You are imrpvong so fast :O your brushstrokes look much better than in the beginning btw

Axrel - aww stop :))))) The pomegranate one took me.. something around 2 hours I suppose
neopatogen - that would probably be more helpful! Thanks for the advice, gotta try that 
NoodleInBox - omg for real? Thats soo nice to hear, thanks  Insane Insane 

not much to show today bc of the girl painting that took me almost the entire day.. hair is so damn hard to paint, I swear to god it's The Worst

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Looks like you're working hard mang, the imagination pieces are looking nice :D.

I would love feedback on my Sketchbook
Your colors are always on point <3 the proportions of the last girls face are a bit off but youl be over that soon!

ohh that's a good amount of time for a still life :) I need to get back into doing more digital still lifes! Also, really awesome portrait studies!
Hair is very tough to paint :) Remember to think of hair as big blocks of values- maybe you could do some John Singer Sargent or Anders Zorn studies of hair. It helps to see how other artists simplify hair :D
I really like your girl painting btw! Those color combinations are on point. Be careful with proportions though! Anyways, keep going at it!!

kvSketch - thanks ! I'm glad you like my stuff
NoodleInBox - thank you )))))))00)0 tbh I always mess up proportions when I work on something for too long..it's like you stop seeing things as they are. Well, at least the colors are okay haha
Axrel - I really recommend painting from life, it makes you understand stuff so quick, works like magic. So yeah, you should totally do still lifes! also thankssss :ззз

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Nice cloth studies! I really like the colors in your plant still life :)
Ya, I do a ton of drawing from life (6 hours a day at the atelier), but I don't do much painting (I will next year!). I tend to get tired out from my atelier so when i get back home I usually do imaginative pieces. I should do a quick digital still life today though :D
Keep up the good work!

Axrel - oh thats great! 6 hours of life drawing is actually pretty insane but probably worth it (considering the progress you made.. very much worth it)

uhm here's a bouguereau study I did today.. I also started an imaginative piece, but it's currently on such an ugly stage that I'd rather work some more on it tbh

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Yeah, it's defintely worth it!
Cool master study! I'm excited to see your imaginative piece :D

Yup, me too :) Waiting for some stuff from imagination.
Vennsomn I will follow your advice about still lives, hope they will help, haven't done them for a while. :)
Axrel 6 hrs at atelier sounds cool I'd like to have such experience :)

keep drillin that hampton m8

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
thanks for the support guys!!! 

so here it is. I've redone it like .. 3 times and originally it had an evironment in it but I have done literally 2 enviros in my entire life so it was decided that I keep this a portrait. Something about the values feels sooo wrong but I can't exactly tell what it is. ugh

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the values are fine, I'd just fix the edges on the eyes, make them look sharper right now they look creepy and too watery. And maybe blur the hair around the edges

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
I dont know why but i love his eyes. He looks so wasted <3 but I have a thing for eye bags so that probably doesnt count haha. Seriously though great work

Fedodika - Thanks! ur right about his eyes looking creepy, I see it now lol. And edges have always been an issue for me. Next time I'll try to keep this in mind

NoodleInBox - omg same. I LOVE eyebags. They add so much character! Thanksss :--)

a messy lil thing I did today.. Have been procrastinating a bit to be honest :/

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werkin on environments nd form

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ooh cool! I like that portrait from post 32 a lot! The highly saturated pinks in the shadows makes it unique (and nice job on the subsurface scattering on the ear!) :) nice colors on that apple still life!

Nice sketchbook you've got

Keep practicing lifestyles if you want to work on your edges or do some studies of oil paintings
(that might be helpful if you rather want to practice edges in combination with brushwork)

looking forward to see more progress

Axrel - thnks sweety :-------)
Knopfkater - awesome recommendations, I'll sure practice that! thhhhanks

a photo study ANd some twink in a crop top. (had to use some refs on his arms.......) (unfinished) (idk whats up with the mysterious crazy orange stuff in the background)

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Love your still life studies. I have such problems with that, do you have any tips? Do you start in value or direct in color :O


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