Coinhero's sketchbook
[Image: nz3AfwC.jpg]

this is pretty much finished, it's too exhausting to keep going

[Image: ueaAkEZ.png]

this is what I'm working on right now
Last 3d project of 2019

[Image: ezgif-2-587a45a3fa61.gif]

close up

[Image: 9QSb0zm.jpg]

I also got rid of the stupid blur from the kiki painting in my previous post. I think I'll just do some studies now
Nice work here, really enjoy the update on the top of this page, great composition, style, and use of colors there. 3D work is ace as well, have no clue how that operates so I can't offer much in terms of critique, but I really admire any artist that can tackle both 2D and 3D and do it so well. Great updates, looking forward to more from you!

Thanks cgmythology I'm also happy with the painting and 3D sculpt. I see the gif link is broken on the 3D one [Image: 7Ii35Sv.gif]

here's a new one. When it comes to 3D I just wanted to get better and drawing people and sculpting seemed like a fun way to learn. I was really surprised at how natural it feels to sculpt, it's a lot more simple that drawing you just add and pull a form around till it looks like something lol. Everything that's not sculpting is super technical and not artistic at all, it really sucks but I still recommend everyone to try out sculpting it doesn't take much time to get used to moving around in 3D space and you don't need to know what everything does.

Haven't posted in a while here's some stuff

[Image: auwhc0k.jpg]

made this Sir Lawrance Alma-Tadema study, I don't remember the name of the original, I think it was something like Sculptures in Rome 19xx 

[Image: hGLiq6w.jpg]

Also this one but I don't know if I'll paint it.

[Image: 7wmNdiO.jpg]

made these lines because I wanted to make a fan art image of a band I really like but I spend soooo much fucking time moving stuff around and starting over that I got burned out. I had an idea of how I wanted to paint everything but not so much the composition I wanted.

[Image: wxrFmnz.jpg]

got this painting out of it. It has some thiccc brush strokes and that's pretty much all I wanted from it.

[Image: YLTaWcj.png]

started sculpting Ibuki from street fighter today. I'm trying to get a good base to work on top of currently, all the details and getting small things correct comes later x.x
Polishing something in 3D is the most boring thing ever and I just lose all interest when it gets to the modeling shoes and adding finger nails part. I need to figure out something more complex for my next 3D project because this doesn't really force me to think anymore it's just time consuming. But at the same time I don't want to model countless little things and spend hours scaling and rotating them so they fit nicely.

[Image: ZbT47oy.gif]

[Image: 19vYrEr.jpg]

[Image: BQCOzXK.jpg]

Im liking how youre drawing faces recently, it gives me a huston vibe oddly enough ;)

Im gonna be starting 3d soon i have a nice computer now... any tips? Im using 3dcoat and blender and marmoset for rendering. Theres so much jargon in 3d posts i have a hard time keeping up; i feel like every post i read i hear a new word, its intimidating but probably isnt once you understand it

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(01-08-2020, 11:37 PM)Fedodika Wrote: Im liking how youre drawing faces recently, it gives me a huston vibe oddly enough ;)

Im gonna be starting 3d soon i have a nice computer now... any tips? Im using 3dcoat and blender and marmoset for rendering. Theres so much jargon in 3d posts i have a hard time keeping up; i feel like every post i read i hear a new word, its intimidating but probably isnt once you understand it
When it comes to 3D jargon there's a list of around 10 terms you just have to learn and there's no way around it. Fundamental stuff like UV's, nodes, topology... etc, once you mess around with everything you start to pick up on things. For instance I know "inverse kinematics" is something related to animation but that's about it, I know enough to understand it refers to an aspect of 3D I'm not interested in so there's no point in looking it up. Just do things your own way and when you run in to a problem you'll naturally come to a solution that leads you to learning a new word. If you want to make "game ready assets" looking up a workflow of all the steps you need to take will just lead you down a rabbit hole of watching videos on how to do super specific things and you'll end up even more confused. Just focus on making something look cool and with time you'll learn the proper way of doing things and all the jargon. Also Blender 2.81 can do 90% of what 3DCoat and Marmoset can but it's all in one program which makes things a lot more simple, just learn blender and then branch out to marmoset for rendering when you already have a grasp on everything else. It can get really confusing when you lets say model in blender, then export to 3D coat for sculpting/retopology and then have to put it all together in Marmoset to render rather than doing all that in blender and keeping it simple.
I made this Redline fanart

[Image: LXMl5Gw.jpg]


[Image: GSbP38e.jpg]

[Image: f55wJy3.jpg]

I like his face it's cool

[Image: WULLzcX.png] the bot situation is getting out of hand
very good!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@Fedodika Thanks!

[Image: YVW0maC.jpg]

something I started working on today. I'm scared of painting this I have a clear vision of what I want but it's hard to pull of x.x
[Image: H6D5cRx.jpg]

[Image: dbS7Ehc.jpg]

Waterhouse study

[Image: mCgBrpI.jpg]

working on this right now but it's giving me a lot of trouble

[Image: xWpYDB5.jpg]

this is where I'm at currently
I feel like your rendering is straddling between notan and like rendered edges... With how stylized your work is, it might be good to push the graphic read more, like in your last one above this comment. The characters are clean cutouts and they looks good, whereas the rest is a bunch of painterly blobs; I think if you stylized those blobs as a clear flat shape, that'd look more appealing. Same with the snow,

See like in this, each shape is clear and has a purpose, and ties the cartoon world together. I think the blurry painterly look fits well with realism like waterhouse, but if you look close even he has clearly designed shapes of trees and such. You seem to be enclosing on this concept, and i think if youre aware you could push those shapes harder and itd pay off quick.

Like youre kind of executing it here, but those arent appealing clouds, sam neilson has really well designed enviro pieces, so look at some of those for ideas

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
I definitely agree with Fedo. I like your style with the impressionist, kind of Marco Bucci coloring, but there's a lot of potential for appealing shapes that you don't really take advantage of. Since it seems like you're going for a simplified kind of look that emphasizes color, it really puts even more importance on shape to carry the composition.

In the waterhouse study for example, you go right for the vibrant colors, but you haven't even really defined any forms for the colors to be on! When you take color out of the equation, it's actually very confusing. It would definitely be worth it to slow down a bit.

I like where the bus stop piece is going, the blue and orange is really appealing. I'd like to see how it turns out!

Attached Files Image(s)

@Fedodika I played around painting in a more graphic style like when I made this 
[Image: f8050620147f07c75fb70af6616d3da30ebb61d7.jpg]

but now I'm trying to get a look that's closer to something like this

[Image: wenjun-lin-.jpg?1523609913]

The messy painterly background with really clear cut characters looks really appealing to me for some reason. So that's why I'm painting the way I am now and i really like it :D With that ibuki 3D sculpt and all others I've made I'm still not sure how exactly to get the look I want, it's a little to technical for my tiny brain. The clouds were kind of a last minute addition and I struggled a lot trying to get them to look the way I want.

@JosephCow I'm really thinking about the overall shape of everything and tying to keep everything appealing and simple but it's just hard :D I've been looking at a lot of Min Yum's work and a guy on pixiv that goes by the name Niy for a very long time because I think they pull of the look I'm going for best but damn I just can't get it to all fit together. And yea the waterhouse study is a mess. I made it in one sitting just because I couldn't think of what to paint that day and I just wanted to get it over with.

Here's some new stuff. 2 versions of the bus image
with tiger-kun

[Image: fApLebu.jpg]

and without 

[Image: MT8A9aV.jpg]

I like the second one more but it has a very different feeling to it so I dunno. I haven't posted this anywhere yet so I might still try out some things.

[Image: EqGcoMF.jpg]

I wanted to make an image with Ibuki so here are some sketches I made. Originally it was going to be for a challenge where you have to draw all fighting game characters that you play so my early sketches had a lot going on but non of them worked out. The one in the middle is how I sketch everything out these days, just a bunch of messy shapes that only make sense to me because I have the image in my head and then clean up. One on the right I really like for a couple of reasons and I might push it further in the future. Left one is what I'm going with it's really simple and really inspired by an image by Niy.

[Image: kac75b0.jpg]

cleaner lines

[Image: rhQ1jS3.jpg]

this is what it looks like right now. I'm treating it a bit like a study for the background and I'm trying to get a really colorful look but with desaturated colors.
[Image: tkB2OvK.jpg]

3 sketches I'm working on right now. I like each of them for different reasons and I want to paint all 3 but probably wont.
the on the roof sketch is super cool, keep pushin that one ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(01-30-2020, 01:03 AM)Fedodika Wrote: the on the roof sketch is super cool, keep pushin that one ;)
[Image: cxHE75A.jpg]

I forgot to post this. This one is more of a study so I don't want to go crazy with it but I like the way it is now. I'm focused on this one now

[Image: akiNZJN.jpg]
[Image: day_50.jpg]

I'll change the pose a bit more tomorrow
[Image: day_56.jpeg]

Sculpt is based on this design

[Image: 20200202_doodle.png]

I started posting on (soon to be the 4chan thing where you need to post everyday to stay in the ladder, saw this doodle made by "Sleepy" and decided to make a quick sculpt of it. 
Turns out sleepy is so now I'll have to make a little bit of an awkward shout out on my instagram post :D[url=][/url]
[Image: day_58.jpeg]

look at this dude

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