Coinhero's sketchbook
whoa, that last piece is so vibrant with colors, I friggin' love it! your color work leaves me wanting more. amazing stuff!

@DESQUOLOR yea I also really like how the colors turned out, I think its more a case of I got lucky to be honest :D

[Image: c4bzdIt.jpg]
painting from yesterday. It's more or less finished just need to do small things I think

[Image: yVVZkVi.jpg]

[Image: ALUoS15.jpg]

and another Anders Zorn study.

When I paint I get super easily distracted so to force myself to focus and actually get stuff done I've started streaming over at it was pretty good, some people from /dad/ showed up and we talked about stuff but most importantly I didn't slack off nearly as much. I'll probably stream daily from now on just to keep focused and its more fun this way.
[Image: Uszk0a9.jpg]

finished this study (I'll do some more things to the face when I'm done editing pictures), it was much harder than I thought it would be. I wanted to start a sketch or something but I did stuff for university like taking lame pictures of eggs being cooked.
Here is one of the lame pictures
[Image: Roe41do.jpg]

I blame my laziness on photography
[Image: axN8T9O.jpg]
[Image: vxeQHLv.jpg]
My university is doing an art exhibition thingy where all the teachers and some students get to show off there work, its a yearly event nothing too big it's more like a party. Last year I had one of my posters displayed (I think I uploaded a picture don't remember) but this year I'll have to display one of my oil paintings that I did in class and some "work" I've done for myself, problem is I found out about this yesterday... and I need to have everything done by next monday and this is pretty much the last week of my semester so I'm in mission impossible mode right now.
[Image: AMb2zlR.jpg]

I don't have any images that would be appropriate, like I don't have artsy fartsy images and most of the teachers and students that are studying fine art make really artsy fartsy shit, so I think it would be funny if I print this Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust fanart piece and just stick out like a sore thumb :D I have till thursday to finish this and have it like... look... good. 
Mission impossible mode 
If anyone has any feedback or ideas how I can make this better would be appreciated but I won't be able to make huge changes because of time constraints. Worst case I'll just pick a different image to print

tl;dr I'm printing this in a few days
[Image: ywby9K2.jpg?1]
The images printed a day earlier than expected which is great but if I knew it would happen so fast I would have given myself one more day to tighten everything up :c
Here is a super crappy photo of the prints
[Image: pFEeMLl.jpg]

The other painting is from a girl in my class, I'm helping her out with putting these on a PVC board and making hooks on the back so they can be displayed. (carpet is not dirty just the fabric leaves foot prints, its comfy as fuck)

Busy day didn't get much painting done

[Image: FbFOVOS.jpg]
[Image: HFpVTpA.jpg]

I started this study of a painting done by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema called A Coign for Vantage. This is the third time I've tried to do a study of this painting, first time was in oil and I failed miserably second time was digital and I couldn't even get a line sketch going because the composition is so crazy hard, so I'm hoping that I can actually finish this image.
[Image: y1dkjSN.jpg]
[Image: nXhxVPxg.jpg]

it's so exhausting working on this study. My colors are a lot more cold than the original painting, I need to get some purples in the sky
[Image: ZY3Kv6n.jpg]

Finally finished this study, I can probably spend 2-3 more days working on this but I don't see a point in that. Next time I do a master study it would be of a more simple painting. After this I spent like 2 hours just trying to come up with something interesting to draw, all I do is the same compositions, the same shapes, same value just boring stuff.
After making an image like this for the last 4 days trying to come up with a new idea and paint it from imagination is super hard and its the last week of my semester so I'm just loosing my mind in general.
[Image: 3Z4xqMD.jpg]

Finding free time to paint is hard at the moment
everything looks so vibrant! love how loose you keep your rendering too

i think you've gotten a good grip on color, the main reason why you may be struggling to find a composition is just a lack of drawing skills, most your imaginative pieces are nowhere near as complex or crafted in the nature of these master studies youre doing. It would do you some good to pick one thing like figures, and work on drawing that correctly without color or values.

Im imagining youre drawn to these master works because they resonate with you. You could also try recreating the study without reference to see what you remember and what you are capable of creating without the guide of reference

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thanks! Ever since I printed that vampire hunter D fanart I made and compared the printed colors to my monitor I've gotten a much better idea of what colors my monitor is good at showing and what is too saturated or too desaturated so now I'm not as scared to use vibrant colors, not that I didn't before I just feel more control now.

I'm going crazy with finishing university projects and printing stuff right now, its going to calm down in like 10-12 days and then I promise I'll do some proper studies of the human figure, only lines, many images while thinking about what I'm doing.
[Image: Fm6cSvI.jpg]

So today was just the worst, all my print files were fucked and tomorrow is going to be a shitshow. Just need to endure this for like 2 more weeks and I'll go back to making progress more rapidly. I also did some oil painting in uni today but its garbage and I don't want to post it. I like this image I'm working on now, I think it's going to be cool just need to find the time to work on it properly
Printer fucked me over for the third time now, they just decided to close up 3 hours earlier than normal and I couldn't get the stuff I'm printing for uni. It's comical how much trouble I'm having with just printing out a calendar and a 16 page "book", just the most dumb stuff over and over I'm going crazy

[Image: AcW5dQJ.jpg]

I started off with getting rid of the monkeys and shooting reference of me to include these pirates hiding behind trees from the boat, spend a few hours on that and it was looking kind of good but I just didn't have any interest in painting that image, like I was forcing myself. Scrapped a lot of things and starting over, I think I'll crop this image even more not sure yet. Stress is getting the best of me, I struggle a lot when I'm forced to get out of my normal schedule of doing things
alright, so jungles are tough because in reality, there's lots of stuff in jungles so often we feel we should just draw a bunch of plants and limbs and stuff, right? For the sake of illustration, that doesnt work because you end up with a lot of similar valued mush, and adding a bunch of different colored plants wont help it if the values are all the same. A little list.

1. Find a focal point, (which you seem to be doing)
2. leave negative space around the focal point, 
3. Find a powerful value composition instead of drawing a thousand different colored leaves.
4. use light values to show far away objects and darkness for closer ones. 
5. Do thumbnail studies of people who draw good jungles, like Tarzan, Frazetta, and fire and ice, uncharted, conan etc.

And remember just a few well placed limbs can give the illusion of a jungle, you dont need tons of sticks and leaves, and try to balance things, spend as much time as you'd spent painting each leaf instead experimenting with simple value compositions and thumbnails, itll get a stronger image and save you lots of time

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Yea it was a real shitshow, I was thinking only about getting my idea out on the canvas as fast as i can not how it should look once its there. I was forcing it out of my head because I had very little time to draw due to being really busy at the moment.
[Image: 5azmic8.jpg]

I think it's much better now just need to get my edges to be less fuzzy in some places. I think when I get to painting the focal point it will naturally get less bright because right now its like a giant light bulb. I also looked at some reference in the beginning when I started working on this today (
I had a lot more time to paint today and think about what I'm doing
[Image: D3tueqT.jpg]

I did a looooot of very little things that were bugging me and horsed a horse. Everything is in pairs of two and its not good. Also I did this quick sketch of a Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema as a warmup before everything else

[Image: VyYNdA7.jpg]
there was something about this pose I just wanted to draw it
too sleepy for a longwinded comment 

[Image: s3sQhpm.jpg]

[Image: e1fjqHK.jpg]
I've been playing dark souls remastered way too much the past few days, when I got to the hydra fight it really spooked me. I don't know why that scared me so much, something about not being able to see the full body just 7 giant eel heads I find disturbing. With something like the gaping dragon it's huge and gross but I can see where it starts and where it end while with the hydra under the water it can go on for miles and that cosmic horror type of thing I really like / get creeped out of. Anyway did this
[Image: 4NvdkkH.jpg]

I was having trouble getting a sketch going with lines so for this I'm sketching everything with shapes, it's much easier for me to think this way and I can always add lines on top when I need to figure out something specific.  Figure is place holder until I figure out a pose/design. I did stuff for university and masturbated too much so I didn't get much painting done
[Image: qegGEja.jpg]

words and things

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