Felidarc's Sketchbook
Cool start to a sketchbook man, your stuff has great promise. I'm sure with plenty more studies and practice you'll be awesome.

Keep um coming dude!

Love that portrait of your avatar, she's gorgeous! <3 The loose, textured look is really nice, as are the colors.

Don't worry about sucking at values - it really just takes some time and practice... paint in black/white on a regular basis, and when you do something in color, make a 'saturation' layer filled with black on top of your painting, and turn it on to check your values. With time you will develop an eye for that. :) When practicing from photographs, always keep in mind that the camera eats away some of the information, and the photographer might have edited it... in a way that won't benefit a painting. So feel free to add more atmospheric perspective and tweak values as you wish, to get more depth into your painting.

Keep it up, lots of lovely paintings in here already <3

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