Hey there! I heard of this forum today and it seemed foolish not to dive in heard first!
My tumblr and my facebook page. ^-^

I'm Maria Gaia, 23 years old from Portugal. A born artist and compulsive gamer who dreams to fight for her lil' spot somewhere in the industry. I love illustration and concept art. I want to focus on environment works for this end of the year and fortunately beyond. I'm a sucker for good anatomy, all things organic and realism.
Soooo yeah! Happy to be here! 
Ayy, another anatomy fanatic. Welcome Maria! Any games and their art you're into specifically?
Welcome to the secret guild known only as Crimson Daggers lady Maria Pandemonium!

We are whispered about across the internet but few actually find this place and those who do will find themselves on a mysterious journey of artistic discovery and learning!

I encourage you to become initiated in the Sketchbook forum and also the various challenges that await - for example the Crimson Crucible!

Good luck :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

@Hozure yay! *highfive* Games like Dragon Age, The Witcher, Overwatch, Assassin's Creed, Guild wars... :D
Artloader thank you! So badass mwahah!
I just took a look at your tumblr and you have some great pieces there! Good to see another fan on here of Dragon Age and Guild Wars 
Yay thank you so much! I need to broaden my skillset though, only portraits and animals is not gonna do it haha :D yay such great games <3

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