Prevent headache and hour lost with this simple trick(PS)
Are you the kind of person who never save there file unless they have to close a program? Are you the kind of person who think bad thing only happen to other?

Well i am here to tell you that it you don't want to be that person. Million of people every years lose hour of work for not saving up file but you don't have to.

Here a simple tips to avoid such teeth grinding moment.

First of all now a day if you use photoshop there almost no reason for you to worry about losing a file.

If you have photoshop cs6 or more you can enable save in background which is a extremely useful option to avoid losing sleep and hair. 

You can also set the interval at which the program will save. So make sure you have it enable.

But even those photoshop as this fantastic option i can tell you from experience that the best practice for professional is truthfully to set up there own shedule to save file manually i would personally recommend you save the file under a new name every 15-30min(setting a timer to do so would be useful).For some reason even those this incredible feature exist a save file can be corrupt and if you have been working on anything worth finishing you will want to consider make sure to have your work preserve to it most recent iteration

What is worst than losing a file is dealing with a corrupt file and if i can avoid you that well atleast my own headache experience might serve to avoid you one.

That all be safe because it better than being sorry and seriously who want to do twice the job?

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