Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in!
Loving the updates! Great variety and I'm particularly impressed by your texture work - always very natural and convincing. Keep up the great work!

Thanks one_two and George.

You are smashing things up (in a good way) with all your latest, George— definitely setting the bar a LOT higher for the rest of us trying to keep up wit' ya.  : )


Hope everyone who celebrated Christmas had a good one and wishing you all the best in 2025!!!


So here's some new schtuff I'm happy to post as the year winds down.

Back in 2019 I did a pastel pencil of this one and decided to rework it using Krita and my trusty Wacom.  

(If you wanna see the pastel it's on my second post on my first page here near the top.)  


This next one is from a sketch I did with my niece's kids in mind.  I kept it pretty close to to the original concept but cleaned it up a lot and added to the background.  

Just a cartoony thang — but I had fun on it. (Used Inkscape for the word balloons and text)


I did a bit more work on this one and I still might fiddle with it as time allows.


Mostly do pastoral backgrounds so this one (and the super-hero piggie) were a nice change of pace.


I have done some edgier stuff too — and this one had a lot of happy accidents from me just experimenting back in my Photoshop daze


I'll share one more older one — this started out as a digital doodle that I stubbornly worked on until I was happier with it.  Sometimes things just seem to flow and sometimes it's like wrestling an angry herd of chipmunks.


I was going to share a bunch more — but need to move on to other thangs.

Have a wunnerful end to 2024 and all the best in 2025!

Fantastic updates! You've really improved with creating more dimensional lighting and form, your latest images POP!! Great updates, keep it going and Happy New Year!

Greetings earthlings and visitors!

Thanks so much Tango_Mango.

Happy New Year back to you George.  Thanks so much!  I have been trying to push my lighting recently and am very happy if that's coming through. 

Thanks to both of you again!


I tried to make it around to some of the other SBs here — but am running out of time — so if I messed yours I'll try to catch you next time.


LONG ago, after I'd just been starting to get a handle on human art anatomy, I sketched a warrior today's piece is based on.  I'm too embarrassed to show that because it is truly horrible.  But I always  wanted to paint it and had made a few attempts over the years.

Recently I was looking through my Image Bank and realized I had gathered TONS of refs and decided to give it a try again. 

Back in my ConceptArt.org daze — people would comment on my 'super-exaggerated' anatomy — and this is meant to be that — kinda Hulk meets Frazetta.....

Here's just a few of the refs I used (Yeah — I needed all the help I could get)


A look at a study / work in progress 


A photo study from a while back


Did this charcoal (18 X 24) and later added some muscles over the neck — so this version is lost fo'evah : ) 


And finally a pastel pencil buzzard (Yes — there really are blue-faced buzzards like this)  


Thanks for stoppin' by — See ya again soon Daggers!  ( I hope)

Brilliant studies. The anatomy on the first one looks on point too, very well done. Great work all around, love the way you handle textures and details in your paintings!

Hello fellow earthlings (and others)!


Thanks so much George.  It's amazing how rusty you can get on anatomy if you don't keep after it.  I'm glad it looks ok to you (even though I amped it up a LOT : )  I always appreciate your feedback and support! 

BTW — I'm working on another painting and using less exaggerated anatomy on it.


At the start of 2025, I forgot to add my 'Jephyr's 2024 Daggers' Sketchbook 'completed paintings line-up' — done in part as a way for me to keep tabs on my own progress:


Here's the Jester I posted as a WIP on page 6 — just polished up all purty-like — using Krita and my trusty Wacom.


I used to do tons of silly character concept/portraits and came across this old one in a neglected 'works-in-progress' file and decided to finally finish it this month in Krita.  It's kinds rough but I'm glad to move it from the WIP column.


Here's an old one I haven't posted here but did back in my ConceptArt.org daze.  


Don't think I've posted this old one here before — started out as a pencil sketch and finished off in Photoshop.


And finally, an old photo study I did, also using Photoshop


Welp, that's it fo' me — thanks for peepin' in on my corner of the Daggers whirled.

See ya again soon


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