Coinhero's sketchbook
[Image: Xm2Sip3.jpg]

laziness overwhelming
[Image: eHuDFpF.jpg]

almost done with this
[Image: eSWfU7C.jpg]

another Tadema study. His paintings are just too good I want to copy all of them
i think you'll be an interesting case if you keep doing what youre doing, we can see how fast someone improves doing mainly painting and imagination pieces over raw fundies

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(07-18-2018, 05:18 AM)Fedodika Wrote: i think you'll be an interesting case if you keep doing what youre doing, we can see how fast someone improves doing mainly painting and imagination pieces over raw fundies

yea I guess but I also feel like the people that grind fundamentals non stop have a much easier time with drawing from imagination after enough grinding, while when I start any painting regardless if its from imagination or a copy its a nightmare from start to finish. idk I just don't feel like I have a "comfort zone" everything is always hard
[Image: 1w3mCH9.jpg]

I don't get how it's even possible to paint this with oil
Finished this study

[Image: Tjo5cM8.jpg]

then I played around with an idea

[Image: bFDGmCx.jpg]

made like 6-7 different versions of this but didn't settle on anything. I started painting this just to get a feel for stuff and it wasn't turning out good but I liked some of the colors so I made this dumb thing

[Image: GCJw2mo.jpg]

and yea idk I probably wont work on any of these images anymore.
The last piece as potential in my opinion i like the verticality of the frame and the light.The composition really remind me of epic fantasy picture where there the hero in the front on a hill and there a element below.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
I didn't have internet almost all day today because we had to change the modem so I decided to do something traditional, its too hot to go outside so I just painted the view from my window... which is just another apartment building but I think the colors were interesting because the sun was shining so bright.
[Image: 7rpciut.jpg]

I don't have any canvases so I used tempera instead of oil. I think this paint is super hard to use because its super opaque and you just cant blend colors at all but its still kind of fun.

yea I agree that image can be interesting if I do it right.
[Image: 4aRId68.jpg]

I did some painting on this, problem is that i wasn't expecting to do anything with this so everything is on the same layer except the foreground and I normally have my foreground mid and back on separate layers.
not having internet sucks
I am not an expert at painting but i think you are getting muddy color be careful to wash your brush and to mix color the right way and to let color dry so they don't mix.I think you got muddy color in that bush.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(07-21-2018, 05:20 AM)darktiste Wrote: I am not an expert at painting but i think you are getting muddy color be careful to wash your brush and to mix color the right way and to let color dry so they don't mix.I think you got muddy color in that bush.

That's because I'm using super old and crappy paint in jars not tubes so it's a pain in the ass not to muddy everything up, I just need to buy some small canvases and just use oil instead of tempera
[Image: 0CBGS4V.jpg]

I wanted to finish this today but had some irl stuff to do and couldn't
[Image: bUuwCIm.jpg]

same picture everyday

[Image: bY7kqDQ.jpg]

cute boys I found on mapcrunch
[Image: g7TvsE1.jpg]

I'm super tired and just don't want to finish this today, also I worked on the image from yesterday trying to make the foreground not terrible
[Image: vAMBivT.jpg]

spend a lot more time than I thought I would on this image today and then started sketching stuff. I almost never have a clear image of what I want to paint so I just make random / semi-random lines and shapes till I come up with something, I don't get how some people are just always inspired and have a million ideas backed up and waiting to be painted, like I have a general idea of what I want but it takes me a long time to get something that makes sense on paper and out of my head. Maybe everyone is like this I don't know imagination work is hard
Anyway I made a couple of things but this is the sketch I decided to stick with for now

[Image: nVAl5hS.jpg]

its like disgustingly rough but its enough for me to just get a basic idea of what I want.
Some other versions when I wanted to have a ninja on the roof
[Image: ZrTsw5u.jpg]
[Image: o44U9B9.jpg]

yea I dunno I don't like these as much as Tonny the tiger and loli
[Image: 6wNXjAE.jpg]
I haven't done enough night time scenes so I don't know how to treat local color right, everything is just kind of blue but it's not working out and its hard to fix. I tried a completely different color scheme but it didn't work out so I'm going to keep working on this till I get it right.
need to get rid of all the orange thats not on the building covering the moon

[Image: Q9v0pVB.jpg]

someone keyed the shit out of my cars bonnet today, I found out because I was taking it to wash and polish it so it looks good for a road trip with some friends tomorrow... now I want to kill people
Why not just do some night scene study before going further?

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(07-27-2018, 05:31 AM)darktiste Wrote: Why not just do some night scene study before going further?

I was thinking of doing one after I'm done with this image and then I'll come back to it and try to make it better. Finding good night time paintings that isn't very graphical / line art is kind of hard too. I'm looking at a Nathan Fowkes image from puss in boots as reference thats pretty close to what I want from my image but I'm not good enough yet to make it work.
I think one of the idea is that color get cold in a low light environnement so lot of the detail are lost i would say that also the window depending on the light intensity cast local shadow so the color of that light is also to take in consideration.Also the biggest source of light is normally the moon so it will greatly affect the scene depending on the phase of the moon the night will be either dark or lighter.One other factor will be the cloud.Modern City tend to reflect alot of the light it emit when the sky is really cloudy.Cloud can also obstruct the moon lowering the intensity of the light.Just some small thing to think about.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
fuck it I'm just doing whatever, putting limitations on myself never works out so I'll just paint the way I feel most comfortable

[Image: 5QxEd9h.jpg]

I'll be gone for a couple of days, or maybe just one day, depends on when I come back. Going out of town to celebrate a friends birthday and to just chill out in nature, I'm bringing paint with me so hopefully I'll be able to do some painting. The thought of not drawing anything for a day is scary, how am I supposed to start doing it again if I just stop randomly I'll just start playing video games and sleeping all day lol

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