Ass Kick
Not that much today because I have started drawing christmas presents. A bit late i guess haha ^^
Some figures on A3, a bit Loomis and a selfie. Damn I have a really hard time finishing them. I need to work on that >.<

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Yay! I just realized I reached my second page. That was one of my goals for this year. Sadly only a Selfie for today cause making christmas presents eats up the only freetime I have left right now. 
Hmm my scans all look messed up : / does anyone have a tip for that? Cause I have got no clue haha

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Merry late christmas everyone haha ^^ So glad it's finally over. Today some Selfies that I had to do cause I was lazy around the christmas days and didn't do much :/ I will start doing them just digitally for the next week. Just to get more comfortable with it. Then some figures, hands and arm anatomy. Yep that's it

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Oh man I just went to see Star Wars... and it was so good >.< 
Well this time some anatomy from Bammes (love this book), some figures, a Selfie, arm anatomy from head and a value study from life.

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Doing great on the studies, keep that going! I love your figure drawings... very well executed and nice lines :)
Hi there!, Awesome sketchbook I specially like all your drive and determination thats contagious!, I also like your studies of hands and overall poses, you seem that have a good grip at it.
I also think your portraits are the ones that need a bit more work specially the ones in color. We tend to draw what we now, that's why I think the features on your portraits look a bit the same.
An advice I can give you is to prioritize certain topics like in anatomy you could spent a week studying some gestures, then the next week the construction of the human body, then landmarks, upper torso muscles, then lower torso muscles ,arms, legs, hands, feet, head construction, face feature, face values, body values etc.
I think is very easy to get overwhelmed with all the stuff that you can learn in art so making little pieces helps a ton!

Keep up the hard work!

AngeliquevdMee Thank you very much! 
imPhelikz Thank you! Stuff like this keeps me motivated. But then I always look at how much Johannes Voss used to do and I feel guilty. My goal is to be as had working as him! Yeah Faces and Color are by far my biggest weakness cause I never really did it. But I'll improve on that I pormise >.<
And you are right about the studying aspect. I noticed that too that I always try to learn everything at the same time but becasuse of that dont have the time to really learn something. I will try to be more focussed today!

Well this time again some anatomy, some hands, a selfie, and a digital doodle of Leia...

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Today I tried to focus on arms yay! Trying to be more focussed on one topic and hopefully learn it faster. Oh and I went to the gym today for the first time and now my legs hurt haha xd

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A short sketch before going to bed sooo tired >.< maybe I'll continue it tomorrow

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Quick update before going to celebrate new year woh hoo...
A quick warmup doodle that turned into four hours of fun. Not finished yet, probably gonna work on it tomorrow. Then some arm muscles. I'm trying to go more into detail to really understand everything before going for the big shapes. Then repeating them from memory ugh. And a sketch doodle thats not done yet so I didn't post it. If the party sucks I'll probably finish it there haha xd have a nice new year! Keep kickin aaasss!

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Nooodle nice to see you posting
(i really should be more active here:))

äääh... off topic...Happy New Year, it is very inspirational to see the effort in your studies,
all that hands, arms and torsos
In love

have to keep up, see ya
Thanks Kater : ) I try to do my best. I have christmas vacation days right now so i try to make the most out of them art wise. I still wanna draw mooore! Need to get my butt working haha

Just some doodles from the party and this morning. Going to do realy studies now

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Arm anatomy again today. Trxing to get it down as fast as possible. I'm also working on the doodle a bit. Gonna post it when it's done. Gah im so tired but then I look at dave rapozas sketchbook and how he was killing it and I feel bad >.< fuck!

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Hello Noodle :)

I really like those anatomy studies you got here. Some of them are very "3D-ish" if you know what I'm mean and it's always nice to see that you're doing them alot. Just to prove that working hard on single subject pays off :). As for digital stuff, I think I might have something what could help you bring your pieces to another level. Maybe you already seen this (it's old stuff that I found on conceptart forum). The most important thing about this is the edge harmony as I name it. Because I think it brings to art piece more fluent and fresh look when an eye of a viewer jumps between different types of planes and edges.

Here's the link:

Cheers and keep up the good work ! :)

Today was kinda meh... I didn't get much done. Tomorrow will be better! Even if work starts again ugh fuck >.<

Thanks slashy for the kind words. And thank you for the advice. i tried to aply it to my pic but it's still pretty hard for me to do anything related to painting so it still sucks. Well I have to keep practicing i guess. And some knights while laying sick in bed. The one with the palm tree failed hardcore haha

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Gaah! Haven't postet for two days. Not much to post either cause I got super sick... and it drives me crazy to not be able to focus on anything. I did some arm studies and sketches but I'm too lazy to scan them in. So I'm just gonna post a little character-thing. I decided to make a character everyday for this monthas an addition to studying anatomy. I also hope to be able to aply the stuff that I have learned. See ya tomorrow : P

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Blub... two daily characters. Just playing around with some textures and not knowing what the hell I'm doing in general :/  Gonna get my ass back up and do moooorrree

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Today I finally caught up with my characters. I hate how my lines are always so stiff and shaky. Gotta get more confident with that! I have been watching Gladiator while drawing them as you can probably see. And a bit of anatomy. I also had some scribbles but my scanner decided to betray me and they got all blurry well thats life haha

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This day some Anatomy studies and the daily character. Gaahh colors are so hard >.< and I'm trying to apply what ive learned from those anatomy studies ugh still need way more parctice!

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heey! great anatomy studies! lots of improvement!
I really like your knights on the sketchbook. Very cool designs.

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