Value Control
Hi guys! This is my first post in the forum.

I'd like to ask about value control especially in an artwork that focuses on one character.

Right now I have the tendency to make the focal point (which is usually the face) stand out and make it the brightest one (so the main source of light is from above or behind (with secondary light from above left/right)) and just make it darker and darker as it goes down to the feet.

The problem is that I don't find this quite good enough and not versatile enough in a lot of situation. How to get good value control? Sometimes I see artworks that look muddy or losing focal point because the values are kinda all over the place. Especially because eyes have the tendency to focus on the brightest place (or the area with most contrast) first. I need some tips, tricks, and knowledge to avoid this. :(

I'm also still struggling in saturation. Which part should be more saturated and which part should be more desaturated? I've tried to observe other artists' artworks, and it seems that each has different approaches. Sometimes it works so well, sometimes it doesn't. 

All feedback, tips and tricks are really appreciated! Thanks a lot!
Cant really give useful feed back with out seeing your art work.

do still lives

Go join the Notan study group. It'll help you to separate the lights from the darks, which will help contain values where they're supposed to be.
Still lives are probably the best way to improve in terms of color and value(which is just one part of color), I noticed that painting from life is way harder than using photo reference, picking right colors isn't that easy, but it also gives a lot more improvement. When it comes to courses I recommend 'Painting with Light and Color' with Dice Tsutsumi and Robert Kondo on Schoolism, I'm in the middle of this one and it's already gave me a lot.

sorry I forgot to open the forum after asking the question guys, got busy with life and work and such. MASSIVE THANKS to everyone who helps!!

I got to watch Nathan Fowkes' colors on schoolism and it was awesome, I learned a lot. I'd like to watch Tonko House's Painting with Light and COlor too but dunno if I can afford it haha ^^

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