Delorias SB
Weird combination of accessory i really have trouble to put a story behind why someone who carry a double hand halbard would need to carry what i will assume is a book of magic.I think you tried to give to many element but miss a bit of the thinking it throught party.You also noted a few thing you seem to dislike yet did not corrected what happen you ran out of interest to improve it at that point?

The design still as a nice strong pose and most of what i see is well thought apart from what i noted.The texture on this one compare to your other drawing with figure is the first time where i find them to reach this level of equality in quality.

Now a nice exercise if your not already to tired of this one would be to try to turn the greyscale into a color version.The intention being to understand the link between value and color.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(05-07-2021, 05:58 AM)darktiste Wrote: Weird combination of accessory i really have trouble to put a story behind why someone who carry a double hand halbard would need to carry what i will assume is a book of magic.I think you tried to give to many element but miss a bit of the thinking it throught party.

I mean he's also a skeleton so one could argue why he would need armor at all, the lack of vital organs and all that.


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Discord: emnida
The specific weapon and spellbook combination is a bit unusual but not wrong. Warlock enemies are super common in games.

About the design: I really like the attention to detail in the gloves diamond pattern and crosstitches. This is the type of detail artists might overlook but the 3D people will definitively have to add on their own if missing to make the design more interesting and believable, a less than ideal situation since designing is supposed to be the concept artist's job.

The pose is a bit still here but it works in your favor here because it's a bulky character. The pose only adds to their solid and heavy look.

I feel the top of the character has too little detail in comparison to the torso and legs, so save for giving them a helmet that would end up obscuring the skull you can give them small flames for eyes (cliché but works, specially if it's a gigantic character) or something like a floating crown, playing off of the warlock feels. Not exactly a crown, but a structure that mixes well with the design and adds more detail to the top quadrant.

I see portfolio potential in this work. Making a small set with a couple more enemies in different roles is a good opportunity to show your ability of working within a same setting and theme. I'd need to take it further though, refine the shade, clean up edges and color it.


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