Coinhero's sketchbook
[Image: G0eoYZM.jpg]
I call this guy count pikachu
[Image: CZ5jufI.jpg]
everyone's painted this place from kiki, its just too pretty
[Image: FhRxtEn.jpg]
When I paint architecture / machine stuff I press down too hard on the tablet and my arm starts to hurt rly bad. I'm not sure how to go about painting architecture I'll probably do some mastery studies tomorrow to try and figure stuff out.
[Image: wRr8Svg.jpg]
I decided that I want this to be a snowy scene after I made the line sketch so it doesn't make much sense why she's wearing just a shirt, but i kind of like it this way more that if I give her a jacked.
[Image: rPhnjMU.jpg]
lineart to help with readability 
[Image: bHXN4fy.jpg]
I'll change the face to be more neutral because I don't think I can get the look I want
Hello Mr. Coinhero, i see you're developing a cool sense of composition. Now theres two things I see you can work on from here; obviously you're trying to include these figures in your work and they could use some practice for sure; but if you wanted to focus more on the environments, i'd reccomend doing small fist sized thumbnail studies of master artists. Particularly ones who have the kind of style you wanna go for. Say if you want character illustrations study like Dean Cornwell or some golden age illustrators. And if you wanna draw just landscapes study like Thomas Moran or Biersdadt.

Just little bitty thumbnails of as few values as you can, try not to indicate more than 4, two would be ideal. Find the big shapes and learn and anaylze how they interact/overlap etc. When you strip back all the rendering and detail your left with just the core of the image, and that should be able to sell on its own; keep posting my man!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(01-11-2018, 01:26 AM)Fedodika Wrote: Hello Mr. Coinhero, i see you're developing a cool sense of composition. Now theres two things I see you can work on from here; obviously you're trying to include these figures in your work and they could use some practice for sure; but if you wanted to focus more on the environments, i'd reccomend doing small fist sized thumbnail studies of master artists. Particularly ones who have the kind of style you wanna go for. Say if you want character illustrations study like Dean Cornwell or some golden age illustrators. And if you wanna draw just landscapes study like Thomas Moran or Biersdadt.

Just little bitty thumbnails of as few values as you can, try not to indicate more than 4, two would be ideal. Find the big shapes and learn and anaylze how they interact/overlap etc. When you strip back all the rendering and detail your left with just the core of the image, and that should be able to sell on its own; keep posting my man!
I've never really done thumbnail studies, I make those 8x8 inch oil paintings with the purpose of studying from the masters but that's about it. Although when I cant get an idea started I do the thumbnail thing but I just keep painting over the same thumbnail till I come up with something , 2-3 colors to get the basic feel, and then I keep working on it till the painting is done. I don't like working with many layers so I never get to show the thumbnail but almost everything I paint from imagination starts with a thumbnail that eventually gets lost. For instance this is all the same layer I did the line and color stuff in the beginning except the sky and robot leg in the distance

[Image: 2l0Dwn3.jpg]
I like to just paint over everything

I'm not sure what art I like or why exactly I like it and I don't care much for style, I'm not trying to paint in a specific way just whatever works, so I don't really know what to make studies of.
God I'm so tired

I finished up the painting from yesterday, nothing too interesting just little bits
[Image: SHyaH1o.jpg]

Then took a picture of myself and made a quick study to try and figure stuff out.
[Image: 13k0NIm.jpg]

I cant get it right I don't paint people enough

Then I wanted to do some thumbnail studies like Fedodika recommended and I kind of take back the stuff I said yesterday I totally have a favorite artist / style THIS FUCKING GUY like god damn.
[Image: RtGOUaq.jpg]

I wanted to do 4 of these but I got super carried away with the one on the right with the dogs because it's just so crazy good I wanted to do a more detailed study.

also my lvl 88 hardcore character in path of exile died today because the game froze RIP
Great! do even more thumnails and make them even simpler, even less detail; even work in just values and really hone in on the core of image construction; im telling you the more you can simplify the more time you'll save not scratching around to find this or that detail that ultimately no one notices. Ppl (generally) just see the big thumbnail and spend very little time admiring fine details.

Even the thumbnail of the dogs, its shocking how much of that image is just a shape with a flat tone on it with just about no texture; Or notan, i think its called. Definitely look into the difference between notan and chiaroscuro if you haven't already!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
lazy day I just want to play games and watch streams but I still managed to squeeze out a sketch
I love the lighting in that Niy study with the dogs so I wanted to do something similar / shamelessly copy it.
Here is some high school students chasing after some T H I C C froggie boiii
[Image: X48N0rU.jpg]
for this I'm thinking BahiJD dynamic animation style + Niy
So I worked on this image a lot and its very hard to like do anything on it, it too outside of my comfort zone so I'm struggling getting the right colors and feeling. It's making me think a lot so that's good
[Image: CURUUCm.jpg]

also started this quick study-ish to try and come up with a reliable way of painting interiors. Still in a super early phase but getting it to just this level of finish took me like 20~ min and that's very bad for a quick line sketch and then some brush strokes thrown over it. I'll work on it more tomorrow its getting pretty late here'
[Image: bojD7aq.jpg]
I think I'm done with this image

[Image: aqo6laI.jpg]

I love how determined the frog looks :D

also did some studies of Red Hong
[Image: jomfrfm.jpg]

There's this level of atmosphere and depth in these images and the color is so unified I love them. Atmosphere is not even a factor in my images I need to try and figure out how to make use of it.
Count pikachu XD
That's hilarious!
Good stufd man!

today I tried to apply some of the things I "learned" from yesterday's studies of Red Hong, or in other words I painted weeb shit

I made some random brush strokes till I started to see an image and went from there. This is the sketch I went with its very high resolution but I was looking at it very zoomed out so its kind of like making a thumbnail
[Image: eZJebWu.jpg]

after some more work
[Image: lJuM4RH.jpg]
Not using any reference for this because I tend to copy way too much. Now I'll have to do one of my least favorite things -,- posting my crapy images on social media stuff --------,---------
quick mapcrunch study
[Image: zz9594T.jpg]

this thing
[Image: tvJlwLs.jpg]
[Image: CWOMf1T.jpg]
The last one seems a bit flat,
could you add a blue tinge and fade away the mountains that are farther in the distance?

I've been told that during the day objects in the distance become a bit "blue" due to the earth atmosphere.

Love what you did with the foxes near the waterfall, a nice feeling of energy in the brushwork!

@hirvios  Yea I really tunnel visioned on that image and just kind of lost sight of what I'm doing. I tried to make it better today.
big burb small burb
[Image: p0jTRNB.jpg]
also started this John Williams Waterhouse study but I'm too tired to finish it today
[Image: Sqv2zoD.jpg]
Finished this study

[Image: TSMxhsl.jpg]

I haven't done a vertical painting in a while so I made some idea sketch thingies

[Image: xr4eq72.jpg]

[Image: SzmZBrv.jpg]
Today I painted this goofy dragon I lost the dynamic feeling the sketch had but this is ok too

[Image: 9CYeHtq.jpg]

and then spend like 4-5 hours just brainstorming with a friend on what to do with my PC. My video card is ok but everything else is like super old and dated and its becoming too much of a pain in the ass. I hate spending money on things I don't absolutely need but I think its gotten to the point where I NEED to upgrade. No more editing .ini files to  make games from 2013 work :D
Hey Coinhero really cool sketchbook you've got here. keep it up! :)

If I can chime in on the PC front, if your PC is still holding up ok atm you might be better off waiting a few months, only because ram is super expensive atm (I'm also in the market of upgrading my PC), think it's like double or even triple what it was last year which is just crazy!


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