(08-06-2018, 01:01 AM)Fedodika Wrote: pretty cool, you could probably get little commissions doing things like that, people love little avatar things :)

Thanks Fe

I do occasionally do commissions like this, but its not my favorite kind of work..
I dunno, sometimes its fun

tweaked the colors on this to be a bit more vibrant
[Image: yapotronbrighter_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjfpm3.jpg]

some portraits of whatever style just for fun practice

[Image: adam_portrait_study_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjaa43.jpg]

[Image: portrait_practice_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjcak5.jpg]

[Image: discord_portraitsbishie_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjfplo.jpg]

[Image: viola_portrait_practice_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjfove.jpg]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
some more portraits, just playing and practicing

[Image: more_portrait_practice_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjjm9s.jpg]

[Image: portrait_practice_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjgenf.jpg]

[Image: portrait_practice_7_8_2018_by_andrew_gib...cjjptj.jpg]

[Image: portrait_practice_8_8_2018_by_andrew_gib...cjjpxb.jpg]

[Image: cat_face_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjjq0w.jpg]

[Image: portrait_practice_8_8_2018_fire_hair_by_...cjjq2s.jpg]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
if you post the ref i could do a critique on these

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(08-08-2018, 09:49 PM)Fedodika Wrote: if you post the ref i could do a critique on these

Thanks bro but its cool, I'm not really aiming for accuracy so much, more just playing with particular things like, how I block in, what can i get away with color wise, can i get a good likeness without being accurate with proportion, do i need to be careful, whats it look like if i leave parts loose and some are just I'm tired, can i get a decent result in 30 minutes.

there just bits of fun and I learnt what I wanted to from them already.
but cheers all the same!

heres some GIF process thingos

[Image: ssgif1_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjjqrk.gif]
[Image: sandy_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjjqul.gif]
[Image: blob_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjjqwt.gif]
[Image: viola_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjjqyw.gif]
[Image: maa2_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjjr7u.gif]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
couple more portraits
quicker ones

[Image: discord_portraits2melli_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjyidj.jpg]

[Image: discord_portraits2timo_by_andrew_gibbons-dcjyid2.jpg]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Nice portraits dude.

It's always interesting to see someone else's workflow, I see that you start with a decent line drawing and then paint over that. I've seen other people just go straight to painting but I always feel really uncomfortable when I do that.

Keep posting dude :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

(08-15-2018, 02:08 AM)Artloader Wrote: Nice portraits dude.

It's always interesting to see someone else's workflow, I see that you start with a decent line drawing and then paint over that. I've seen other people just go straight to painting but I always feel really uncomfortable when I do that.

Keep posting dude :).

Thanks dude, actually the most fun for me is blocking in straight color real quick picking colors quickly by feel even if they are way off. then pull it all together, the lines is nice for playing with proportions and trying to nail likeness early.
will try to keep posting somewhat regularly.

heres a piece I'm working one that i put on the back burner for some time and am not determined to finish it

its based on a Bouguereau painting but with a character of mine in place.
its like half master study in that way but more a homage to Bougs because he's my fav old school painter
I've got a few more of these simultaneously in the works.
all based of Bouguerau's paintings with my comic book characters in place
Heres mine compared with the original

[Image: real_eyes_covers_pt1wip_by_andrew_gibbons-dck4qox.jpg]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
[Image: nilly_by_andrew_gibbons-dckcrp4.jpg]

[Image: andrew-gibbons-real-eyes-covers-700.gif?1534504624]

[Image: andrew-gibbons-em-re.jpg?1534505310]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Been a minit since ive been on here and was a bit out of the personal works mode for a while but im back at it..

[Image: dcmttj2-641bea29-14fd-41eb-b9b6-761a0a434229.jpg]
some recentish stuff. this ones of a friend who likes succulents

[Image: dcxw0bi-17a5626a-9762-4e29-9c9c-06dc5609152b.jpg]

[Image: dcxz93j-31af31e9-24d8-41d6-8508-820660c634ed.jpg]

started a series of Mortal Kombat portraits months back, just trying to actually finish some stuff

Want to twitch stream more this year
follow my channel if you wanna hang out

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
I like the succubus girl she has a unique and cute face..

The Jade is good, i think to enhance her appearance you could make her face more stylized, as her face is like a very literal asian woman, maybe make her nose less wide, and dial back the skin texture, as that seldom makes a female face more beautiful. Its pretty solid though, i mean, as far as her appearing tough and powerful, it does a good job. and nice work on the neck and clavicle area.

Mileena, shes a tough character as far as getting the overall essence. she has sexy eyes but a terrifying monster like mouth. I feel like with your depiction, she seems nonchalant and loses a lot of her very deviant evil personality, like what comes to mind when i think of her

and if anything, really really push her mouth, like the gums and the intricate evil she can portray with her mouth. Right now i feel its caught between the two extremes and ends up in uncanny valley. I feel mileena would strike that pose with her mask on, to pretend to be harmless and sexy, but not with it off, shed know shed been exposed

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Cheers for the feedback,

I do need to go back in and soften the face of jade and perhaps add something more feature wise.
it was many months back when i originally was painting it and i was using a more textured brush back then
Mileena i polished up more using the soft round.

heres some of the process snapshots for the sake of this being the sketchbook section
[Image: andrew-gibbons-mileenaprogress-shots.jpg?1548313160]

[Image: andrew-gibbons-jade-progress-shots.jpg?1548412982]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
So i went back in and finished up this piece I started ages ago

[Image: dcyolty-be02baed-95c3-4b0b-a9dc-bef88f7176f4.jpg]
I dont usually go so saturated with my work but I thought id give it a go and gauge the reaction
i can always go back and alter it..

and this is an album cover commission I finished up not too long ago
His album is up on spotify already and is going to have a physical release this year
[Image: i_mpossible_album_cover_art_by_andrew_gi...llview.jpg]
not doing too much direct studies these days but learning through rendering finished pieces..
I had a period off painting but still feel like my eyes improved and in turn my painting skill..
still struggle sometimes on the money side but loving the choice I made to pursue art
I hope you all are doing well and keeping up the grind :)

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
For your poster, i feel like the girl on the right and the girl in the center had the best reference for them, as they are quite lifelike and accurate. However, the girl on the right's head is very large to her body, and the girl in the middle has tiny hands and she just feels very small on the image.

The male face on the left, it doesnt look very realistic, it seems invented perhaps? I mean his face isnt technically wrong, but he doesnt feel... like any sort of character, like his proportions are generic they dont strike me as handsome or evil, or any other character trait; If there were a reference, id be interested in who the actor was

The "logan" doesnt feel like logan to me, he is way less handsome, being that he has a soft jawline, the sides of his skull do not contour in that sexy, manly hugh jackman way. You drew his jaw as if it were facing completely forward, when in perspective a head tilting down would narrow the jaw instead of widening, same with his nose, it doesnt feel like its tilting forward.

The figures in the back are goofy, like the blonde character, has a really fatty face that is not attractive or appealing, and feels invented and generic. The blue dude's bicep is very short, and his pose feels awkward and the figure with white hair has a few face issues. His head, from his nose, appears to be tilting up but his forehead is not foreshortened to accomdate that. Also the logan's hands are weird, as one thumb is visible in resting position, and the other isnt. Though thats technically possible, i think itd look better to show both as having the fullness of the opponens policis poking out the side

There is an issue with the value range in both the images, so for the wolverine one, the values are mid to high, with some blacks but nowhere near enough to balance it. The rendering on the faces shows very little attention to shadows or hard forms, everythings airbrushed rendered, with very similar colors and the lack of hard shadow play really keeps the image from popping. Drew struzan, the master of these kinds of pictures, always use a super strong set up of chiaroscuro in his images which adds a lot of drama.

For the album cover, the face and figure have a lot of personality, but from far away its really hard to tell what the image is. Like all the values are 40% dark, 50% midtone and 10% high value. I cant really tell there is a figure in the image if i back all the way up, the only silhouette i can read are the birds because only they have enough contrast to seperate from the other elements in the image. You almost have a strong gesture on the figure, but the line of action is broken by his arm angling as it is instead of going straight up to continue the curve.

And his thighs, whew, considering where it inserts, would he have room for a penis?

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
cheers for the feedback Fed
spot on with allot of the anatomy quirks
yeah fitting everything nicely and in proportion was struggle for this piece.
after letting my eyes rest from it i could see more of the errors.
made some changes and ill stop here for now so i dont get bogged down forever on this

[Image: dcyolty-86ef6dd7-961f-4866-a84e-e8c1a7f381d4.jpg]

also made a comic cover style one which was an intention from the start

[Image: dcyv64z-e8442106-a7db-4737-99ae-d0e5c69695db.jpg]

The album cover was tricky to fit in as much as was requested. always can do better but its published and I have to move on to the next one

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
[Image: andrew-gibbons-grffin-burger-6-workmen-9...1551551706]
Finished this commission for my friend
Hes opening up his 2nd burger restaurant!
Really not into drawing/painting buildings
hopefully that will change somehow but yeah..
hard surface stuff just isn't my thing least for the moment

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Finished a couple of commissions

[Image: baby_bboy_by_andrew_gibbons_dd2cxs3-full...pVAU9m7PLU]

[Image: reno_and_chiemi_by_andrew_gibbons_dd2x6q...2PysikTgFc]

[Image: in_australia_by_andrew_gibbons_dd2x6xr-f...roW_ruXIFk]

I've been in a strange place with art stuff lately..
really eager to get into some personal work but also just feel very drained by life and trying to stay on top of finances and have enough to invest back into art

I just paid for my first artist alley spot at the local comic con and now have 2 months to prepare enough prints to bring
gonna be tough as I'm quite a slow worker for various reasons I am coming to understand over time.

my arm seems to fatigue and get sore a bit fast recently probably because I am not painting regularly enough

I want to do more learning and exploration with my processes, stylistic approach and medium..
but its tough when trying to keep up with moneys
but I'm glad I've had some steady commission work coming in
slow progress still progress though
am getting there...

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Great work on your portrait, keep it going !
Cheers @baldegate!

uhh so heres some character designs I started working on
not after a critique, just trying to put more WIP stuff here since its sketchbook and all
I've got 7 I want to get done.. all characters I've got some vague back story for.

[Image: 5_progress_by_andrew_gibbons_dd371iw-ful...qoZ-I3vf1Q]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
One done..
I feel way too slow and over think parts and just need more practice understanding good shape deign, materials and stuff.. feeling very inefficient but will improve..

[Image: dd3cph4-0518aa36-acf3-446d-afef-da964c61...PTIEso3o-g]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
showing some of the steps
[Image: andrew-gibbons-saurai-re.gif?1554085875]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357

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