yan's sketchy book
Hey all! I used to post here a lot as @zaulta on my old sketchbook a few years ago but I'm back. :p

I'm still a college student studying illustration. I don't really know what exactly I want to do with my work just yet but I'm mostly thinking about going into visdev after I graduate. The way I see myself right now is that I think I'm a good level but just not good enough to be hired so I need to be focusing on studies and designing.

been focusing on classes past few months but also been doing plein airs and now transitioning to photoshop from csp

first studies on photoshop @-@

heeey welcome back dude! your paintings are looking good

Glad to have you back! Great studies as well, the brushwork is brilliant and you seem to capture values and lights quite well!

Seems like you tend towards painting? I am the same way. Don't skip drawing, though!

@JosephCow @cgmythology
Thanks guys :D it's nice being back

yeah you're completely right @o@ painting is just much more fun

mainly been relaxing over my winter break and I've been working on a character redesign that's taking a pretty long time.
Starting a mentorship soon so things are going to be kicked into gear shortly : ^)

action pose wip

Nice! Very cool concept and design on your latest post. Are you planning on developing it further?

Welcome back! Visdev is heavy, last I looked into it's a jack of all trades when it comes to 2D illustration 3D modelling, rigging, animation programming and cinematography. May your brain expand with much knowledge.


Link Tree

Discord: emnida
Welcome back,

Really enjoy that first one and the stylized design here:

Best of luck with your future plans and keep posting here

thanks! Not at the moment, but likely in the future. I had some dwelling designs and concepts that I'll post with this. It was my first time designing a building and I wanna redo it : ^)

i'll try my best haha

thanks very much :>

im back again
my school semester is over so now i have much more free time. I learned a lot about blender through one of my classes, so i'm able to use it for planning and big scenes. I realized if I want to get into concept or vis dev my sketching and planning needs to be a lot better since i usually fast forward to painting. For the summer, I'm starting a sketching streak and working on a larger project. Looking forward to sharing everything here.

did these back in january

project i want to expand on this summer, The String Fortune Teller

 concepts for her and some of her props

some planning for her dwelling, may redo all of this later

just sketching some topics rotating every few days. i, mainly focusing on readability, sketching in specific details, and trying to understand the functions of the things i sketch. i would do all of those things while paintings and that was a nono

for todays sketches, went to a museum and live figure drawing

Love the variety! Do you do all your digital work on a ipad?

For visualizing i recommend you add the addon blenderkit this way you dont have to model most of the stuff you just import free asset into the scene.You should not be spending time in blender realistically speaking the faster you are out the faster you can problem solve. Drawing is alot faster you can always deal with perspective later on i think 2d planning is faster but it not as powerful as 3d planning which is longer.

The fact you can resize asset and modify asset that are already pre existing is a very powerful bonus for visualization.

You can see more about the addon here. Also if your pretty new to blender i suppose you don't know about them ... but let me be wrong just so you can tell me.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
I know I'm a month late on this, but I always like seeing your updates. You've been posting here intermittently for a while, and I remember you posting before you went to school. I can tell you've grown a lot since then, especially your drawing skills. I can definitely see that in the character and figure drawings. Keep it comin' with the updates bro!

Awesome work with your recent batch, you have a great variety and I'm really impressed with your lines in particular... Great work!


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