NSFW - Sup Doodles? Ganço's sketchbook [occasional doodles]
Random mecha sketches to practice light/shadow hard/soft edges

Krita 4.3.0
touch pen on tablet notebook

In this sketch, my technical goal is to better use soft/hard edges to describe grayscale/values. The concept premise is: that it is some kind of hard surface mecha creature, the constrain: it controls fire.

Feedbacks are more than welcome, thx in advance!

[Image: 1tCsmkE.jpg]
It would be wrong to start with a critic keep posting so we can determine if you got your priority right first but you will always have the last say.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
[2] another mecha concept (first step... 10% in progress)

OpenToonz 1.4 (built Feb 2 2020)
touch pen on tablet notebook

In this sketch, my technical goal is to describe grayscale/values starting with basic geometric forms. 

[Image: IXhpMd2.jpg]
Quote:It would be wrong to start with a critic keep posting so we can determine if you got your priority right first but you will always have the last say.

- Heyas, darktiste! Greetings.

Off-topic: is there a simple way to quote replies, or am I doing it right?
the button near the reply button... if that not what your already doing,Also interesting approch to describing form with strip of value but strip generally only serve to describe hard edge surface.Blending is preferable for surface that tend to have gradation(meaning there a subtile plane change going away or toward the light) .It still a viable approch because you can still blending it anways but it doesn't give the viewer the right visual information if you were not to blending where there is suppose to be blending.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Hey, guys! Tonight I got something really really in progress… right now I'm on Krita 4.3.0 bashing an old 1960's poster with the sketches I doodle in the afternoon...

[Image: cd1149dfdc4a191b3f32edcbd80e8c5e9e9cc95a.jpeg]

Don’t even know how far from finished it might be right now.

Color reference:
I think so far there a leak of clarity in your direction.Your almost working at an abstract level it hard to tell what would make a good critic.Do you see yourself as an experimental artist?What push you to do art what kind of subject you want to capture?Do you have any finish piece?

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
I agree, it was at abstract level, so much I went back to my desktop try something different:

[Image: dfV3B51.png]

And here's how far I got with the amount of time that I had available:

[Image: B3kMUcp.png]
Drawing and inking my own characters using the SILHOUETTE POSES from Travis Charest Wildcats *Cover

[Image: ewORZxH.jpg]
tonight's #fanart scribbles

[Image: LSP1MFP.png]

[Image: 60HVitf.jpg]

as an alternative to the youtube video link, these are two other URLs to open/view it:

https://youtu.be/MEnIbWG-d3E / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEnIbWG-d3E&feature=youtu.be

Cheers!  Th_084_
Can you quick edit your post with the video link i think the video in here doesn't work properly.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Yesterday's fanart:
(A) Fanart *G Pen inks*/ Hatch line volumes*

[Image: uwwxIba.jpg]

Tonight's inks:
(B) Original: *sharpies and pencils/Gray tones*

[Image: gzyevs4.jpg]

[Image: 7OjDH91.jpg]

What do you think feels more dinamic?
(A) Fanart *G Pen inks*/ Hatch line volumes*
or (B) Original: *sharpies and pencils/Gray tones*
Or both?

Let me know in the comments.
Good to see some tradional artist it make me wanna go back and do more traditional.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Nice artworks! Very cool and dynamic! 

I had some minor suggestions for one of the images:

(01-18-2021, 03:02 AM)Zorrentos Wrote: Nice artworks! Very cool and dynamic! 
I had some minor suggestions for one of the images:

Thx, man! I must admit, --though the goal was feel more dynamic-- that previous piece was more of a-doodle-n-scribble-freely kind of finishing/inking. Hehehe.. But yeah, totally agree on your feedback, specially on the materials read (I'm a big Art Adams fan, and when I can and am up to I do focus more and get better results at materials read.)

As an example, I'm posting on PORTFOLIO/FINISHED WORK (<-link) a recent piece I finished and that has materials that --intend to-- read properly (very Art Adams influenced, heheh).

BTW, time to update my sketchbook. Yesterday I did several neck anatomy studies. Basically I made lots of very simple basis/blocks/3D construct drawing by observation (watching flix) +and filled each one with all the anatomic parts I was interested on better understanding: #clavicula #sternocleromastoid #trapezius #manubrium #mylohyoid #deltoids

[Image: YPgAP5S.jpg]
[Image: eznLeqh.jpg]
[Image: Sw7F6D8.jpg]
[Image: p96ME8R.jpg]
[Image: wm2tBqL.jpg]
[Image: WyVrwbC.jpg]
[Image: 2WTd1Ne.jpg]
[Image: 48eixim.jpg]

and today's quick sketches are...

[Image: t2q3A46.jpg?1]

..and moar props!
[Image: RskFmsl.jpg]

Ganço is creating personal projects of pure underground arts and goods. 🌏https://www.downfor.art/ for Client Inquiries.
Quite nice perspective of those sketches. Did you draw them from life?

(08-05-2021, 09:25 PM)Zorrentos Wrote: Quite nice perspective of those sketches. Did you draw them from life?

Hey, Zorretos, thx for the feedback. Answering it: no, on both traditional (markers) and digital (Krita) I used the good old perspective* and constructed design variations of cameras. I did use a a photo/picture dictionary of (1) one old camera model (so I didn't run the design too different/way too far out of/from reality). But the design of composition/lighting and design of objects (the cameras) are from imagination. 

*I find it useful to have a picture dictionary for that, it is our google from the past, right? Laugh
*(Krita has some of the best perspective ruler tools)

+Yesterday last thing before bed I did this rough (on CSP EX):

[Image: 5OCUnu3.jpg]

Today, right now, first thing in the morning.. I'm fighting with the inking.. (..) I want the light to look like a camera flash light +and it to look very hawt/sexy.. but this looks... mmm.. creepy(?)

[Image: 7FmpqrK.jpg]

I hope I'm goint to figure it out, eventually Uncertain 

Ganço is creating personal projects of pure underground arts and goods. 🌏https://www.downfor.art/ for Client Inquiries.
You have a very solid style which I dig, very unique. Great updates here, keep it up!


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