Inktober 2016!
Alright! third time's the charm.

Didn't have time to really shade : (

Day 13, starting to get back into it now, last couple days felt a bit dodgy.

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Cute Bunnies Jyonny! Id suggest studying their anatomy a bit closer tho, especially the leg area (ofc, theese could easily be included in a childrens book or similar, but you can always trive to take it to the next level)  Thumbs_up

Inktober 14/31

[Image: YOseUhg.jpg]

Inktober 15/31 - Double post get!  Blushing

[Image: 4oul8Uu.jpg]

Cheers Dennis, I did look at some bunny anatomy but wanted to try not sticking to it so much, idk just experimenting : D

more bunnies today:

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Happy fan art friday... I tried to draw Mega man and realized two things.

1) I like looking at Capcom art from the 90s to the early 2000s.

2) Those artist are actually robots themselves...

Kayo Those look really nice! nice shapes and nice sense of volume, great job : )

I have some physical health problems, couldn't really sit and draw, might even have to abandon this, we'll see. Just a little cartoon doodle from me. Sharpie is quite fun to ink with!

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Im sorry to hear that Jvonny! Take care of yourself and get well soon! :)

Inktober 16/31

[Image: HxGVnmp.jpg]

Zorro Thanks man, and I'll say again I love that bridge, great lighting overall and I like the way you did the leaves on the trees. Would love to see some more environments  : )

I'm determined to finish the challenge, just won't spend as much time on each one like before. Today's character:

^ This is how I usually sketch, then I trace out the shapes on a new page in pencil and make everything nice and clear and fix any little issues and ink again carefully.

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Go for it Jvonny! I know you can do it!  Thumbs_up

Inktober 17/31

[Image: GrZpEpR.jpg]

Dennis Great pose and costume and expression in that figure, everything looks really solid and I like the stylisation. Only thing would be some more extreme flapping fabric / hair / necktie in the wind as he's running to really sell that movement, feels just a little static as it is. Great job though!

Just some quick cartoon faces from me, hopefully I can get back to doing some more developed stuff at some point.

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Thanks for the crits Jyonny! Im happy to see that you are still hanging in there after all! I checked out your sketchbook the other day, and its truly amazing to see how far youve come with both art and your life! I felt really inspired to read about it!  Thumbs_up

Heres another landscape from a dream I had some time back:

Inktober 18/31

[Image: CqMQ30o.jpg]

Nice stuff everyone! Some of my recent inktoberings:

Three days of destroying my own pencils with my inking. Cry

Somebody call the police on me lol. A least these being fan art reminded me of what it was like to draw
when I was a child.  Makes it a bit less stressful.
Days 14, 15 and 16. The drawings of the previous days are too shitty to be seen

Attached Files Image(s)

Zorrentos Thanks dude! Glad it was inspiring! Proof that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.
Miracoly I really like those animals with the shadow patches - maybe try doing some with just shadows, and erase all the extra lines, it gives a really nice effect!
Kayo Keep going dude ^^
Cesartalves You can post up your shitty stuff here too, this is a safe zone : )

Playing with head shapes and experimenting with line weight, just having really thin and really thick (sharpie) lines cause it was quicker to ink. Let me know if it's working out, not sure if I shoulda just done the whole thing with the sharpie.

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Inktober 19/31

[Image: y6mXOBQ.jpg]

Dropped out for a bit there, but I'll try to catch up...

[Image: tumblr_ofb8xbzPsC1r76fkmo1_540.jpg]

Inktober 20/31

[Image: edIDkMH.jpg]

Watching this series right now, not really a fan, but it seemed suited for black and white art:

[Image: tumblr_ofd5vsAjkP1r76fkmo1_r2_540.jpg]


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