Jones Sketchbook
Damn, Been a long ass time since I last updated. Went traditional strictly for a few weeks. I've got a ton of pencil drawings, too lazy to take pics and post right now though :P

I also signed up for Noah Bradley's art camp, first week is done and I'm learning a ton, course is way more hardcore then I thought it'd be. (Which is great!)

2 - 5 value Comp Studies, a relatively quick sketch and a value study from awhile ago.

I've got more studies I'll post with the next update :)

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nice studies! I really like all the small comp/value studies you did! i need to start doing more of those! keep it up!

@yog Joshi - Thank you

I need to update more D:

The first four are master studies. Most the color stuff is pretty loose, I kept the amount of time I spent on them minimal so I could learn about the base colors mainly, I'll push the rendering on my next ones. I gotta say I'm learning a lot about color, It's a lot of fun. I've got a lot of work to do though.

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A still life from today

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Some more stuff, still life on an overcast day. Other stuff is pretty quick, last one is a quick AJ live stream inspired one, trying out some techniques.

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Lots of studies here! Love all of this and its good to have an habit like this! I like them, the only thing i wold advise to use more colors, more vivid ones in your images.

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@Lex_Paul - Thanks the comment :) I definitely need to work on my use of colors.

Lets update :) Imagination sketches, got to push those colors. master skin color studies and a self portrait.

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Right now I'm really feeling like I need to work on my drawing abilities, gonna try doing some straight up line drawings soon. My accuracy feels like its lacking incredibly.

2 & 3 are photo studies.

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youre workin fuckin hard dude, it definitely shows in how much youve improved. just keep doing your thing
Thank's Ben :) The further I get, the more I realize how much I need to learn though haha, I guess we all feel that though.


This update really hurts, it's a sketchbook though so here we go D:

Mostly manually adjusting opacity, I feel like it will help with accuracy if the strokes are more opaque.My imagination junk has been incredibly bad, it has to do with knowledge of the subject matter and time spent though i'm sure, always tryin' to rush stuff, really bad habit I need to shake.

Also that last screen study, I've been putting a bit into it here and there (I wanna push it to a nice finish) any crits or suggestions are welcome, having a lot of trouble getting the proportions correct.

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More photo studies and some imagination line drawings.

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armor study, just went in with line but threw in some simple values. imagination application as well to help it stick, been trying to do that with each study lately. Last is my first sculpt I've done in sculptris, pretty fun stuff. I did a little paint over after. Gonna mess around in sculptris some more from time to time.

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Man, wrist sure has been giving me issues lately. The female photo study, it felt like I spent 2 hours on it from the soreness in my wrist, It was only an hour though (took a small break in there) got to do some more research on wrist stretches, the one's I'm doing seem to only give temporary relief.

Gonna give both these more work tomorrow.

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The amount of work, and the improvements you make just between updates is so impressive. I understand what you're saying about the wrist pain.. That happens to me too. I remember I saw someone else on this forum link to a video by this guy named Day9 (a professional starcraft player). I do his stretches. Maybe try to make an effort to pause every half hour or so, and do some stretches.
Hey man,
Cool to see you're still here working hard and pushing yourself :). As for the wrist pain I have a few exercises i do that really helped me in a playlist here (the link butterknife has included) - I also would advise to do them in your break times as butterknife suggested.

Butterknife & Jonhop - Thank's a lot for the videos you guys. I actually hadn't seen those ones yet. Their pretty helpful for relieving stress on my wrist.


I spent the last 3 days doing hardly any drawing, pretty depressing haha. Anyway my wrist feels pretty good again. Spent about 2 hours tonight on this screen shot study.

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Some sketch stuff and a photo study wip, been too busy to paint as much as I'd like lately. Got to start sketching imagination stuff I care about more, It's harder then it sounds though. Always start but have a lot of trouble getting anatomy working. Got to stick it through though if I'm gonna get better at it.

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Little update

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Nice stuff dude, the creature faces in particular look sweeeeeeet. On the wrist pain thing, might be worth downloading something like 'AntiRSI'. It's basically a piece of software that makes you take 5 minute breaks every hour. I was having trouble with my wrist for a while, but it's totally gone since I got that. Just lets your wrist have a rest every so often I guess lol.

Anyway, keep it coming man, solid work :)

Holy shit, that's what I call improvement. I was gone for a while, now I'm back and BLAM! Tremendous improvements. Great job and really inspiring <3! Keep up the good work <33


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