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When you miror a plane your only taking information a certain slice of the space an object occupy on the x y z axis when your mirroring a form you are taking every plane inside an object and recronstructing it into copy.Imagine an piece of bread that a form that occupy a x y z space now imagine this piece of bread being slice into a ininity of 2d slice it still the same bread but instead of being a x y z it only x z or y z information.
Let try an other example that might be less complex you got a dice it as 6 face or plane but to someone who understand plane they know that a cube can be made of more than 6 plane in fact a cube is compose of an infinity of plane.
A good way to understand plane is to think of object as lowpolygon than just realize object are really highpolygonal form.Plane are flat as far as i know and form can be curve so if i am correcy a form is an infitity of flat plane in it essence but a plane is like taking a 2d x-ray portion of that object.
An other way to think of plane is if you ever saw 3d printing think of plane as a new layers of material.Will the end result is your form.
If this confuse you more than anything i recommend reading the book scoot robertston how to draw there a good section on how to mirror object.
The use of mirroring is a important aspect of understanding how to create symetry in your object for example think of a vase cut in half and you want to create the same exact other half how do you do it without eye balling the thing.Mirroring tend to be a tedious thing to do in general with the advance of software technology and with a little knowledge of 3d tool mirroring as never been so easy.But if your trying to mirror thing on paper well you gotta do it the old way.
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Sorry if this doesn't answer your question, I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. I think you're basically asking what the practical application of the mirroring technique is.
Mirroring things is something you will probably want to do only once in a while, maybe never. For most situations you could probably just fake it or eyeball it close. But if you want to know exactly how far 'into' the mirror something should be placed, then the video shows you how to do it. (meaning, you need to duplicate the exact same space away from the mirror that something is.) You use the duplication technique to do this, which is why it's next in the series.
You would use this for example if you had a mirror on a wall and you wanted to make the floor plane of the room accurately mirrored, to make sure it looks like the same room. Or, again, just to make sure the thing you're drawing in the mirror is the right distance away. If I were going to mirror a complex form, I would probably try to first enclose it in a rectangular prism, mirror that box plane by plane, and then draw the form inside it.
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Thanks for the explanations @darktiste and @JoesphCow ! After some fiddling around with the planes I found my answer on my own (for the most part), though your explanations are great (makes it more solid)! I get what they mean by mirroring now and it's uses.
I meant to delete this post but I guess it held on. Sorry bout that.