Zaulta's Sketchbook
Uhh stuff from yesterday. Was gonna do longer studies but got in a rabbit hole of looking for refs lol. I got a bunch of new good refs ha.

Some render practice from today and tired @-2. Don't think I did too well on the shapes but k. Thing on the right is for tomorrow.

Was able to life sketch at work past two days. Very quick though, when I take my longer breaks, co workers take their shorter ones :(. Haven't done it in so long and I keep making their bodies too small. Tomorrow I just sketch one of the machines or something if I can

Umm tired today. Was able to live sketch a good friend at work. Took around 10 min.

Hey, I like your studies and the fact you are actually trying to understand what goes where and the forms etc. Also nice that you have a sketchbook you keep by your side, drawing colleagues at work, yh I would probably be too scared to do that.
One thing I noticed , in a lot of post, you said you are tired. Don't forget to take care of yourself!
I am at the moment tired as well, I have quite a mentally and physically demanding job (non art related), which is also time consuming as f. Anyway,not getting into details.Just be careful, don't push yourself too much.
Remember, this journey will take a lot of time. Keep it up!

Thanks for checking out the sketchbook lol. Yeah, working takes a lot of time and a lot** of energy : ^). I'll make sure to just take some break some days and just relax. Yesterday tried to take your pointer :). Honestly just feel like I'm trying to rush a bit cause of pressure from college applications coming soon and other stuff but ok.

Yesterday just one small study for the whole day. Had the day off. Thing on the right is for tomorrow

Studies from today. Tried sticking to the usual art schedule.

refs for above and below

Tried to do some fanart of Ban tonight. Might try to go further with it tomorrow, but got kinda bored after a while. Also wanna try to get into either mechs or environments digitally very soon : ^).

The sketch

Finished it : ^). First time using noise and rim light I think. Looked at refs for the abs.

Was at my grandparents house all day for a party, so just some irl sketches and then just relaxed rest of the day. Got home late too @-@. Also thought drawing these would be good practice for mechs soon.

Hey dude, here's a quick paintover of the rimlight (i just smudged it but i thin it's important), the hard edge was really bugging me. All of the forms you've got are organic and curved and so the edge of any light on them will be more or less soft. I also added a slight glow from the rimlight, i think it enhances the effect
Btw great job with the subsurface scattering
And try a bit more triangular simplified shapes with the hair, think about big, medium, small when designing them (sinix has a good video on that Big Medium Small, check it out!

[Image: A1I6lqZ.jpg]

Other than that great job, keep the good work up!

Drain gang
Hey really loved seeing your stuff on CA and glad your here too <3 and thanks for checking out the sketchbook and the paint over. I'll try to remember your pointers that soft goes with soft and exc. and practice small medium large concepts with mechs tomorrow : ^).

Tired and busy again today @-@. Gonna make a deal with myself that at most two days that I work a week I can take a break from art stuff and not have to stress stress. Usually work around 3-4 days a week. Tomorrow gonna try to get back to usual art schedule.

Tried to follow what ogn said. Don't really want to show cause feels half assed. I tried to redo the hair but just felt like I ruined it lol.
Stuff from today. Felt like I could've done more, but it's fine. Have work all day tomorrow @-@, likely will take a break from art for tomorrow.

First mech is one mainly from the head. Watch some videos first and notes are on the top. When I was drawing the first one didn't know what I was doing lol. I'll try to practice mechanical drawings and paintings with my usual studies.

Haven't uploaded in a bit, oops :).
From 3 days ago I think. Sketched the drink station at work. Took a break at home.

From 2 days ago. Remembered not feeling that hot. Good thing is that I wanted to start studying from movies. Don't know or watch much of them, so started with this video. Almost every shot in the video is amazing.

From yesterday. Watched Baby Driver after doing the thing from above. Still have a bunch of photos taken I could paint from. With the one on the top left my laptop crashed @-@. Also, I think doing studies from movies is a good way to try and learn environment painting and from old master painters too.



Today watched Hero. Real beautiful movie and got a ton of shots. Also tried painting clouds earlier in the day and didn't turn out so well. Looked on how some other artist painted clouds and got a better idea on how to approach them.

Stuff from yesterday and also had work @-@.

Painted an online friend from photo. Had a lot of fun with it : ^).

Comfort zone doodles

Cloud studies. Feel pretty unmotivated to paint environments. Probably cause I'm not too familiar with them yet : ^).

Attached Files Image(s)

Cool updates, Zaulta, I especially like the portrait you did of your friend.

I'm interested to know what you're hoping to learn from painting movie screenshots.
If you want to learn more about lighting, a good exercise Dorian Iten suggests is placing a sphere in the scene and then attempting to light it so it looks like it belongs there. I don't really have an example (as he covers this in his paid lighting course, I think) but if you look here at the video thumbnail, you'll notice the sphere painted in the scene. So the general idea is introducing an object and trying to paint it like it belongs to that scene.
It's a good exercise to do. A lot of fun too
Thanks for checking the sketchbook again lol. For the movie shots, preetty much just want to get comfortable with composition, different lighting situations, and trying to paint other things than people. Pretty simple cause I usual paint single objects and one person in each painting. Yeah and thanks for the exercise suggestion gonna try it soon :).

Been awhile since a mirror self portrait so. Had trouble with the hand. Still something I need to study. Also a doodle on the right.

First attempt when blocking in colors. Started over after 20 something minutes.

From today, had work @-@. Gonna finish this tomorrow. Wanna try to learn how to paint 'cleaner' if that makes sense. Just gonna have to do research for a bit.

Kinda want to quit the fast food job in a month or so. Drains too much energy and time so I don't feel like drawing as much. By that time I would've made the money for the things I wanted in the first place : ^). Also manager's a bitch.
Cool stuff. Good break up of shapes also!
Thanks <3

Was busy and lazy today : ^). During art time I kept on getting distracted. Got something done at least. Also addicted to Civ 6 again. Gonna try to render this tomorrow and was inspired by civ 6 a bit. Need to add more emotion to her expression maybe.

Finished the study. Wasn't that much I wanted to add anyways and not sure if the ball looks right.

Had a full shift atwork today. Gonna try to finish tomorrow, but I have another full shift tomorrow and the day after that. Pretty salty... Good thing is that I got enough money for the art mentor ship I've been wanting for a while < 3

Just a quick paintover of that room study. I think the reference is generally warmer overall, and both light sources are much warmer than what you have (the lamp being less warm and weaker, but still warmer than yours)

Also, check out how saturated some places near the window are. Make sure to include such moments because that's what makes the richness of the image - the warmth and subsurface of that window makes a big part of the atmosphere. Also, be sure to include a more saturated color on the terminator of the skin since there's a bit of subsurface scattering happening there as well. 

[Image: IXthZQE.jpg]

Hope that helps someway

Drain gang
Thanks for the paint over and tips again <3. Now that I look at it, the way I painted in the room makes it look more gloomy in a way. Yeah think what threw me off was I started with unsaturated colors first. Will try to remember about the saturation with the term and how it can apply to the things like in the vase on the left.

Rough past few days with work and stuff @-@. Might start art mentorship soon :). First thing that he asked was to do some self reflection with a presentation. Not done yet, but mind as well share it since it's related and spent awhile making it so far.

Worked on this a little two days ago. Noticed her upper arm was too long. Might stop working on this one.

Yesterday a study @-@. Still want to work on it a little more.

Traditional sketches. Top row is from yesterday, just wanted to relax a bit from sketching rooms in the house. Bottom right is from three days ago at work. Bottom left was today at grandma's house.

Rough past few days. Work and lots of arguing.

Still life from a few days ago

Got asked to design my class's t-shirt few days ago. Wasn't a fan of the 3 color pallet (white, black, teal)

Took reference photos from yesterday. Liked the pose, kinda ass tho

Did some redraws of studies today. Would've done more, but wasn't feeling well. Also should try to contribute more to the forums.

Take it easy dude, don't stress yourself out too much, you're doing good work, keep grinding! : D

Drain gang

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