Seeking a Study Partner
I've been progressing on my own for a while, but I was thinking it'd be a good idea to have a partner, because with just me, I give myself too many 'outs,' and I don't feel like it's super important to hold to my schedule. I know this is harmful and I want to curb that behavior, and I'm tired of crawling up this plateau. It's time to really go!

My goal right now is to get good enough and build a good enough portfolio to get paying jobs- by 'good enough,' I mean to a quality where I can start having people want me working for them, and actually starting to make money off of this. For a long term goal, I want to be able to sustain myself on only an art income. I think the jobs I'd like to do right now are card art, character commissions, and comic books.

My time zone is PST ( It's about 6:15 as I post this), and I study from 11:30 am-1:30 pm, and again at 11:00 pm to 1:00 am.
i also do 6 hours of personal work and 6 hours of client work each day, so I really try to burn the studies into my head by applying the knowledge from them.

My discord for this is beau_art#8311. Hit me up!

I'll change this part when I get a reply, until then I'm open.

Sketchbook (updated daily)

discord: Beau#4149

1. Use the biggest brush possible for a given passage.
2. Paint large shapes first, followed by small shapes.
3. Save your tonal and chromatic accents until the last.
4. Try to soften any edge that doesn’t need to be sharp.
5. Take time to get the center of interest right.

Or, the briefer version: (B.L.A.S.T.)
Big brushes.
Large to small.
Accents last.
Soften edges.
Take your time. 

(James Gurney)
Sorry but a partener in my opinion can also be an excuse.
It a person if your are not careful that you can start to blame it the same thing with a mentor.
When you make excuse it alway someone else fault.
Atm atleast you are realizing your issue in regard to sticking to a schedule and in regard to giving yourself easy way out.

What you leak young padwan is self control.Seriously i would say learn to be able to meditate just sit down and you wait there 5minute if you have no interest to draw after that 5minute period add 5 other minute to the mediation until all that remain is your desire to draw.Once you break your meditation it will feel like a reward but once you fnish the mediation you cannot do anything else but draw immediately after.

But there an other harder issue you might have it to be able to silence the voice of procrastiation.It the inner dialogue that you might not realize that yet drive you to abandon drawing.Let say for example you draw and it beautiful outside.That voice may say something like why not go outside and draw.But then what happen you go outside and you loose focus.

To maintain your focus you need to be able to constently silence the voice but it take practice.You need to do observe the flow of distracting inner voice attack you must try to stop giving those voice attention and redirect the flow of the inner voice into being constructive rather than distractive.

Let say you are drawing your brain is alway talking to itself like what might i eat later or i wanna watch my favorite show but instead you need to make it so that you focus on the thing your doing now.

Remember everything as it time you do not need to be think of the past or the future those thing are distraction.

One last thing you might find sometime that you get tired it might be hard to determine when you need a pause so remember not to work for to long but try to make fix block of time you can move if needed during your day.You say you want to work 6 hour let say 3 block of 2 hour should make it much more enjoyable it just depend if you can afford or not to strench those block of time during the day.

It really depend on if you go to school or you got a job and if you have alot of responsablity if not it should be really easy for you to implement

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(02-13-2019, 02:20 PM)darktiste Wrote: Sorry but a partener in my opinion can also be an excuse.
It a person if your are not careful that you can start to blame it the same thing with a mentor.
When you make excuse it alway someone else fault.
Atm atleast you are realizing your issue in regard to sticking to a schedule and in regard to giving yourself easy way out.

What you leak young padwan is self control.Seriously i would say learn to be able to meditate just sit down and you wait there 5minute if you have no interest to draw after that 5minute period add 5 other minute to the mediation until all that remain is your desire to draw.Once you break your meditation it will feel like a reward but once you fnish the mediation you cannot do anything else but draw immediately after.

But there an other harder issue you might have it to be able to silence the voice of procrastiation.It the inner dialogue that you might not realize that yet drive you to abandon drawing.Let say for example you draw and it beautiful outside.That voice may say something like why not go outside and draw.But then what happen you go outside and you loose focus.

To maintain your focus you need to be able to constently silence the voice but it take practice.You need to do observe the flow of distracting inner voice attack you must try to stop giving those voice attention and redirect the flow of the inner voice into being constructive rather than distractive.

Let say you are drawing your brain is alway talking to itself like what might i eat later or i wanna watch my favorite show but instead you need to make it so that you focus on the thing your doing now.

Remember everything as it time you do not need to be think of the past or the future those thing are distraction.

One last thing you might find sometime that you get tired it might be hard to determine when you need a pause so remember not to work for to long but try to make fix block of time you can move if needed during your day.You say you want to work 6 hour let say 3 block of 2 hour should make it much more enjoyable it just depend if you can afford or not to strench those block of time during the day.

It really depend on if you go to school or you got a job and if you have alot of responsablity if not it should be really easy for you to implement

True. I think there's a lot of merit to what you're saying, and I appreciate your response and your thoughts on this. Meditation especially could be helpful for me to not lose sight of my goals so easily.

I do think that, if it's a healthy studying partnership, it will drive both people to work harder and improve. I don't feel like I need someone to babysit me and monitor me to ensure that my studies get done for the day- rather, the kind of  partnership I picture is like friends who exercise together.

Say I go to the gym alone and stay for an hour and lift some weights and then leave. If I lift those weights for an hour I'll feel productive, and I should, in a sense, because I did something. But if I went with a partner, maybe they could say, "Hey, you should really be on the treadmill right now. It's not your arms you need to focus on." And seeing them work hard will ideally make me go from 100% to 150%.

So it's more like "I'd better work even harder so we both grow better faster" than anything.

Sketchbook (updated daily)

discord: Beau#4149

1. Use the biggest brush possible for a given passage.
2. Paint large shapes first, followed by small shapes.
3. Save your tonal and chromatic accents until the last.
4. Try to soften any edge that doesn’t need to be sharp.
5. Take time to get the center of interest right.

Or, the briefer version: (B.L.A.S.T.)
Big brushes.
Large to small.
Accents last.
Soften edges.
Take your time. 

(James Gurney)

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