Environment Design Rocks!
Hey friends! This came around my dashboard recently, and I just wanted to share the resources. I firmly believe that writing and concept design are inseparable: most of us work with stories, and have to know the basics of story structure and language to translate it into visual symbols that an audience can read and understand. 

These should help those struggling to come up with a brief and give some inspiration:

How To Describe Landscape: Examples From Literature
24 Profoundly Beautiful Words To Describe Landscapes
How To Write A Setting For a Book: W/ Examples
How To Describe Setting
Writing Dynamic Settings
How To Write The Setting For a Story
Writing Step 3: Creating Your Setting (With Examples)

Remember, we're not machines or world's slowest printers :) We get hired for what is inside our heads -- and getting that stuff out of the braincavities is the funnest part of the process, IMO.

vlada, Thanks for the feedback. Im trying to keep my brief down to a paragraph to save Amit some time. I agree the future city is probably my weakest concept at the moment. I dont have much in mind yet in how it will fit in with the rest of the story. One of my main goals is to develop an IP that successfully fuses magic and technology. I want to reflect this in the towers design by making it an odd combination of old and new. Also I have a longer story in mind where they will revisit the future later on and develop it further.
Quote:Having these knights come into contact with such different environments could also be problematic, since without reading your story concept their presence in the environment would not read as clear.

I hope to have them stepping out of the magical portal to indicate that they have be transported from somewhere else. Maybe even have them on horse back to further drive the point across.

Quote:The variety of environments is very good, but it might break the sotry in itself? I mean, they have this objective and bang, suddenly they appear on a portal on a cyberpunk city in the future.. and then they go the past.. and they forget their objective :P

I have an easy fix for that. They find the relic in the past and return but they find they've altered their time. The rulers are now the shape shifted reptilians disguised as humans and they worship the Blood God instead of a pantheon of Gods and Goddesses. The deities will be a major story element.

Quote:I would do this:
Their time > Priests to the portal > Prehistoric > Find the cure > Return to the portal > Return to their time

I like your idea but I dont think I could do that many environments in 4 weeks. Amit wants us to have 4 pieces at the end I believe. I will eventually develop the home city of the knights so to show the drastic changes that occur when they tamper with the time line. I plan on having lots of twists and turns to the plot.

So I have the ref for the mountain environment. Im thinking now I'll have a closer shot to the tower to show more of its architecture. The lightning storm would be off in the distance and the structure would be an over grown ornate gothic style. A lot of the statues outside and inside the tower I want are inspired mainly by Kris Kuksi. He combines classical with various other cultural and historical elements. I want to convey that the tower is influenced by all periods of time and cultures. So maybe it would be a little steam punk-esque?

Attached Files Image(s)

I think I'm going to take this chance to create a piece I promised a friend...over a month ago???!!!!

It was suppose to be a drawing of one of the creatures he designed for fun. I kinda want to try and create at least one environment featuring this guy:

The info about the world he lives on is in the description.

Some more ideas are here:


I kinda want to do at least one painting that can be printed into a poster, though I might do a few more, featuring different parts of the world those creatures live in after this class is finished.
hey guys my nets back , but i missed the latest stream so im watching it right now. the problem is i cant here any audio and im hearing buzzing sounds. the video is ok and all that but i cant hear anything is it ok on youre end??

EDIT after 30 mins of trying it fixed itself wonder why....

@Vlada: Nice, I'll check out those links sometime! Thanks for sharing.

@Adam: Lots of potential locations and varied settings to explore, the lizard temple sounds like a fun concept to design! Great refs too! In terms of number of pieces I'm actually only really looking for one great folio piece out of everyone. I want the work that comes out of this course to be everybody's best work to date. I'm happy to push your ideation and quicker iteration concepts too if that's where you want to head. Almost like doing work for a game or IP style guide/pitch document :)

*EDIT: That Kris Kuksi stuff is amazing!!!

@U3-C: Aha lizard folk enviros. Great. You can really use the creatures to think out and design where you think these guys would be hanging out in various places of the world, and how they might adapt to different environments. A set of cliff dwelling lizards came to my mind because of their ability to walk on vertical surfaces. Could be cool. Carry on!

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(10-31-2015, 10:21 AM)Amit Dutta Wrote: @Vlada: Nice, I'll check out those links sometime! Thanks for sharing.

@Adam: Lots of potential locations and varied settings to explore, the lizard temple sounds like a fun concept to design! Great refs too! In terms of number of pieces I'm actually only really looking for one great folio piece out of everyone. I want the work that comes out of this course to be everybody's best work to date.  I'm happy to push your ideation and quicker iteration concepts too if that's where you want to head. Almost like doing work for a game or IP style guide/pitch document :)

*EDIT: That Kris Kuksi stuff is amazing!!!

@U3-C:  Aha lizard folk enviros. Great. You can really use the creatures to think out and design where you think these guys would be hanging out in various places of the world, and how they might adapt to different environments.  A set of cliff dwelling lizards came to my mind because of their ability to walk on vertical surfaces. Could be cool. Carry on!

I have so many ideas! This weekend I'm off doing artist alley and doing homework on my free time. 

Personally, I'd prefer the deadline extended to friday since Thursday would be my first free day, but if I'm the only one, then Wednesday is best. I'll be turning in stuff, but it just wont be as developed as I'd like (ideally). 

In any case, I read all the comments, and I'll be doing idealization on my sketchbook at the AA today and tomorrow while it's not busy. 

Right now, I've been wanting to make a portfolio directed at 1 specific company. The problem I have is that I equally would like to work for 2 places, Riot, and WoTC. Their styles couldn't be any more apart. So, whatever I worked, I wanted to do in a style similar to Riot or WoTC (which has various styles).
Quote:In terms of number of pieces I'm actually only really looking for one great folio piece out of everyone.

Ah ok that makes sense. I was confused :P I think I will go for just one strong piece then. So for this this assignment we have 4 iterations of the same piece?

@Adam, well I left it open because some people could probably handle a couple of polished pieces in the time. Most will probably only really be able to do 1, depends on how much time people have. So basically it is up to you. If you want to do thumbs for several of your locations to present then we can pick the strongest to work to final. If you want to work only on one location and present 4 iterations of that, that's cool as well. I'd like people to do lots of smaller thumbs/notans before working up the 4 to present, so there is lots of opportunity to try multiple locations if you want.

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(11-01-2015, 06:22 AM)Amit Dutta Wrote: @Adam, well I left it open because some people could probably handle a couple of polished pieces in the time. Most will probably only really be able to do 1, depends on how much time people have. So basically it is up to you. If you want to do thumbs for several of your locations to present then we can pick the strongest to work to final. If you want to work only on one location and present 4 iterations of that, that's cool as well. I'd like people to do lots of smaller thumbs/notans before working up the 4 to present, so there is lots of opportunity to try multiple locations if you want.

Lemme get it right then:

I am doing several notans of different locations. From those notans I'll be selecting probably 2-3 (of each batch/location) to do value sketches. And from those I'll probably colour 1 of each.

Is that what you mean? The values will be (more or less) simple, like the desert one I did for the last assignment.

would you like me to improve? check my SKETCHBOOKKiss
Ok, since there is a bit of confusion the most simple way I can put it I guess, without prescribing exactly what people should do is.

1. Come up with 1 OR more potential locations to design that are related in some way. Same IP, same overall "narrative world".
2. Do as many ideation thumbs /notans to look at compostional ideas as you need , in order to do number 3 below
3. Select 4 of your strongest comps. These can include either 1 OR more locations and develop them a bit further. These MUST show the evisaged final value arrangement and composition. The level of detail should be enough in order to clearly read focal points and understand what everything is.

I will be focusing on picking and pushing the strongest composition. I will be nailing you to the wall on composition and overall values at this point because you ain't going forward without these being solved.If you put in a lot of detail but the entire comps need reworking, you will be reworking them and potentially scrapping all that detail next week if the detail doesn't help the comp. (evil Amit cackle)

Colour is optional,  but not a bad idea if you can manage it, or if you prefer to begin in colour right away. I will however be looking at your moodboards in order to get a sense of what colour, design and mood you visualise for the final/s.
This is why I want the presented boards for each location (if you choose to try more than 1) to be relatively focused and concise to the idea. I basically want to see 4 well thought out and planned ideas so the boards don't have to be full detailed reference libraries for the piece, just the key pertinent ideas.

I am definitely allowing for ideas and designs to develop more organically during the process if some things aren't resolved in your mind yet.  So don't feel you need to have solved all the design elements up front...just the major art design and general shapes.

Hope that's a bit clearer!

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How are things going guys? No wips or questions? I will assume that's a good thing.

Anyways I'm pushing the deadline back to Friday 6th November 9pm NZST, so you get a couple of extra days. Make use of them!

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Super super late to the party here. Was overseas for about awhile so missed the deadline unfortunately!

I'm going to toot Daniel's (aka vossgraphite's) horn a bit since he seems to be a typical overly-humble kiwi. XD Daniel was away overseas in S.Korea because he won a design competition run by Weta in collaboration with Gwangmyeong City in S.Korea to design a future world where nature has asserted itself over man.

Here is a link to an article about it: http://wetaworkshop.com/blog/gwangmyeong-design-2015/

Sorry to put you on the spot mate, but I believe in celebrating success (to some degree)
Congrats again.

Great work on your colour iterations. I don't have a lot to say except perhaps to push you to iterate different lighting schemes/directions as well as the colours, if you really want to explore different moods. Other than that not much to say really. :)

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Congratulations, that's awesome!

I'm not sure if I should be dropping out, or struggle on, my right arm is now officially utterly stuffed, and I'm training myself to do everything lefthanded ;-; so uh, drawing == kids scribbles level now.. I can mood board, but other than that, I'm not sure I can /produce/ anything.

"In a place as old as time and forgotten by almost all, the Gods imprisoned a terrifying force in a shell of deep ebony. Some of those who remember claim it to be an unspeakable horror, but most believe it is all a fairy tale and that the stone was placed by mankind as a sick, monolithic offering to the dark gods. Very few people know the truth.  This stone has been named the Obsidian Aegis, and Beatrice has come to acquire what it shields."
  -- History of scene



@Punk: That's awful! Definitely carry on with the mood board and your project idea so you can pick up when you are better. I wouldn't push your arm any further. I'd rest it, get it checked out and make sure you do what you need to take care of it.

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Funny that you've mentioned your arm. My right arm has been stiffening for the past month or so as well. One day I couldn't draw/write at all and had to take a break. My phys ed teacher recommended me to do some resistance exercises aside from my usual streches, and they help, but I'm still recovering. Going to have to get it checked when I have time. Definitely take some time off! If your arm even feels slightly wrong, take it seriously and take as long a break as you need! I'm definitely not more productive by sacrificing rest time ;v;


Sorry dude... I might have to drop this week because some stuff occurred (one of the two exiting doors for my apartment is suddenly jammed, and a fridge for my dad's shop suddenly broke down, so I have to run around the city this week to pick up parts and repair things.) I'll see if I can make up for it in the future week or so.
@U-3C: No worries man, definitely keep up the momentum in any way you can. I want to see a kickass piece from you!!

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Good Morning from Lithuania! Didn't spend as much time as I intended due to other stuff. But I gave it my best try!

Music Inspiration:


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