FINALS! - Bloodsports 11 - Living Statues!
FULL BLOODSPORTS 11 Description here!

Post your final images in here for all to see!

Please send submissions to:
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[Image: octopus_fishers_by_peabody111-d51cdah.jpg]

I had a lot of fun with this bloodsport. These competitions really help me improve. So I hope to see some judging and some more critiques soon. I learn a lot on these things.

Process <--

[Image: done2x.jpg]

Had alot fun doing it, and looking forward to the next bloodsport. Thank you for hosting this! :)
[Image: statueillustrationfinallowress-1.jpg]
cool entrys so far, i hope to see more!

Here's my final
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=78715&d=1338606338]
Good illustrations here and on the sketchbooks, good to see the challenges stay up! : D

My entry and the making of:

[Image: bloodsports11makingof.jpg]

[Image: bloodsportsfinalfinal.jpg]

Some crits

Its a shame there arnt more entrys for this bloodsports, but the ones which did submit did an awesome job.

Jereme peabody I love the mood in this piece, and you had a prity cool idea too. I think the main issue i find is the storytelling is abit unclear. At first glance i thought these creature/statues where a threat, by the way it was creeping up on the girl in the foreground and by the kids reaction pointing at it, but nobody else seems all that fussed about them. Also, what are the blue lights on the left doing? It doesnt seem dark enough for them to be used for lights and they pull alot of focal attention, suggesting they have some narrative to the image. Finally on the topic of storytelling, the statues seem abit confusing. They seem to clash abit with the theme of the image. In one sense, you have this peaceful evening scene with normal people catching fish with seagulls overhead, then on the overhand you have these creepy creatures which seem almost alien. Who built these? Why did they design them this way? How are they alive and what purpose do they serve?
On a seperate note, you could also push the textures of the statues to show what their made of beter, even study statues or ships which have been out at sea. Very rarely do you see rock which is in the ocean look that clean and smooth. Keep an eye on your values and edges too, perhaps some still life studies can help with this.
Sorry if this came across as harsh, i only want to help and give you my honest opinion. Keep pushin and i look forward to seeing more of your stuff in the future!

Philip Cool illustration man, i can imagine this in some castlevania game. Love the creepy mood of the piece. In terms of crits, i can see two main problems here. First of is the perspective. The way the wall runs across the image with the gate is making your image look flat. The way the bricks are all vertical across the page with the top and bottom of the wall also vertical, would never happen. Theres plenty of resources to learn perspective, (perspective made easy, Loomis books, how to draw comics the marvel way) to name just a few. I would highly recommend studying up on perspective if you want to really push your images.
The second issue is the values. You've used lots of black in the shadows, and everything seems to be made out of the same material. Not only that but there doesnt seem to be a clear light source. The back of the guys helmet is in light, but his back is cast in shadow.
Here, read all of this, it will help give you more answers than i can give -
Hope this helps, best of luck with future stuff!

vatteh Cool image! I think you really took advantage of learning the values and textures of statues to its full portential. Theres not alot to crit here, but something that bugs me the most is the composition and the foreground, midground and background elements. The statue in the foreground looks almost like its from a seperate image because it doesnt interect that well with the midground and background. Its tough to determine what size that statue is, it looks hugh, but then the pilot, which im guessing is another statue is really small in the midground. The midground looks abit bleak too. For a airship runway there doesnt seem to be alot going on. Showing some other people interacting with the ship, or other vehicles coud help establish a culture and give your image more life. Finally the background looks abit rushed and unfinished. Its annoying too because to mass of structures and buildings suggests some huge bustling city full of life and culture, but the image lacks these things.

isra-acHey man! Dam you that illustration is frickin awesome. ;p I think seeing yours has also help alot with seeing the flaws in my piece too. Great job on nailing the perspective, comp, the action and the culture. For crits, i think the biggest issue is the actual main statue. The design of it seems abit odd, it looks like a dog throwing up a dragon. I think you would have been beter doing either one, but perhaps not both mashed into one ;p Or even just doing a completely new idea or creature. Also, i would have thought with it being made of metal, or stone that the head(s) area would be massively overweight, and would cause the statue to just topple over.
Secondly, its tough to see what the statue is made out of. I'm only assuming its made of gold because its yellow, but the colours and values of the creature look more like dyed rock.
Still a cool piece regardless, and its cool to see you constantly improving and pushing it. Hope this helps dude ;)

Here is my submitted image.
[Image: no11v3copy.jpg]

(06-12-2012, 07:35 AM)DertyPaws Wrote: Here is my submitted image.
[Image: no11v3copy.jpg]

Brilliant concept
I didn't really stick that close to the prompt because the contest was already over, but I still had fun and i'm putting it up for kicks. Let me know what you think
[email][Image: 41a8d491.jpg][/email]

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