Jones Sketchbook
Your doing great! Love seeing all these studies and improvement.

lines are coming along! also lov that bird creature, he's your best creature yet imo :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Kidult -Thanks dude, gotta get to finishing more stuff. good tip on checking out others work! I'll definitely try that out.

Warre - Thanks Man!

Jaik - haha oh god now they all look like carpet to me! Will get doing some material studies soon. Thanks a lot Man!

AaronJordan - Thanks Man!

Fedodika - Thank you!


re-read through all the comments in my sketchbook and damnit, you guys have been extremely helpful and incredibly motivating/inspiring! I'm really glad to learn from and alongside all of you :)

Studies and imagination stuff, mindless sketchings.

Really enjoying the daily study group fun to be doing the same study subjects with others.

Daily study videos and

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great amount of varying types of studies and personal work, keep it up!

oh man. I knew your studies were good, but your original designs rule! -a fresh breathe of air; the oddity and unique shape design. I look forward to getting better along side you. -churn that shit out man, you're going places! :D

Peppermint Butler - thanks man, will do!

Heliux - oh wow thanks Man! I've always felt like my design abilities suck, I think I might be getting onto a bit of a better track though. Gotta get some visual library buildup pages going. Looking forward to our improvement as well!


some stuff. Went back to some old sketches to add legs to today after the leg study session. Felt like I learned a good bit from it. Was avoiding legs for way too long.

Also I've been really into Mike Azevedo's work lately, especially his spitpaints. Damned awesome stuff. (This one is too damn cool Click ) Took a look at his sketchbook on CA. So much hard work in there. Made me really realize I need to be attacking my weak points harder!

(Sorry about the white backgrounds on the line stuff. Kind of uncomfortable to look at)

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hey man, awesome creature on the previous page and I detect a level up in line quality ;), great stuff , excellent studies keep pushing it my man.

Thanks Jon! feeling a lot more confident with my strokes as of recent for some reason. Still pretty messy, but I think it's a lot better then it has been!


Studyin feet from earlier today.

After I get through this anatomy week stuff I want to focus on enviro's and basic perspective for a bit. Get into doing daily spitpaints as a routine, try and gain some skills at composing images through that. So much other stuff I need to do, Got to remember I can only tackle so much at once though.

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Things are looking good, Russell! Lines looking pretty good as well. I def recommend you do those spitpaints, you can learn a ton if you stick with 'em! Keep it up <3

its crazy to see how much you have improved since 2012, all your dedication and effort is really paying off, but this battle never ends, our war is eternal, we must keep fighting. :)
I went too epic there, but its still true and its also really good and motivating to see all this studies, glad you are drawing feets. They are often shadowed by hands but they equally difficult imo.

Keep rocking man!

Atrenr - Thanks Terran! Looking forward to doing them, look like it will be a lot of fun!

Eduardo - Nope, I think that was just the right amount of epic! totally true too. Thanks a lot Ed!


Hand's kicked my ass, damn. Going to have to get back to them really soon. Also quick character dude using Dennis' character generator.

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sleep, it's been so long. I'm on my way.

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Was dealing with some stuff and totally fell behind on studying. Time to get back on track and haul ass.

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Julius is back, back again...

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twerkin' in another update with a 50 min still life and enviro study + horrible ap.

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I like dat lightbulb, your characters are surely maturing, it's slow but i can definately see it :>

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Sweet updates man! Shitload of quality work. Keep it up!

Fedodika - thank ya, everything feels like its going so slowly, at least its going at all though :D

Ramalooke - Thanks man!


Alex oliver statue study, and sketches n stuff.

So much I've yet to learn.

[Image: rudd.gif]

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