BrotherOstavia's sketchbook
(06-23-2012, 04:35 AM)isra-ac Wrote: Haha, yeah, THAT Trevor <3

For the env. design classes was similar, we were getting a file with the paint over and some notes, but then on the Q&A if required James did quick paint overs or expanded the info, and we always could ask for more obviously.

Btw about the painting with the fortress, I guess that's the painting Sam gave you some comp tips? I would add though, the fortress wall is too flat, so it's easy to spot the perspective, add more towers or variation to make it more interesting :) And you're using still too bright colors in the foreground so the sense of depth is still a bit off. Hope that helps

Helps indeed! Thanks!

Awesome stuff man. Love the robot mech thing stood on the rock. I've never managed to get that sorta stuff to work, but its always awesome to see done well.

Keep it up!

Thanks guys, here are some 10 min sketches. Why? Why not?

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More stuff. Done today via livestream

[Image: AwfZBUQCAAA8euM.jpg:large]

[Image: AwfZLeFCMAEzBDx.jpg:large]

More mech stuff.

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Hey, awesome work, your mech designs are filled with love. Waiting for more and see ya on da streamz ;)

So many Awesome mechs Brother!
This Thread should be called Mech'Donalds ;) Haha loving it !
(06-29-2012, 11:16 PM)JerryActric Wrote: So many Awesome mechs Brother!
This Thread should be called Mech'Donalds ;) Haha loving it !

Hahaha Mech'Donalds! That's awesome man!

Ok so JerryActric gave me this crazy idea so kudos to him for the MechDonalds!

[Image: happy_gear_by_brotherostavia-d55kavk.jpg]

Wow, awesome mechs man, interesting approach.

How long did it take to knock that out?

I'll be sure to stop by mechdonalds more often. <3
(07-01-2012, 03:17 AM)dwalkerart Wrote: Wow, awesome mechs man, interesting approach.

How long did it take to knock that out?

I'll be sure to stop by mechdonalds more often. <3

Thank you very much! I think this took about seven hours, maybe eight.

Some work in progress.

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More stuff. This time a badass mercenary, or a cosplayer, or both.

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Oh shit , you killed it with the last two posts man , keep it up!! Btw the blue suit guy looks better than the orange one :)
The Merc guy looks awesome Brother !! well done I love it !
Thanks guys!

New sketch done this morning, heavily influenced by that creature factory that is Brent Hollowell. Gotta love his speculars!

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damnn sweet work man, I've enjoyed looking through this page, Those mech's are especially cool.

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sweet mechs man.
Thanks guys. Here's my entry for The Other Brothers Contest. Had to fix the zipper (Thanks again Dom) but had a lot of fun on this.

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Hey hey! A few things:

1) Really nice progress!
2) Love your mechs and industrial designs
3) My name isn't Alex :P haha

Steve Anthony Pierce
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