missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3
Hey so working on Nataly Warrior for deviant SilentAsTheSky and the preview wip can be seen ^ (up)

So I'm working on an idea for these "ice swords" she apparently has. And I tried ice but it just looked silly. So then I tried metal with the idea of ice. Influenced by Lich King sword google images - Lich King Sword and partly inspired by that (and yes I play WoW). And also part dreamed up... So this is what I came up with. Not sure which of the 4 colour modes (over lays) to use I want it to be more blue. ...Anyways she has two swords (waiting to hear back from deviant SilentAsTheSky in regards to if they're both the same. But thought I'd show her this before I continue to work.

Sword took 6-7 hours design and this design sheet took a further hour to compile. But mostly was playing about with perspective, skew and distort in the bottom section.

Skull used on sword is reference from Skull Reference Image by deviant clz

Btw the font used is "Confused Root Font" available http://www.fontspace.com/abstract-type-d...fused-root and I manipulated it and edited it.

(click to make bigger)
[Image: ice_sword_preview___idea_1_by_missimoinsane-d6kuyox.jpg]
(click to make bigger)

It's just one idea, not sure if she'll like it. Not sure if both swords are the same or different swords. Not sure if this is acceptable for "ice swords" there was no actual description of said ice swords. So I'm trying to work to someone elses silent ideas.

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RE: mii: Struggling to improve digital "paintings" - Help? - by missimoinsane - 09-03-2013, 09:47 PM
RE: missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3 - by FROZ3N - 09-29-2015, 09:14 PM

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