Pushin' though hard times.
Just wrote a little math test. What a mess. It actually wasn't that hard which makes me nervous since you can make a lot of mistakes regardless and then look like a total idiot. D:

Here have a sketch from a very tired me. Time to learn for the next test and do all my homework. Isn't a student life great?

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Fan art stufff.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Quick stillife. The sun was going down. In less than an hour there was just pure darkness :( Also more sketchbook pages.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Stilllife while there was still some daylight left.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Anyway here are some messy subway sketches. It makes me so nervous to draw people on the train. I usually find excuses not to do it (like I'm tired. I had 4 hours of math today and so on...) but it's a really good practise. So many diverse faces.

Also sketchbook pages hurray.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Studying atmosphere and fan art stuff.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
More stuff. Study and fan art.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Rotation studies of my bust and some sketching.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Unfinished study and fan art.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Shakey shakey subway sketches and a very quick monster sketch.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Studying how light works haha.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
long value study and some andariel fan art.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Subway sketches and sketchbook pages.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Stillife plus mooore fan art.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Merry christmas everyone. Just some more fan art :/

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
The way you render your fanart is nice, but to be honest I'm more interested in your original sketches and wish you'd work on them to the same capacity. Keep up the good work bro.


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Discord: emnida
@Rottenpocket: Well I'm only going to do a limited number of these and I'm slowley approaching the end so there will be more original stuff in the future, I just wanna try a few more things with these and then I'm calling it over.

Anyway here is some interior sketch and finally finished my second full lineart yay.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Ghibli background study and some more of the usual.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
I think I need to revise my strategy again on anatomy. I'll do some revision on anatomy with focus on muscle interaction but also a 20 min sketch from imagination whenever I can.

Sorry my scanner is bugging out on me. Here are the first two sketches. I'll start with standing poses and then go more dynamic from there. Also a sketch I started that I liked to much I'll try to get it to finished lineart at least.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
I like your progress, if you keep it up you are going to improve so much!
One thing I noticed is that you seem to be doing a lot of different types of stuff in different styles.
Maybe it would be easier to improve if you focused on one thing at a time? Maybe I'm wrong though :)

Anyways, nice sketches!


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