Pushin' though hard times.
Day 9: Lord Gwyn.

Despite one being lost. It's nice to see that I pushed through and finished those. I know there are a lot of mistakes.
-Anatomy of the hands and faces are wonky at times.
-Values need a lot of work
-Materials need to be much more fleshed out
-better control of sharp and soft edges.
and so on.

I'll plan on doing 6 more for the Dark Souls cast so I have chance to learn a bit more about this kind of renderind and maybe redeem some of my mistakes. I'll also have a nice set of 15 portraits then.

Well first thing is to get healthy otherwise I can't do anything. Thanks everyone for watching and the nice comments that helped through the dark times.

See ya around (hopefully in the next two weeks or so :( )
Hey Zippy. This might be the last thing you need from anybody..

Watch out on how you render the eye in perspective. Remember they are still spheres inside a socket, not just a flat plane..

Love the colors on Day 9. And hope you're on a road to a fast recovery.. Hey man, we're over on Discord or the shoutbox whenever things get lonely in the sick bed..

Get well soon!

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
@John: Haha I appreciate everyone taking their time to make my images better :) So thanks for the crits. I already had the feeling there were some severe construction issues. I think the eyes are also somewhat to small.. Oh well.

What is Discord? I'm an old man you kids have to explain this new technology to me haha.

Soo I'm still sick :( but I do some little sketches every now then when I don't feel horrible. So I'm going to just post these.

For now some old studies I found on my back up port.

Watercolor lady.

Studies. Tried to get the poses as accurate as I could.

Catepillar sketch.

Trying to figure out faces in motion. Also messing with lines. All ballpoint pen.

Working on my values. So here is a study plus a little fan art sketch! Jasperrrr.

Watercolor sketch.

Some concepts for cheese people. Sorry again for the bad bad quality.

Just some dudes.

Cheese landscapes.

Value study i messed up, plus a sketchy thing.


Messed up architecture sketches and a demon.

Last watercolor sketch for now!

A bust and a sketch. Creepy girl and her pet turkey.

Hello, nice sketchbook I am enjoying your recent sketches.

I think you probably already know this but I feel structure is the number one thing holding you back at this point. I suggest you really focus and think about the functionality of things and how they sit in space. This is very important because it is linked directly to how well you render. If you cannot see an object as a volume in space it is much harder to apply light and value to that object. For example, I'm sure you could render a sphere to near perfection. The reason you can is because you have a clear understanding of that sphere as a form and how it exists in 3d space. perhaps all you need to do is slow down, take a step back and really analyse your image and the shapes within before going into the heavy rendering phase.

I hope that helps!

@Jonas Jerde: I'll use this month for anatomy practise since it's a flaw that has been apparent for a while now and people keep pointing it out left and right but I'll apply what you said to my anatomy studies and really try to focus on the shapes of the human body so thanks! :D

House study and some messed up sketch :/

Some design studies I used to do for the crimson cruicible.

Character work for my challenge.


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