Coinhero's sketchbook
Response to SufferDriver is on the previous page above this post ^^^

[Image: LlO46D2.jpg]

with this image I want the composition to be kind of a spiral and that's why I have such a bright spot in the background. It would be cool but I think I need to push it more for the effect to be noticeable and not just something that I can see because it's my intentions. Another approach would be making the background much darker and having a dramatic light on the characters, that would probably work better but this camera angle and crop don't work for that.

[Image: QBtYtKD.jpg]

This type of more "personal" (closer to the characters) approach probably works better, or at least more people I think would like this compared to the more zoomed out version. I don't much care for drawing characters, portraits and stuff like that and value a wider scene showing the environment as a whole but learning how to make more character focused images would be good for me.

There's no point to this post just some thoughts that I'm having about composition that maybe someone could find useful
I like the colors in the new painting.
I wouldnt beat yourself up over the saturated colors, I think your work wouldnt have the same life if it used boring dull colors. 
Your work is like innocence and joy, like being a kid.
That master painting was cool dont get me wrong, but I just think that it's your style. So who cares if you dont paint like they do.
@SufferDriver I definitely want to get that childish vibe of playing around and having fun with my paintings, I'm chasing after that feeling that Gorillaz music videos have and I'm glad that you think my work is "like being a kid" :D yea that's what I want. I tried being big bad serious artist man but it doesn't really work out.

[Image: LPJUOCD.jpg]

I'm stopping this image at this point and tomorrow when I can look at it with fresh eyes I'll do final fixes and stuff. 
My tumblr has been dead for months and my artstation for just as long so I'll try to get back in to posting stuff online, I hate social media and don't use any of the social websites but I have to keep some sort of online presence so I'll try to put more effort in to promoting things and trying to get out there. Posting in this sketchbook is easy tho I've been doing it for so long takes no effort it's just instagram that I cant stand T.T 

Alexis Rives's personal project Spirited is so cool it's killing me
Really like the artistic style direction you are doing. It's super cute and super fun.

No real crits. Only thing that's immediately sticking out on the latest piece is that the boy doesn't feel like he's interacting with the ground. He kinda feels like he's floating. It's either the perspective of his feet, or the direction of the shadow behind him.

In terms of social media - I feel ya man. It's a pain with sometimes a very slow, or no, reward. It is worth doing though and getting your work out there. Just gotta turn updating social media into a weekly habit and it'll feel like less of a chore over time
(05-07-2019, 11:54 AM)chubby_cat Wrote: Really like the artistic style direction you are doing. It's super cute and super fun.

No real crits. Only thing that's immediately sticking out on the latest piece is that the boy doesn't feel like he's interacting with the ground. He kinda feels like he's floating. It's either the perspective of his feet, or the direction of the shadow behind him.

In terms of social media - I feel ya man. It's a pain with sometimes a very slow, or no, reward. It is worth doing though and getting your work out there. Just gotta turn updating social media into a weekly habit and it'll feel like less of a chore over time

 Yea I agree it's like he was cut from a different image and just pasted on to this one :D it's horrible. I tried all sorts of things to fix the image but the problems are all composition and drawing based so nothing really worked all that well.
The bush edge right behind him was a big problem so I made the shape just a circle and that helped out, his pose is super stiff and awkward but I kind of like that because of how cheesy it looks so I don't want to change it too much. 
 Moving the fire helped out a lot but there's still a lot of tangents that are a bitch to fix because of how tightly packed everything is. A flawed composition and drawing can't really be fixed with more painting but I think at least now it looks better than before.

[Image: IgGjYxw.jpg]

[Image: t2qnT71.jpg]

[Image: tCEvxIA.jpg]

I tried a lot of things to make the composition better in this image like changing the background completely and moving the characters / adding more characters but in the end ended up liking my first attempt the most. I'll try some big changes to the background tomorrow because I'm too tired to do it now.
I missed a day of painting because I had to do some photography, here's a picture that I'm probably not going to use for anything because people don't like burned photos but that's like my favorite thing :D

[Image: a3pD4pq.jpg]

For the avatar fan art image I experimented a lot with the background doing stuff like making it a village instead of it being just nothing like it is now but it was too distracting and I couldn't pull it of. Maybe if I do a followup image I'll work on that idea. I hated the pose in the line sketch so I changed it so there's a bit more interaction between the characters and I think it's a bit better. I still cringe super hard when looking at this image and I cant figure out how to fix it, don't know if it's because the image is trash or if it's the classic case of artist hating his own work for no reason.

anyway here's 2 versions with different mouths
[Image: mibPfbT.jpg]

[Image: 45xAsfg.jpg]

yea idk it sucks but I've done worst so whatever.

oh and today I saw that the osu fanart contest is on and randomly decided to give it a go, I've been playing for like 6 years so you can say I'm a fan. I like that there's a deadline that combined with having a busy week in general would really put a fire under my ass to actually get stuff done and I like that. Anyway here's some quick lines that I made just now, I want to do something really simple so I have enough time to finish it + having to keep in mind the giant osu logo that's supposed to be in the mind really limits the compositions you can go with.

[Image: cZc4XOm.jpg]
Finished the line sketch and started getting some base colors in

[Image: joxeMQm.jpg]

went through a couple of other ideas that are much more complex and would probably look better as an image but I think this works pretty good when you keep in mind that there's going to be a giant pulsing circle slapped right in the middle. Simple and clean (kingdom hearts tm) is the way to go for a background image on a menu imo

reference for people that don't know what I'm talking about
[Image: 7Jq1NUY.jpg]
some more progress on this. A couple of big problems need to be resolved like the forehead situation and some general proportion problems but other than that it's just rendering now.

[Image: lIUxK4l.jpg]

I also posted the avatar image to my instagram and tumblr (made some small changes to the hands and went with the smiling version) it's already at 600+ likes/reblogs on tumblr which makes me sad more than anything. I knew it would blow up all my previous avatar images are over 1k with the first one sitting at 20k, appealing to a fanbase works so well it makes me wonder why I even bother with personal work that literally 5 people see, 2 of them my friends. Making art shouldn't really be a numbers game but after 3 years of no success knowing that I can just half ass some fan art image to get tons of clicks is demotivating. I wanna draw little girls and get clicks not little boys :D
Here is the osu image voting for the contest entrants starts in a day
A couple of really dumb mistakes but its too late to fix it now I already submitted it 4 days ago. I should have waited more don't know why I didn't...

[Image: Bg0ypOe.jpg]

after this I started working on a poster for the graduation exhibition that my university class is having, it'll look something like this.  No one wanted to take responsibility for the poster and I'm the worst person to do it because I just paint everything while something like this needs to be a lot more graphical and I haven't even opened illustrator in like 2 year. Out of 20+ people there's only 3-4 of us that actually draw for fun and not just to pass an assignment, it's so lame -_-

[Image: lALZzD6.jpg]


[Image: dZpNYE1.jpg]

and I'm working on a presentation board right now but I don't want to show that stuff online too much.
[Image: X5tDWFu.jpg]

started working on this, it's cute but the perspective is a little fucked
and some early colors
[Image: TKABm33.jpg]
It got a little too contrasty in some places I'll wait a bit to look at this with fresh eyes and figure it out

[Image: 05kxdQo.jpg]

[Image: ff7Jb8L.png]

Also I got 27th spot... ouch fucking brutal still a hundred people lower than me but I'm really full of myself and wanted to get in the top 10 x.x feels real salty. 
I need to print stuff and make a presentation board but after that I think I'll make a winter / snow storm image because I've never made one or maybe some dragon quest fan art idk
fuck the snow thing I wanna draw tentacles 

[Image: f2RayHM.jpg]

something like this just need to make it better
Here's a flipped version
[Image: MjS0SXo.jpg]

I'll probably pain on the flipped one. I want everything to be skewed and weird but also not look terrible and its hard, need to fix a couple of things like the boy in foreground and I'll start painting.

composition is kind of bad trying to fix it by moving and scaling stuff I really dont want to start over
[Image: bIZBpIe.jpg]

figuring it out. All I draw is outdoor wooded areas so this is a lot outside my comfort zone but after spending some time looking for reference I realized that like 90% of people paint only outdoor scenes or character art. Hard to find interiors that aren't very abstract or 3D renders it's weird, I should have added some windows on this drawing to make the lighting super easy.

[Image: 0fGzKx7.jpg]

values on the tentacle eye are great but everything else is a bit of a mess

edit: Actually I think just the tentacle dude looks best, something like this

[Image: m8xgmal.jpg]
[Image: 1VxkpDz.jpg]

da big green booy
[Image: kUQClD0.jpg]

[Image: ioxXgGv.jpg]

cute little animals
Nice sketchbook. I love your art style, really colorful.
@leo_7 Thanks :D

[Image: D9nB1Vh.jpg]

Here's the bear painting, I loved the little dude on the mouse but after painting him he looked so out of place I just couldn't figure out how to make it all work and I tried a lot =/
Also made some koi fish painting today but its whatever. I really like how the bear image turned out it's exactly the way I wanted it to look but after finishing it I've been in a crappy mood. I feel like I just draw the same image over and over and it's all super basic stuff idk it's just not enough. 
side note I just noticed that I never got around to painting a back leg on the big bear (red panda whatever) lol how does that even happen :D I'll fix it tomorrow.

[Image: 8BIf9dj.jpg]

anyway been doing studies of things and trying to start new images, they've all been failures so far but I sketched this out based on some random pinterest photo. I wanna try out new ways of painting and more controlled colors with this. If it goes anywhere I'll post a side by side
Hello its me Visual development artist Yun Ling

[Image: UMCGQXc.jpg]

[Image: cm8cagc.jpg]

Ever since I did the roundbrush challenge I realized that only using a hard round to paint all my images is easier and more fun and this is just the extreme version of that.

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