Anomily's Sketchbook

I haven't been happy with my oil painting lately. When I was younger it was so much easier to have expressive brush strokes. I've lost some fluidity with age. I suppose there's some truth in that Picasso quote that it took him a lifetime to learn to paint like a child.

I was playing around with the Zorn palette. Now I'm back to using the standards (burnt sienna, alizarin crimson, cad yellow/red, yellow ocher, ultramarine blue). It's been hard switching back.

Hit a block with painting the clothing and expressing that texture.

Just experiments.

its great seeing ppl do persistant studies. I want to see how the last one will turn out
Great work :) i think some black and white studies focusing value will help you colors a bunch. Keep it up!

(12-27-2021, 12:27 AM)whitebbwolf Wrote: its great seeing ppl do persistant studies. I want to see how the last one will turn out

Thank you so much. I've pretty much abandoned the last one in the dust for now.

(01-01-2022, 03:54 PM)_spec Wrote: Great work :) i think some black and white studies focusing value will help you colors a bunch. Keep it up!

Thank you. I will make that a goal.


(ha! I finally figured out the quote function)


I've been in quarantine (i.e. stuck in a small bedroom) for 19 days. I keep retesting positive. I'm losing my mind.  Stay safe. I got jabbed three times and still caught omnicron.

I've taken up the habit of knocking out a palette painting every day. I'm not sure why I'm going so abstract lately.

Breaking this update into multiple posts.




That's it?


That wasn't it.

I feel going abstract as alot to do with mental health.I had a little abstract phase.Take care of yourself.I find there a lot of comfort to be found in playing with color during those time. I call it color therapy.You might have heard of it.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(01-20-2022, 04:54 PM)darktiste Wrote: I feel going abstract as alot to do with mental health.I had a little abstract phase.Take care of yourself.I find there a lot of comfort to be found in playing with color during those time. I call it color therapy.You might have heard of it.

It did help out a lot. Tested COVID negative, finally! I think some of the stuff was good - I've been trying to experiment with looser styles. I have a show next month, so it's finally time to see if the crowd will respond to digital pieces (always iffy in a traditional art setting) or some of the loosely painted pieces.

Lmk if you have feedback on the mermaid piece - I feel the proportion is so off. Like the head is too large or the body too small.

I suggest that if you have deadline you create a post in the seeking critique/paintover.

As far as critique i might have for the mermaid piece is to look at other artist work for inspiration.My issue is mostly with the mood and the color choose is it suppose to feel kinda sad?

The water color and the bridge have value that doesn't work under those lightning condition but i suppose this might be  just a temporary under tone i just can't tell for sure i am not a traditional painter so not to familiar with the process.But i like the subtle hint that this is some kind of modern twist on the mermaid.

I think the main issue is the hand perspective it should be more foreshorten it doesn't seem to be supporting here weight.

For propotion issue there is certainly a difference with the reference you gotta learn to compare measurement and check measurement this something you should know by now if you want to be doing belivable ''human'' subject.For proportion the best instant trick i can give you is to step back from the work often during the proportion phase to flip the canvas and perhaps use a grid if you very late on a deadline.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(01-24-2022, 10:20 AM)darktiste Wrote: I suggest that if you have deadline you create a post in the seeking critique/paintover.

As far as critique i might have for the mermaid piece is to look at other artist work for inspiration.My issue is mostly with the mood and the color choose is it suppose to feel kinda sad?

The water color and the bridge have value that doesn't work under those lightning condition but i suppose this might be  just a temporary under tone i just can't tell for sure i am not a traditional painter so not to familiar with the process.But i like the subtle hint that this is some kind of modern twist on the mermaid.

I think the main issue is the hand perspective it should be more foreshorten it doesn't seem to be supporting here weight.

For propotion issue there is certainly a difference with the reference you gotta learn to compare measurement and check measurement this something you should know by now if you want to be doing belivable ''human'' subject.For proportion the best instant trick i can give you is to step back from the work often during the proportion phase to flip the canvas and perhaps use a grid if you very late on a deadline.
Thanks for the feedback. Luckily this is more hobby and I have no deadlines! I got a lot of feedback that the reference images I was trying to merge were from two different perspectives, so probably time to start over.

I was taught not to use the grid method and now I struggle when I try to apply it again.

The bridge/water are unpainted. In traditional oil painting you start with a toned canvas and/or a value underpainting. Traditional masters did grayscale underpaintings and glazed in thin layers over the top of them. I always like to start with a colorful toned canvas. :P


No big updates, been feeling pretty uninspired lately. Feedback welcome.

(03-07-2022, 05:24 AM)Anomily Wrote: No big updates, been feeling pretty uninspired lately. Feedback welcome.

Time to go refresh the inspiration meter i that case.Have you tried automatic drawing or even collaborative work?Those are thing that can let you experience someone else perspective or unleash your creativity without exeptation.What would you say is the source of that leak of inspiration coming from? Don't worry you certainly don't have to meet anyone exeptation if that kill your creativit. I am providing feed back because i enjoy interacting with other artist and getting to know better other perspective so absolutely feel free to trash them keep them share them etc.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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