Pushin' though hard times.
(01-17-2017, 11:33 AM)AlexShi Wrote: Hi!
I like your progress, if you keep it up you are going to improve so much!
One thing I noticed is that you seem to be doing a lot of different types of stuff in different styles.
Maybe it would be easier to improve if you focused on one thing at a time? Maybe I'm wrong though :)

Anyways, nice sketches!

Thanks for coming by! Nah I think you have a valid point. I've always been all over the place. :( It's okay to experiment and get out of your comfort zone but I do think that if you want to really improve in certain aspects you should set a focus on them. I kinda have to figure out what I really want tp focus on now. Thanks for the kind words though!

Sorry I've been sick! The amount of slime my nose produces is just incredible. Also (semester) finals are coming up in a littles less than two week. Wish me luck everyone.

Here are some pencil studies my scanner ruined. I have these little action figures at home which I'm trying to draw from every angle.
Also sketchbook pages.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Quick update.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Subway sketches and some drawing. This was basically just a test. Hopefully I can do a full painitng in this style when I have some vacation time :D

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Yo wat up! I made it through my exam week... well almost still one to go :(

Time to update this bitch. Sorry that all the sketches are drawn in a children's school organiser. It just happend.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Love those architecture sketches. I cant believe you did them from imagination they are so good *.* (so viele Deutsche in dem Forum, hätte ich nie gedacht)

(02-05-2017, 12:12 AM)NoodleInBox Wrote: Love those architecture sketches. I cant believe you did them from imagination they are so good *.* (so viele Deutsche in dem Forum, hätte ich nie gedacht)

Oh ho. Thanks! I'm not to confident about them... but I'm glad someone is enjoying them! :)

Okay here is a portrait study and some usual fan art. I don't know why I'm using so much blue atm.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
You have a great sketchbook! I really like the architecture drawings you did recently :) The composition in your pieces also look nice! Keep up the great work!

(02-08-2017, 02:09 PM)Axrel Wrote: You have a great sketchbook! I really like the architecture drawings you did recently :) The composition in your pieces also look nice! Keep up the great work!

Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words!

Finally done with things for now. I'll take a few days off to chill a bit haha. I'll hopefully be a little more active the following weeks in the forums and stuff. Y'all better update your sketchbooks until then haha!

Here are just two little scheduler sketches. I'll try to scan some stuff for the next updates, but a lot of the recent studies have been really messy and all over the place so I don't think their worth showing :(
I'll also try to get more finished done. Okay enough talk for now. Hello sofa and bed hahaha :)

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Your art is going places Zipfel! Those architecture sketches especially have a lot of potential, and it really shows that you've build up a decent visual library. For the Studio Ghibli background study I think you're missing out on the most interesting aspect though, which is the way the hues shift between warms and cools 1) as you get further away from the lightsource, and 2) as you transition into the shadows.

Project / Sketches / Paintings
(02-12-2017, 12:41 AM)Lodratio Wrote: Your art is going places Zipfel! Those architecture sketches especially have a lot of potential, and it really shows that you've build up a decent visual library. For the Studio Ghibli background study I think you're missing out on the most interesting aspect though, which is the way the hues shift between warms and cools 1) as you get further away from the lightsource, and 2) as you transition into the shadows.

Thanks Lodratio, you know a while ago I kinda hated architecture drawing but I think its growing on me. Yeah im working a lot on my color stuff lately... it's still bad though... Hopefully I can do some more of these studies in the future and start to think more about the hue shifts and stuff. It would be really nice to do some paintings outside... but the weather is all cold and unfriendly. :(

Anyway. Here are the last few scheduler sketches I found. Hopefully I do some personal pieces in the next few weeks.
Also some studies I did an actual library.Well the library of our architecture department. Sorry I only had a pen on me sooo..messy stuff.

Attached Files Image(s)

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Warm up sketches.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Great architecture sketches dude! It's interesting you saying that you never used to like drawing architecture but now you do - how did you build up your enthusiasm? Was it through just getting on with it for a while until you started liking it?

Keep pushing mate and hope your nose is not slimy any more!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

(02-20-2017, 02:35 AM)Artloader Wrote: Great architecture sketches dude!  It's interesting you saying that you never used to like drawing architecture but now you do - how did you build up your enthusiasm?  Was it through just getting on with it for a while until you started liking it?

Keep pushing mate and hope your nose is not slimy any more!

Thank you! I think there was just a greater barrier for me to get into architecture. Most of the stuff I was invested in when I look at artwork I liked, had very little to do with backgrounds... i really enjoyed characters and realistic rendering or at least I thought so. At the moment though I really enjoy doing scenes and they often require a nice backdrop, which often includes architecture. I I guess I still kinda hate it but I now have a passion to become better at it haha :)

Alrighty... I'm trying to figure out where I want to go with my personal work.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
quick update with some warm up pages. Friends asked me to do some stuff for them and I couldn't say no. Sorry if the updates are lacking :(

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Playing around with perspective. Hands need more work.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
The dragon looks great, perhaps you should combine that with all those architectural stuff you've been doing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Keep the posts coming dewd.

I would love feedback on my Sketchbook
(03-02-2017, 03:48 AM)kvSketch Wrote: The dragon looks great, perhaps you should combine that with all those architectural stuff you've been doing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).  Keep the posts coming dewd.

I'll definitely combine those eventually! I'm kinda tackling things seperatly because of some time constrains. My family asked me to do stuff for them so I'm kinda caught up in things but oh well. Thanks for the comment!

Another sketch today.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Page 19 biatches.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.
Had some spare time so I tried more sketching. I'm slow though.

My signature is broken and there is no way to fix it.

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