Ass Kick
Thanks for the nice comments :D I had to take a break from posting cause I needed to find the fun in drawing again. Well I drew in my sketchbook without showing it to anyone for one month and now that its full i feel excited and ready to get going again. Well thats it haha. Today some figures and a random face. Feels really good to do digital after so long. I also did some sketching and studies in my shiny new sketchbook but Im not sure if or when ill post it. I want it to be private and at the same time show it to people...weird. We'll see where it goes.

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nice to see you posting again :)

Leonard Thanks! Need to catch up with you after all :D

Well well today not nearly as much as i had planned just some figures and noses cause I needed to finish this lame website project for work/school...bleh

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Some studies and a face from head :/ i find it to be really hard to apply color even directly after a study damn. I must get better fast!

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Not as much as I wanted again but I still have to finish the website project and thats eating so much time damn :/
My studies look horrorble but I listened to Dave Praozas Gumroad Tutoria today and that motivated me like crazy! Listening to him is great haha

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yeah his tutorials are sweet:) which one did you buy, the 15 or the 5 hour one/ones ?

study looks super nice with the brushstrokes btw.

nice work on the studies, keep pushing!

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Jonesoda thanks I will!
Leonard Thank you! I got his bog witch line tutorial. Im gona get the rendering one too cause hes awesome *.*
Only metal study the first one i ever did actually. Not more cause of school beeing fucking annoying

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Hard at work with that study work I see :) Really like the fact that you get some faces from imagination in there to apply stuff you've practiced.
See that you've struggled with finding the fun in drawing. Can definitely relate to that, especially when doing lots of assignments/studies. Just doing random sketches and paintings to let go of some of that pressure really helps!

Adzerak Thanks man and yeah I always feel it helps the most when i apply the stuff that i study as fast as possible. I sometimes really dredd it cause it shows me how much i suck haha but thats good I guess more room for improvement.

Not really acitve the last days just some sketchbook doodling cause of exams and school projects. But thats mostly done so Im gonna be posting more the next days! Oh and this thing here...well it kinda sucks but i tried out a differetn approach and that was fun.

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Color study :o nothing interesting to upload really

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Just some studies. Im way to lazy to scan the traditional stuff ^^

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ur stuff reminds me of algenpfleger so much lol

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Nice SB! You have a nice grasp in color, they look lively. That knight with the cyan and magenta hints is rockin! Hell yeah, I agree 1000% with on Dave Rapoza's gumroad stuff. I listened to the 15 hour one and the next morning I was pumped to improve. Can't wait to see more from your SB!

 Arteriorrhexis Thank you so much! Yeah Dave is so cool. I just admire that he speaks what he thinks and just does his own thing. He is defenitely one of my rolemodels not just in art. But seriously my colors need so much more work I have absolutely no idea what im going with them>.<

Fedodika Yep Algenpfleger is also one of my biggest heroes. I often look at his old stuff to see the progression maybe it comes from that. He is just so good ugh need to get better faster!

Well I have been very lazy these past days so I decided it would be good to post again for motivation. Stuff from today... still not enough. A life study and some color studies. Trying out just drawing flat colors cause that way i am able to focus just on colors and not on rendering. Its pretty fun, maybe I l try to incorporate it into my normal rendering "workflow". Then I decided to post some sketchpages since I was kinda in a sketch mood today. The pencil ones are just random doodles and the pen one are jsut some ideas for the Artstation beyond human challenge. Im pretty late to the party as always but maybe I'll still try to join. And a WIP which is not worth showing yet so I didnt. More to come tomorrrow.

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Haha well fail... didnt post anything. Today just a study, trying to be more brushy...colors are so hard but the studies are getting more fun so thats nice. Im too lazy to post the traditional stuff. Probably gonna do that tomorrow. Im really tired and need to get up in 4hrs to go to work so see ya!

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mmmm big heads! Try making them deliberately too small on the torsoes, that might fix that proportion issue ;). Remember for your average adult, the shoulders are about three headlengths!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedodika Ahhh thank you so much for the advice I totally see what you mean! More studies from now on!

No digital stuff today... even when I should since Im way worse at that than traditional (not that it means that im any good traditionally). Just the traditional stuff from yesterday and today. Tomorrow will be more digital!

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big difference already! Liking that third page, the character with the mask on, looks very good! always be conscious of that head thing, it's hard to shake stuff like that for good hehe, but you can do it!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedodika Thanks man! I will continue to work on it.

I fell pretty bad cause i basically just procrastinated over the weekend and did nothing. Just some figs and anatomy. Trying to see the bigger shapes. I need to set myself a routine cause Im always all over the place with the times that i draw. Consistency is key! Anyways kinda dreading tomorrow cause of work. I hate it so much >.<

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