hard to make the piece not boring to look at and I don't know if I succeeded in that. I'm not sure if the bold outline is like... a crutch, y'know? Like the bold outline is obviously making the character and lineart pop but if I take it away, will it look as appealing to people anyways? I shouldn't worry about it because I know I'm not going to experiment with that. On the plus side, if I color this, it could be a sticker or those enamel pins that I see. But that requires value studies... 

[Image: giphy.gif]

and skin and color studies...

[Image: 761GZ.gif]

I started getting random screentones from Google and using it in the hair and such. Just a little experime- OOOOO I should warp the screentone to go along with the rhythm of his hair! Why didn't I think of this?! (probs cause it was 11 at night when i was doing this)


Yup, I only had the weekend to do some shit. Now essays and reports are coming out of the wazoo and I couldn't do anything in terms of art. I got into an AP Drawing class and it requires me to put up a portfolio of sorts for the big bad business people to see. Anxiety is still hitting hard because I still do not know if people who are actually into the arts and shit is going to even give me their time of day. I refuse to get jaded by random strangers and friends who compliment me, I love them (not the strangers ew) but having low expectations is key... I guess I really do need to talk to some people from the industry... 

shhiiittttt, I did so much figure studies!! UGH. I wanna get back to it, I am going to prepare my workspace tomorrow so that when I come home from school the figures (and maybe portraits ooooooo) will be there for me because this is the third week in a row where I only did tiny sketches of characters and shit. Not only that... it is time to get structural with my anatomy. It is hard to find a good balance between gestural and structural but knowing me, I'll find a way even if it doesn't make sense.

So... goals. 
  • use more boxes and solid shit for figures
  • actually draw the figures
  • draw more hooman faces
  • sleep
  • write down those fundamental vocab cause i still didn't do that

Alright Imma just dump the shit right here right now lets go

[Image: 3ZcUYcf.png]
[Image: Eeqf3tr.png]
[Image: LMhydD9.png]
[Image: wr1DcAZ.png]
[Image: 9P3sXwa.png]
(yea thats a cat i fucked up)
[Image: 61oHzFP.png]
[Image: CemdfxR.png]
[Image: GcsJkZ4.png]
[Image: UaviRTX.png]
[Image: u7w9162.png]
[Image: FTxbE6Y.png]
[Image: eEkIs4h.png]
(WIP, going to take a pretty comic book/cel-shaded look for this. I'm just experimenting since color is def not my shits)

[Image: X7rVtln.png]
[Image: 43PIUtY.png]

I'm sorry that there are not that many studies (the girls and Africans are from ref actually) and I am all over the place. I am on Thanksgiving Break right now, so I will actually attempt to do some daily posts until Sunday. Let's see what I conjure up these next few days.

So uh yup, that's what I have been up to these days.


i really fucking love this song

Alrighty then, here is what I did today.

[Image: QNADYJh.png]
[Image: k5EI6YD.jpg]

(Art): Pretty much what I did this morning. I wanted to learn how to draw pelvises so I went the Proko route and tried to do some bucket exercises. I am going to continue practicing with those types of cylinders until I get it down kinda okayishly. Then I did some gestures and figures. I was looking through Hampton's book and he has this thing where he draws this box for the shoulder girdle and I tried it out here... nothin much to say about that. Then some cube heads.

[Image: 5tFDdBb.png]
[Image: male_full05.jpg]

(Art): I was taking a break from doing those cylinders (since I get bored easily) and I did some dude just standing from Freshdesigner. His legs got me fucked up and he was 7 heads tall which I didn't notice so that study was a dud. I'm gong to try again tomorrow. 

 My goal at the moment is to work on my form and construction and to find a way to find a happy medium between gestures and form! 

[Image: WLLV1ZE.png]

(Art): Rowlett from Pokemon Sun/Moon (i think). This was just suppose to be a quick and fun lineart practice for me and theeeennn... fuck. I was kind of being dumb during this whole thing and all I can say is... use the bucket tool next time.
[Image: jySfsHG.png]

(Art): I showed this off yesterday but I revamped it for Instagram and it took me so fucking long to edit, resize, erase/add the screentone, etc. Soooo... Imma flaunt this like it's my child

k bye see ya tomorrow

I like some of these construction things you're doing! Try rotating them in your mind, it's hard AS FUCK!!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
[Image: DcWJ3MA.png]

[Image: giphy-1.gif?resize=510%2C446]
indeed it is. thank you for visiting!



[Image: mSpRHa7.png]
(Art): Started off with buckets and I planned on moving on to the more complex forms in the pelvis but as you can see with the last page I kind of diverged away from that. I wanted to learn how to draw a head that is looking down and that was how far I got with that. I am going to continue with the pelvis construction (I am still working on cutting out the wedge. like... the half-circle and the wall would change in size with every drawing so I gotta practice a little bit more with that) but I'll save the head angle practice for another time.

I think I got the bucket down a little bit but the main problem I have is keeping the ellipses tilted the same way while I decrease its size. I draw the big ellipse first then I ghost the first ellipse and slowly move downwards on the page while decreasing the width of the original ellipse, then I draw the smaller ellipse. But there are times where the smaller ellipse would be tilted too much, slide to one side... its fucking annoying. Still gonna work on it because I do want to learn how to draw a pelvis. it can make me one of the cool kidz

[Image: HGztTkT.jpg]
(Art): Stopped with the heads and went on to gestures and figures. For the whole time, I was trying so hard to combine gestural lines with solid forms and it was... ehh. I do want to experiment with this a little bit more though. 

Also, been readin up on the Hampton's again and I am still inspired by the way he does his gestures. Like, he says to be free with the lines but he still adds form unto his gestures and I find that interesting.

[Image: j357L3d.png]

(Art): Annnddd finally, some head sketches from reference.

My family came over so the desktop was occupied and I was limited to just drawing traditionally. I really wanted to work on that Rowlett illustration too. Welp anywho, tomorrow, I am going to primarily focus on Proko's way of constructing a pelvis and doing a greater number of solid form/gestural figure studies than today (and I'll try and make it neater).

(and i forgot to do another study of the dude standing from last post, fuck)

Hi! Nice studies here! I find Proko very helpful as well.
I really like your Scruffy character, very fresh. You even have a story for him! But it's unfinished, would be great igf you pushed the standing figure more, just in lineart, and it would make a ready concept.
Also it's a good idea, after you've drawn say 5 heads from ref, to close everything and draw a head from your memory or imagination, to apply and help the brain chunk what you've learned.

[Image: FBjaN6S.png]: Thank you! But a couple of questions. 
  • What specifically is unfinished? 
  • And what do you mean by pushing the "standing figure" more? Do you mean the pose itself or me doing lineart of it?
I do want to do that sort of practice regiment some more but I think I am afraid of it because I work pretty slow so I thought it would be too time-consuming. Guess I would have to speed up. 

Anyways, thank you for visiting!

can someone buy me this game please thanks

[Image: ItTpqck.jpg]

Whoops, I was suppose to mark which ones were reference and which ones were from imagination in PS. Sigh. I guess all you need to know is that the majority of these are from reference and all those heads with the planes are from imagination.

(Art): So it is mostly just figure studies again with more cubes and cylinders. The main problem I had while doing this set was the inability to rotate a box and leg placement, which you can see prominently on the bottom half. The box for the pelvis always screws me up whenever the figure is in like... 3/4 view and I honestly do not know why. But I did sort of successfully rotated the box by drawing the side plane first, then the rest while keeping the midpoint in mind.

[Image: e14b3caef4799bbeb1489ff11b0131fd?AccessK...oworigin=1]
(Source: Croquis Cafe)
and this was the pose that got me fuckd up

Next is the legs. If you look at the figures at the bottom, its hard to see but I was looping the line of the right leg back in order to find the true thickness of the right thigh. In hindsight, the solution was is really simple. Just find the line for the bootycrack (and the form of the butt in general) and then loop it around to the front. Even though I did that in the study, I didn't have this mindset while drawing it. If I run into that problem again I definitely need to think about this.

[Image: HtP2MIM.png]

(Art): A few gestures at the top, then went into figures with more forms and some head and lips from imagination. I could've drawn more on this page but I went on Photoshop to...

[Image: dga4tiJ.png]

(Art): ...finish this thing up. Jeez, it was a just a tiny sketch and I did the absolute most with this one. I might have to straighten up some of the linework and then I would be done with this shit. And I see the tiny blue triangle in Rowlett's left eye, im deleting that asap.

I obtained some techniques from actual comic book artists. Like to make your colors seem a little bit more unified, you just get a single color on a separate layer on top of everything, and then (at least what I did) put that layer into Screen mode and then adjust the opacity or the color itself to get the mood that you want. 

I also do this thing where when I use the lasso tool to get a part of the art, I fill those parts in with just a random color in a separate layer and then turn that layer off. Now if I want to go back to the selected lasso part(s), I would turn on that layer with the random color, use the Magic Wand tool to select the part(s), then turn the layer back off and the selected part(s) would still be there! Now I can do my work without retracing everything with the lasso tool over and over again. It really works, and it is a time-saver!

So... yeah. I would like my digitally painted art to look something like this. Actually, to be a little more accurate...
[Image: 7QDr1gN.jpg?1]
(Source: JinsOnlyGurl) Thank you Patrick!!

I want my art to pretty much look like this in the future. I like the simple, cel-shaded, comic book-y type of work and artists like BrotherBaston, Nuri and theCHAMBA (links) leave a pretty big impact on me. Of course, I want more variety in colors and, like theCHAMBA, have more complicated forms and shadow shapes on the subject unlike the example above. I know it is too early for me to be thinking about style when I barely do portraits, let alone value studies, but let a man dream.

[Image: sMMbGql.png]

(Art): And some buff bois to end off the night. I gotta dig up some of my old art and find some anatomy studies similar to this to see if i improved because I don't actually see that much progress aside from seeing the forms of the muscles a little bit better.

Also, with the front view body... the chest looks really small. Probs because of the lats I gave this dude.
[Image: 6OAvrZG.png]
(Source: VishStudio)
 its definitely the lats.

Okay yeah, I'm done now. I should continue with drawing the stupid pelvis already because that is a goal that I made for myself so I should make it. Then I got two more digital art things to think about. One is the random Demon Soldier thing I was working on and then coloring Arron with the goggles. I should do the lineart for that demon first because I KNOW I will not get back to it if I just leave it. That also requires studying rotten flesh, bone structure, and actual black and white comic book illustrations. I'll jot that down.

Anyways yeah, bye.

The source of that image is here:

If you're in chrome you can right click an image and "Search for image in google" or just paste into the image search in google and it should be able to find it somewhere!

Comparing some studies from your first page to your recent work, I'd say theres a clear improvement. That said, it's hard to say from my perspective with 100% certainty, as I don't know what the time investment to do either of these studies was, but I think there's a better understanding of form and anatomy in your latest work than on the first page, regardless of whatever amount of time was spent

[Image: 2h58v10.jpg]

As for the pelvis, In my opinion, I wouldn't worry too much about fully 1:1 applying the box method or the bucket method; It's more of an abstraction to help understand the general form than something you must be able to draw in your studies. Keep the idea in mind when observing figures or constructing your own, but don't feel obliged to actually draw them out. The only exception is if you're following proko or someone else's program and its part of the homework.

If you want more specific feedback feel free to reach out :)

[Image: ASeMxjT.png]: Thank you thank you thank you so much!! You are a literal lifesaver! And thank you for telling me how to do it too! I went unto the Pinterest post that I got the art from and put who made it in the comments because I just could not believe they just... posted someone's shit like that. Nuh uh no way sis. 

Anyways. For the pelvis thing, yeah I know it is kinda extraneous to actually learn how to draw a pelvis. But that is pretty much how I roll honestly. I like to learn and knowing some details or extra knowledge about different subjects is my shit. For example:
  • Me attempting to take a 5th Science course (Anatomy and Physiology) when I only need 3 Science credits
  • Me taking Art History on Virtual School 
  • Me watching competitive fighting game tournaments and learning their terms even tho i don't play competitively
  • Me reading a whole blog of writing tips even tho i don't write that much (which is right here, go check it out)
  • Me analyzing and drawing figures in extreme angles when i can barely do one in a normal angle
See what I mean? I kind of have a 'fuck it, why not' attitude with this sort of thing.

So yeah. Thank you for visiting!


[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=8331645]
[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=6090686]
[Image: daniell-yoga-spread-rhonj.gif?w=685]

Y'know I could've posted earlier on in the week but... y'know.
Also! *sniff*, I wanna give a whole shout out to my U.S. Government class and teacher *blows nose and wipes tears* for being so fucking boring and unexciting that I drew a whole lot of shit on my study packets so I can get some mileage for the day. (seriously, all that man do is occasionally talk about our subject in front of the class and then gives us Crash Course videos and 10 quizzes. hes frustrating)

[Image: l0trKza.jpg]

(Art): Most of the sketches I did while in class (obviously, not the smiling Arron). And yes, that's irresponsible and I am going to try to cut down on doodling. I am back in this weird phase where I just experiment heavily with dynamic poses. Foreshortening is a still a bitch tho.

[Image: Q8MAdUA.jpg]
[Image: tr9z6KK.jpg]
(Art): Doodles while at school. I was thinking about a character for the longest time but I could not find a design for him that I actually... enjoy looking at. So this was some practice for me while I was just chillin in class. And some other shit while I was bored.

[Image: p1nI323.jpg]

(Art): the doo-dels. I gotta remember that the middle third of the deltoid is lower than the rest so I gotta make sure I make that clear next time.

[Image: FXDLC9B.png]
[Image: 66TUqmy.png]

(Art): Some lineart practice/thingies I was doing. I am just experimenting with some shit these days.

Yup. That's it. I am definitely getting in the hang with digital stuff now. I am doing another lineart practice right now actually and I am getting to learn a little bit more about the power of Clip Studio Paint. Of course, no pelvis studies... or any studies for that matter. Just putting my brain on the paper.

ANYWAYS look at this
[img=0x0][/img][Image: tumblr_p08xupHEC11s5oglco1_540.png]
(Source: Cosimo Galluzzi)
isn't it pretty?

so yeah, imma fanboy about that Bayo 3 teaser and do some homework. Later.

Hi there I'm still alive.

"Yeah Rogue, she's sexy and smooth."
"Give up the emerald! Or die, I don't love you!"

[Image: E9Nuiw5.gif]
this song is still a bop tho

[Image: MRHFtbc.png]
[Image: yXU3sb1.png]
[Image: uIqxLhN.png]

make him chubby

Yeah I am on Christmas Break and now I only got one more week left and I was just doing lineart and shit for a portfolio. But YALL, I got a 3.7 GPA this quarter!! I mean... I was gonna choke out my Government teacher for nearly giving me a B at the last moment but my suave...ness was too much for him and I got that A. I'm happy but I am still in recovery from all the essays and boring lectures. 

(Art): These were all when I was in school so I didn't do any drawing during the break. A lot of the doodles on this page has been turned into lineart...

[Image: u2a86f8.png]
[Image: jduCvkk.png]

The majority of my break is going to be focusing on digital shit. I never get to do anything with digital art and I already expressed my discontent with my lineart skills, so I thought it would be a good oppotunity to just... practice and learn and  Sun D I S C O V E R Sun

(Art): I'm just finding my ground here and exploring the programs that I use. I am learning more about Clip Studio Paint the more I use it and thank god cause I didn't spend 20(?) bucks on this shit for nothin.

[Image: kJp0dAv.png]
(edit: the art was too big and stretched so i had to fix it)
(Art): Alright, yall remember this? So, on DeviantArt there is this critique group that I'm in (and no tea no shade no pink lemonade, but some of the members critiques are not super helpful) and I send this in and one person was like "well, you should do this and that and then actually ink this" and I was like "ew" BUT, as you can see from the past work that I do, I don't do that much full body character designs so I gave it a shot. I started editing the sketch because I like doing that before I start inking and jesus beesus on a lemon squeezsus.

  • His legs were so close together like... What is a penis?
  • His legs in general were kind of awkward like... he pretty much has to force himself to make his left foot be behind the right (and the left foot is broken).
  • Because I altered his legs, I had to redraw his boots which a fucking bitch to draw.
  • hands
  • Because I am now taking this seriously, I had to add things on the top part of the design to kind of balance things out.
  • In turn, I removed some random shit from the pants to not make it cluttered.
  • His face was okay in the original, but something was just... off, so I played around with that. Fortunately, I like the edit more.
  • actually, i think his nose is way too close to his eyes in the edit.
  • hands
This shit took two whole sessions on two different days like... wow. Just for fucking editing? Also if y'all have anything to say just say it (please give me pointers about hands).

[Image: QH6Hj8t.png]
[Image: 3msajCu.png]
[Image: Ge0NdEP.png]

(Art): Color Theory who?

And a turnaround? That's inked?? And colored?!
[Image: BxaQLwp.png]
i astonish even myself

Also, this is the first time I have actually attempted to fully colored and render a Steam Soul character (talkin about the blue jacket dude for those wondering). Writer friend seems to like it. Hopefully the Cool Pants Arron piece will be inked so I can make that the second fully rendered piece.

All in all, I'm trying out new things for the cost of not traditionally drawing that much. Ehhhhh, I do need to go back to figure studies because I have not done any studies for the past 2 weeks. I was busy death dropping in the hallways after I found dat 3.7 GPA. like seriously, i astonish myself sometimes.


Okay, this is related to the whole... learning and Sun  D I S C O V E R I N G  Sun digital lineart-ing and shit.

[Image: cerz5Qx.png]

So I started inking this (after editing EVEN more) and obviously, I hit some walls. Mainly the fucking hands (I had to take like... 4 pictures to kind of get the hand that I wanted). But another wall rose up ever since I started doing lineart (I think). My lines are so... uuughghh. Y'know what I mean? They are so... ew. Something about my linework was so boring and static and it always repelled me from doing more because why do I want to look at something that I hate. Also, I always wanted my work to have a good amount of detail, yet I was never getting that sort of lineart where the lines are crisp and expressive yet small enough to make tinier details pop. I was getting a little fed up with that and I gave up on another project that I was doing because of the unsatisfactory linework. Now that I am doing something like this where I HAVE to put in a lot of detail, I started pondering and thinking...

...while I was listening to this jam.

this song literally put me in a trance

 I then remembered this little comic on Tumblr about painting and doing art in general. It was a very humorous comic about handling your illustrations...

...Then I remembered one of her advice. 

Look... Whenever I crop my sketches from my sketchbook, I keep the image size the same. If the image of the sketch is 500px then so is the lineart. I veered my eyes towards the dimensions at the top of my computer, and it said the Arron image was approximately 700px x 1000px. I simply changed the width to 5000px or something and I did some test runs. 

Yall... my lines... were crisp, clean, expressive, wonderful, extravagant, descriptive, soulful, free, sharper, dynamicfruitful, and most importantly, they were able to make smaller details visible. Whenever I shrink or enlarge a specific line, it doesn't get all pixely and ugly, it stays relatively the same. The solution was super simple and I didn't think of it! So yeah, all of the lineart you guys saw from me were VERY small images, which ultimately limited... everything.

[Image: u2a86f8.png]

For example, the sketch of this illustration was insanely small and I kept the lineart the same size. Which totally explains why the lines are so fucking thick. If I go even smaller it's going to be way harder to do shit so I might as well make the brush big right? Sigh... fuuuck.

 Anyways, Cool Pants Arron right here will be the first to have a huge image. (Oh and I should mention, I didn't do that much lineart after changing the image size cause it was late I wanna sleep, so most of the lines here were pre-discovery. Still contemplating if I should redo the whole thing (just kidding fuck that)(actually if the boring and expressive lines clash too much then i might have to redo it)).

I didn't have to type this but i might as well document the time I blew myself away by doing simple corrections.

[Image: yMUViHk.png]

(Art): Oh and I am... kinda done with this? I probs have to go back and clean the line art cause its kind of Yikesville right now. Not gonna do any drastic changes (even though the collar thing on the jacket looks pretty wonky) I fixed some of it during the illustration but I actually like this piece so I might as well go back and make it look better. I am actually digging how I did his hair, I always wanted Sorn's hair to have that comic book-y style. I dunno what to call it but look up Nightwing and that was pretty much what I wanted for him. It is not exactly how they do hair in comics but I like my way so Imma keep it!

I was gonna talk about something else and explain why I'm doing all this work but next time... time. 

im sleepy. bye.

Welp, fuck posting on Sundays now.

[Image: CiF9ZE7.png]

(Art): makeover.

 I actually did end up redoing his entire head with my newfound knowledge. This was before I had to go back to school so I never worked on this since last Friday. I saved the weekend for Black Mirror and laying down in my bed in silence while thinking about the shitstorm that is coming this school year.

Anywho, his mouth is not final cause I'm tired of trying to have characters with their mouth open then I just resort back to the Smile™. Done with that shit, it's time I need to figure things out and find the right shapes. And a daily reminder that hands are still a bitch. 

Alright, I'm gonna make a checklist of what I need to fix right now so when I come back to this I can just clear those out.

Attention everybody!

[Image: K3dSZbJ.png]

i finally tried it.

And it was a good learning experience :)

I have been listening to so much music lately

Also try out:
- The Sunleth Waterscape - Final Fantasy XIII
- Wish - Final Fantasy XIII-2
- I'm Still Here - Steven Universe
- Dearly Beloved - Kingdom Hearts II
- Companions That Surpassed Their Tribe - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
- This Is True Love Makin' - Capcom vs. SNK 2
- Staff Roll - Marvel vs. Capcom 2
- That Far - 6LACK
- Magypsy's Home, Sweetie-Pie - Mother 3
- Sao Paulo (Sean's Theme) - Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact

i like music

     So um... yeah. What's up?

Y'all already know why I don't post on here that often so Imma save all of that. Senior year is genuinely getting more hectic as the year goes on. Actually, this school year in general is becoming more eventful for me.

The highlight of this eventfulness is my acceptance letter to Florida Southern with an Ordway (i think) Scholarship! I dunno how tf i got that shit but i am not gonna question! I didn't turn in my SATs yet and they already accepted me... with a not very cheap scholarship... hmm.

Other than that, it was just tests and supporting my friend ever since I was gone.

[Image: nAgUS27.png]
[Image: i2KGzK3.png]
[Image: Joqdvbc.jpg]

(Art): This is me just... splattering my brain unto the page while I was at school. I usually doodle at the end of school and then go home to either sleep or do any homework.

I am thinking of another character that was in my head for like... centuries. Imma call him Theas. Not gonna say much on him yet. 

Plus, some motorcycles because I was running low on things to draw so I looked up some motorcycles and tried to find some shapes and patterns between multiple motorcycle models. I hope I can make a good motorcycle some day.

[Image: aBLERYr.jpg]

(Art): Just a study of some dude + the two drawings that I did while I was zoomed out. My ultimate strive for likenesses in faces continues! Maybe I could draw some porportion lines on top of the photo, or I could rewatch Dorian's Accuracy Guide again to get some pointers. I dunno, I just want to be able to say yes when the 10091023801928th person ask me to draw them. I was going to do more but I still suck at likenesses so I am going to get back to yall with all of that.

OOOO i almost fucking forgot. The reason why I did this in the first place is because I watched Marco Bucci on Youtube and he made a video where he explained how he finds shadows and lighting while studying. He finds them via very abstract shapes that the painter/illustrator used in their painting. It was really interesting and I wanted to see if I could try that out myself and voila. I am not sure if it is obvious but you can see where I blocked out the abstract shapes for the shadows on his face.

[Image: 9c0nF4f.png]
[Image: 17Hh8i8.png]
[Image: m1Tbvhc.png]

(Art): Pokemon but in a very experimental style. I remember doing these kinds of lineless illustrations back during summer and they were hideous. These don't look too bad tbh. These were pretty fun and quick to do and it helps me relax after a long week. I might do more, but I gotta focus on some other shit.

[Image: mt94pUm.png]

(Art): This will most likely be the last time I will post another update on this. So that little critique group thing on DeviantArt (where I am pretty sure only one or two people participate in now, that's depressing) gave me some pointers and shit and this is what I shit out. I am not going to mention everything that I changed but I gave a shadow near his cheekbone, altered the background, put some sparkle desu in his eyes (you can barely see it), and I went back in the lineart and drew an actual pocket on his jacket instead of just some rectangle. 

Mmmmmyup, pretty content with this. I'm done, moving on.

[Image: iZUu6re.jpg]

(Art): HEAVY modifications with this one. Changed some colors, added texture and simple shading. I was thinking about this character a lot and what his backstory would be like. I was asking myself questions 'Why is he covering so much of his body with a sweater and a jacket?' and what not. The answer was not exactly what I expected but I like the answer. And as usual, imma keep it to myself for now.

[Image: oAfV8Mc.png]

(Art): SiiggghhHHHAOIHIAHDIAUGKDGUAIDGLIU. I am actually FUCKING fed up with this damn hand. LIKE, I should've been done with this entire thing already!!! This is literally the only hurdle I need to jump right now and I am tripping and falling on my damn face. The only alternative I have right now is to just scrap that hand all together and go for something simple. Oh wait, there is another hurdle that I have to jump over too. His hands are... normal (but slightly thick). I use my hands as reference and not only are my hands big, my fingers look like
[Image: uO5mDpX.jpg]

and that is not what Arron's hands look like obviously. So I myself have to imagine these yard sticks as normal (but slightly thick) fingers and I ALWAYS make them look weird and unnatural. DUUUDDEE


anyways, I rearranged a lot of things like his right leg and the angle of his legs in general (its really subtle), angle of his left foot, his eyebrows, etc. I added more of those padding looking things on his pants, a couple more details and shoelaces :) I don't want to give up on this piece, I genuinely want to see it completed... but his FUCKING HANDS!

That's it. 

February is my birth month AND Black Panther is coming out AND I get to visit my college AND another month of me sleeping. This is gonna be great.

keep at it man crush those hands, maybe its the finger proportion that you need theres notes about it and diagrams in hamptonts anatomy book

great sb and latest updates!



When in doubt ask yourself, what would scooby do?
*does that twisting wrist wave the Queen of England does* hello

This song is a  B O P

Well let's see what I got for you all.

[Image: 1RbSkXg.png]

Ooooo, a ton of bullshit for the 500th post in a row? Well let's get to it then.

[Image: 6AR5i9K.png]: Aww, thank you for the encouragement dude, that's very sweet of you. I really do need to pop open the Hampton once more. But your encouragement helped me draw a hand that I am kindasortaeehhhhhhhh okay with.

[Image: thleOtJ.png]

(Art): Ba-bam. I have the flat colors down but I think I want to do something new in terms of the background and lighting. Tired of doing these boring shit, time to get... concept arty. But my ideas right now is a little too ambitious for me so I'll see what I can do about that. (I would mention doing studies but at this point im not even gonna try to entertain that thought)

[Image: 78lRBAT.jpg]
[Image: a9pbwJu.png]

(Art): A bunch of 30 second gestures that I got from SenshiStock. I like that they play around with camera angles and perspective in their photos, not a lot of figure drawing site has photos that has a bird's/worm's eye view of their models. And their website makes finding the right poses for you really easy, very nice figure drawing website. 

Anyways, next time I gotta increase the time a lot because I gotta incorporate structure into these noodle people. I STILL need to find a way to efficiently combine both gesture and structure at the same time.

[Image: mtAuAAZ.jpg]
[Image: 1qpS1Y2.jpg]

(Art): The original and digital versions of a page of expressions of Cornell. I originally did not want to color him but I fucking blinked and then this happened so I kept it. Dynamic expressions still doesn't click with me but I'm getting there.

[Image: OdQ92LZ.jpg]

(Art): Just wanted to do something in between the Arron illustration. Its pretty good to have a secondary project to do sometimes so I won't get bored. I get distracted way too easily so I definitely need to always have a secondary project along with the primary. Keeps the wheels turning. I kind of like the middle one.

Plus I need to switch around the words for that title. It should be "Garius Body Type & Costume Exploration".

[Image: Nkd1zSC.png]

(Art): So for my art class want me to do 12 illustrations that correspond to my artist statement or whatever the fuck. Well, I like diversity and meeting a variety of personalities. And I like medieval fantasy shit so here you go. I want to do 12 illustrations that features 12 RPG classes that has a distinct feel, body type, silhouette, etc. for each illustration. This is a Paladin.

I am working on a Beasttamer and a Druid. 

Wow, four hours to write a whole lot of nothing.

My birthday just passed by... I watched Black Panther with my friend... My friend bought me the Bayonetta 1 + 2 bundle for the Switch but i dont have a Switch... Writer friend told me Happy Birthday at 10:30 at night... that was peachy... I bought Metroid Prime and never touched it... aaaannnddd....

All this work is for a portfolio...

I didn't want to say it on here cause my brain was like "they gonna drag you bro. you working on a portfolio when you can barely draw a damn hand. these people working 10 times harder than you and you think you can just come up in here and think you are movin up in life? bye sweetie"

Well FYI me, you little bitch, this is for Florida Southern to see how much scholarship money I can make. I want to major in Graphic Design so the professor of the Art department emailed me and was like "Well I suggest you put in a portfolio for us that has at least 15-20 images". And I was like "fuq. i only like -5 things of the shit that i draw im fucked." So that is the main reason why i am doing all of this stuff. I barely made enough images and the deadline is approaching fast.

And school's a bitch, whats new. 

That's it. See ya next decade.


I feel like such a weeb and a mom for liking this type of music

[Image: u7PhUR7.jpg]

(Art): A whole ton of boxes and shit. I gotta go back to that Youtube channel that showed the "human head as boxes" trick because I think I need to start varying up my head angles and shit.

[Image: xYWrfvi.jpg]
[Image: 16uM1cf.png]

(Art): Studies?! I decided as a warm up, I should study the leg muscles again because I keep forgetting where the muscles are. And I also have no idea how the forms of the quads look like whenever the leg is turned so that was interesting to see. Next is to see the side and back of the leg to see what rhythms I can find in that department.

[Image: 6cKqCmu.jpg]
[Image: 3c98h4p.jpg]
[Image: e1rbVzj.jpg]
[Image: 1gRyQP8.jpg]
[Image: h4quiPr.jpg]

(Art): Studies?!² These were cooldown sketches of people on Pinterest.

Uumm... yeah, these are really inaccurate.

[Image: afjUPDi.jpg]

(Art): The Paladin/Templar person is... complete? I got tired once I reached the legs so I'll see if I can do something more interesting with them. Oh and weapon design is definitely a first for me so I took a bunch of references and mashed it together like fucking mashed potatoes.

Next up is a Zoologist.

I should just stop waiting around for new art to put on posts because it is never going to happen.

 Um... yeah. Nothing really happened to me (except some really stressful and disheartening drama that leaves my heart beating fast everytime i have to confront it) so I am just drawing because I actually have the time again to do it. 

The whole portfolio thing went kind of well I suppose. 

Uuummmm... yeah bye and fuck yall for not telling me Arnold came out the pussy as a fucking wrestler buff baby.

[Image: j5fJWFv.gif]

move aside, im back in this bitch.

WOAH i actually remember saying that I wanted this game earlier on in my thread. Well i have it now and it is really good with nice character development and bullshit bosses amazing music, as you can see here.

Yadda yadda school whatever anyways, let's see what the fuck i did during my long slumber. I'm just gonna dump everything here with some commentary if I need to say something. Out of character for me I know, but I never posted in a while so let's just go.

[Image: 6AGx2tb.png]
(this was the only thing i did terms of studying, I tried to do the whole reference then imagination thing and it takes lots of patience. this shit takes a long time)

[Image: QCNBLRL.png]
[Image: AKkAzVE.jpg]
[Image: uoAik0o.jpg]
[Image: vkPRl8q.jpg]
[Image: usUekzj.jpg]
[Image: kPkQNl6.png]

(Art): This post is basically compromised of "Me" art. Everyday I always have something to do like essays and essays and most definitely essays, so I just doodle in class and I usually called it a day. Thats why I just sort of resort to drawing for myself rather than doing something a little bit more worth while. And some of the art is... uhm... REALLY for me... um, yes.

sigh. and i stayed in my comfort zone a lot, so i apologize for the faces that seem to look similar in this post.

[Image: wZ93Hqm.jpg]
[Image: K3UbYLE.jpg]
[Image: GlRZMvE.jpg]
[Image: i8s3PxL.jpg]
(Artwork study of the artist for Final Fantasy 12. It was kind of pointless but it was interesting to see how anime pointy chins work)

[Image: DhBd90G.png]
[Image: 6948d6v.jpg]
[Image: d9ipYps.jpg]
(Fanart: Leon from the Dead or Alive series!)

[Image: d1STITg.png]

(Art): I think this is all of the digital sketches that I have done so far. Of course, I might revisit some of these in the future (like WW2 Mario and the turnaround)

[Image: x2wlUiF.jpg]
[Image: oYiovjS.jpg]
[Image: TQvWjlz.png]
(Fanart: Bors from Fire Emblem: Binding Blade)

[Image: gKt4uqa.jpg]
[Image: 4NRMULe.jpg]
[Image: ZE9d73A.png]
(ehhh here comes the homoerotic shit.(i mean... it already arrived but its apparent here) Beefy Asian's peewee isn't visible but I still dont want something so lewd on a site like this soo TAKE THAT! You can tune in to my Tumblr to see the uncensored because Tumblr is full of freaks like me so its ok.)

Um yup, that's what I have been up to. I still have finals to do and then weeeeeee im free again until August.

Aight, im out of this bitch.


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