Ass Kick
Hey! I really like your "random" sketchbook pages!
Gottfried Bammes, right? I hate that book, one day when I'm through with it I'm going to burn it :D
Keep it up, looking forward to see more!
Thanks gregorkari and haha yesss I know what you mean that book is tedious as hell. Bammes really likes to hear himself speak. But he does say some good stuff \o_o/ Sooo today again arms, my daily character about 1.5 hours cause its 2 am in the morning and I have to go to work in 5 hours haha...fuck! Tried to do direct color,no greyscale and totally failed. Really need to practice that. And some subway sketches, those are fun even when I feel a bit creepy looking at those people...

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Today some torso anatomy (what no arms?), subway sketches, a little warmup apple study in the morning, an unfinshed character cause I need to go to work in four hours, then some arm studies, and a veerrry rough and unfinished study of my workspace while i was at work and being bored haha

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So far you're doing a pretty good progress. Love your subway sketches, they do look loose and alive.

Thanks AsodR! I forgot my sketchbook at home today so no subway sketches on my way to work today...monday again : ) Other than that I did some anatomy, some arms some face doodles (they still suck sooo bad fuck), and two digis. Skintones are hard damn need to practice them more! Well gonna go to bed it's almost 5am now o.O

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Not much today... i have so much unfinished stuff meh :/ well anyways, a boxer study, a WIP will continue it tomorrow and my view out of my window. i love snow *.* its so magical

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Snow has something magical to it, indeed ^-^

Do not feel discouraged, tomorrow is another opportunity to at least attain one bit of knowledge more.

It might feel slow sometimes, but there still will be improvement, so keep the hustle going xD

(PS: sieh doch mal in deine Email Inbox, wenn du schon PM's abschaltest xD)
Thanks for the motivation Kater! Its the fuel that keeps me going <3 (Ich hab nix in meiner Infobox gefunden :o weißt du zufällig wie man PMs akitiviert?)

Well today some anatomy(booringgg), some imaginary arms, a torso study about one hour and a tiny bit of progress on my WIP.

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Fuucckk I have been slacking today >.< gotta change that!
Well again another update on the WIP. I'm new to doing finished stuff so its going to take a bit longer. But I hope it gets faster and better with practice. Then a face doodle I did on the train. This is actually the first one I ever finished so even im not that happy with the result I am still glad i finished it :) Then some anatomy and a very wuick boxer study about on hour or 45 min im not quite shure :/

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You're doing great, keep it up! I definitely like your traditional sketches more than digital. I may be wrong but it seems to me like you get impatient when painting digitally and don't sketch out the forms completely, like for example ears, hands or parts of clothing. Also, in your last sketch of a fantasy character I noticed the brush strokes going vertically on the arm and hands. It would look much better if your strokes 'wrapped' around the form of the arm. Try imagining the human body like it was made of cylinders. I think it's better to start from the big shapes and then go into detail, like bone and muscle structure.

Hope that helps! :)

the guy with the blue fireball and the torso sketch in #48 are really nice! I'm a big fan of opaque painting styles :)

Thanks gregorkari! Yeah I like the torso one too, kinda...maybe. Damn I need to get better!
Thanks Alexshi! You are right. Im pretty new to painting digitally and rendering in general so its really frustrating when everything looks like shit and nothing works. But Ill keep going! One its going to get better yaasss. And thanks for the tip with the rendering! Very helpful. 
Well this time anatomy again. A study (that just looks weird, values and structure are all over the place), a few faces and the finshed WIP. I tried to apply the rendering technique but after the arm I got really tired of the picture and called it done. Meh

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Today some Anatomy studies, a back study (fuuuccckk they are hard) >.< Then some sketches which were loads of fun and a digital painting wich turned out completely flat :/ Doodled with some colors over it just to pracitce. Work was super busy the last few days. Thats why i was so inactive...stupid excuse. Oh and I went to the gym today. It felt great to finally do some sports again but now my ass hurts haha xd

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Marvelous styding ! KEep it up , bro ! I am waiting new sketches !
You've done alot of good stuff in this sketchbook. And since my last visit here you're not slowing down. I'll just say: keep this amount of work as it's now and you will be fine with your goals :)

Thank you slashy <3 I could do way more if I wasnt so lazy damn. I now fell bad cause I have not done that much yesterday. Only Anatomy and a Commission thats nearly done. But sadly I can't show it here : / Well it isnt owrth showing anyway haha
Thank youuuu WOLF *.* I'll try my best to not disappoint you

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Everyone has a couple of lazy days here and there. Do not let you get discouraged by them, there is no need to do if you will try harder the next day.
(and if you also "finished" a commission, you might not have been as lazy as you thought :)
So keep practicing Thumbs_up

(ich habe mich vielleicht falsch ausgedrückt:) sieh doch mal in deiner Email inbox nach, oder im Spam^-^ )
Your anatomy studies look very nice and most of them have a good sense of volume; Your faces could use a little work especially at this particular angle

Whenever you draw that particular angle like here

You make the same mistake every single time of not know where or how to place the eye. I'd reccomend just getting a reference of that exact angle and studying it or putting it in photoshop/or w/e and wrapping it with lines like wires to see how the forms are turning.

Also gestures, a lot more of those, and that will really put the grease on the gears for those nice anatomy studies!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thank you Fedolika <3 yeah my faces suck I need to practice them more often. But I did do some studies today just for you haha. 
Thanky for the kind workd Kater *.* You have gotten crazy good btw

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The most pathetic update yet haha fail xd Just some figures from imagination. I had to finish the commission so I didnt have much time hmmm... I also did some sketching but its not done yet so Im going to upload it later.

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