missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3
i prefer the elf women before the correction the light seem more accurate or it just more appropriate to give personality to that elf in this composition

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Ironically Darktise, so do I and I really don't like it. There's just something 'off' it's been shelved for now while I work on other things and I might come back to it. I said I definitely wasn't going to go back to that kitten... then I did. So who knows... lol :) but thank you for your comment. I'm sure I'll get there hehe :) Hope you're doing ok :)

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
To explain the 'comments' on screen... I usually take a print screen and add notes when I have to go out so I can remember what I was doing and my thoughts when I get back (I'm off out lin less than an hour for about 2-3hours).

If you want to know more details about my creative thoughts and process thus far go here >> deviation is in my scraps << ok.

(larger view is better)
[Image: harpy_wip_2_by_missimoinsane-d6k2h2w.jpg]


Personal note: Thank you to everyone for all the support on here, I really really do appreciate it so thank you. I have to pop out now but I do appreciate the comments, inbox's and even those who've gone over to my dA :) All feedback is respected and appreciated <3 <3 Thank you all.

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
I have too many things I am working on at once. Thus why no post for a lil while. That said... Here's a WIP / Preview of an OC Commission I am working on.

[Image: silentasthesky_warrior_nataly_wip_by_mis...6ksaae.jpg]

Thoughts thus far? ~ mii

Ps. Yes there is a mystical foreground layer (but it's a secret)!!

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Nice to see you fighting the good fight with digital painting!
I'd like to see some more color variation and difference in material rendering on your latest WIP of the red haired woman. Here's a nice little tutorial, it's not too dense and can be used for quick reference. Kinda nice. http://androidarts.com/art_tut.htm

Hello Adzerak,

Thank you for your lovely comment. And I too would like to see some mice material texture. On this piece. However as you can see by face and hands. She's clearly not finished :3 There's gunna be two swords. Apparently made of ice - well the request was ice swords. I'm thinking it'd be easier/better to do metal swords that have ice on them. Since she apparently magics them up out of no where. There are A LOT of flaws with the character concept (which is words, and not descriptive words at that.. I swear she's making it up as she goes along!!) ~ I digress. Yes I will hopefully be installing more/different kids of texture (especially to her clothing as they're looking rather flat. Thank you for the lovely link :) Also I'm glad you like how this is coming along :D :3 ~ mii

Ps. The link you gave me seems to be a shorter version of this: http://www.floobynooby.com/ICG/artvalues.html ~ which as far as I know is the full version. Though seems a lot of people have reposed snippets of the full reference "tutorial".

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Hey so working on Nataly Warrior for deviant SilentAsTheSky and the preview wip can be seen ^ (up)

So I'm working on an idea for these "ice swords" she apparently has. And I tried ice but it just looked silly. So then I tried metal with the idea of ice. Influenced by Lich King sword google images - Lich King Sword and partly inspired by that (and yes I play WoW). And also part dreamed up... So this is what I came up with. Not sure which of the 4 colour modes (over lays) to use I want it to be more blue. ...Anyways she has two swords (waiting to hear back from deviant SilentAsTheSky in regards to if they're both the same. But thought I'd show her this before I continue to work.

Sword took 6-7 hours design and this design sheet took a further hour to compile. But mostly was playing about with perspective, skew and distort in the bottom section.

Skull used on sword is reference from Skull Reference Image by deviant clz

Btw the font used is "Confused Root Font" available http://www.fontspace.com/abstract-type-d...fused-root and I manipulated it and edited it.

(click to make bigger)
[Image: ice_sword_preview___idea_1_by_missimoinsane-d6kuyox.jpg]
(click to make bigger)

It's just one idea, not sure if she'll like it. Not sure if both swords are the same or different swords. Not sure if this is acceptable for "ice swords" there was no actual description of said ice swords. So I'm trying to work to someone elses silent ideas.

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Ice Sword Warrior Nataly (commission) WIP Preview 2

[Image: silentasthesky_warrior_nataly_wip_2_by_m...6kv8nd.jpg]


WIP 3 (Close Ups of WIP2) ~ see previous posts :3
Trying to render fabric texture.

[Image: silentasthesky_warriornataly_wip3_by_mis...6kvd6p.jpg]
(Click To Make Big)


© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Did the client ask for 2 sword?I have rarely seen twin magic sword.Nothing against the client or the approch but it like the overal do not fit.The lower sword perpective need a rework to be honest.Also nothing against what you like but try something else then corset next time it good to be versatile.I hope that was not to harsh and i know it a work in progress

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Yes they asked for two ice swords. Which she magics up. To be fair I'm getting a little frustraited as she keeps changing the goals. 2 hours I spent painting sandals and feet (I hate feet) and then suddenly this character always wears ankle boots. So I changed it to boots and now suddenly she always wears knee high boots. It's been a waist of a good 3 hours faffing with footwear alone. The corset was not my idea. And I don't think I've ever worn a proper corset in my life... so that's not a personal choice either. And no, thank you for what you said. I'm getting board with this now. Though the background was my choice.

Ps. Two long swords at that. They're meant to be ice. But I figured ice cold metal would work better. The person I'm doing this for has nothing more than a headshot of a character that looks to be about 12.

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Well, isn't that a good looking sparrow?

Some Hard edges here and there might help, but overall is a solid piece IMO.

Argh, gonna have to post another message.

Might I suggest you study anatomy from Bridgeman's books. They might look a bit bulky and overly-toned, but in the long run they're great for understanding the major shapes of the body.
Aww thank you :)
It was more about mark making and values than form tbh. But I see what you're saying. ~ Thanx :D

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Just for fun. Less than an hour's play around :3 Feeesh!

[Image: feeesh_by_missimoinsane-d6l268y.jpg]

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Help? Anyone want to help me out with advice on the warrior face? It just doesn't look right... ^

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
look at the proportion and perpective of the mouth the seem wrong to me.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(09-05-2013, 10:27 PM)missimoinsane Wrote: Help? Anyone want to help me out with advice on the warrior face? It just doesn't look right... ^

You mean, like a Paintover? or just plain advice?
FOr starters, you might want to check some of these videos from Stan Prokopenko

Erhm... that's a link, even if it doesn't look like it.
In any case, the point where the cheek joins the chin looks a bit force. try to make that angle more subtle.
The chin has a different perspective when compared to the rest of the face. And the lips should be a bit longer.
(09-06-2013, 10:42 AM)darktiste Wrote: look at the proportion and perpective of the mouth the seem wrong to me.

I agree darktiste but I don't know how to fix it. Believe me.. I've tried but when I finally get it looking ok I flip it and it looks worse than before. I think it's just a really awkward positioning but it worked on sketches and on line art. But now not in colour. But I'm glad you picked up on that. So at least I know I'm working on the right area.

Cheers Darktiste :) ~mii

(09-06-2013, 11:46 PM)txchris Wrote: You mean, like a Paintover? or just plain advice?
FOr starters, you might want to check some of these videos from Stan Prokopenko

Erhm... that's a link, even if it doesn't look like it.
In any case, the point where the cheek joins the chin looks a bit force. try to make that angle more subtle.
The chin has a different perspective when compared to the rest of the face. And the lips should be a bit longer.

Hey hey txchris - more of advise than a paint over hun. It just looks 'off' no matter what I do with it. Hmm.. Thank you for looking and for what you said ~mii

Update Warrior Nataly:
Rarr. 50+ hours on one piece and now after a week of ignoring me the person who has asked me to do it (I'm offering free commissions to help improve on my art) she's turned around and decided she doesn't like the background, both swords are totally wrong and half of what she's wearing she would never wear and she's asked me to redo it. What do I do? I've never spent 50+ hours doing any one art project (I don't think) and now I feel like she's really taking the piss. Help...

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 

Memo to self

Thank you darktiste for sharing - "So You Wanna Be A Professional Artist?" ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdpnBn9Cv9o

Also thank you to Wolkenfels for - http://livestreamstatuslist.appspot.com/ ~which I have just realised Toxicpanda linked me to this on dA the other week (oopse).


© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
If you want advice on that making a post in the critique section might be a good idea! Also, if you're asking for crits it would be a good idea to post a higher-res image of all of the part you want critique on. I went ahead and did a paintover for ya though.

[Image: E8u0q3P.jpg]

Most of the issues are about getting the perspective and proportions of the head right. The biggest problem IMO was her lower mouth. The ideal proportion divides the face into perfect thirds: the chin to the bottom of the nose, the bottom of the nose to the brow, and the brow to the hairline. The lowest section in the warrior's head was too long according to that guide. Maybe this character was supposed to have a rather large chin, but I think it was so big it looked cartoony, and you seem to be going for realism.
Her right eye (on the viewer's left) was too far away from the center of the head, as was the ear, so I moved that whole side in a bit more.
I redrew her lips, as Darktiste said they were slanted wrong in perspective. They also looked like we were seeing them straight-on, even though we're looking up at the rest of the head.
That's it for drawing crits! I also made the shadows a touch darker and killed the light in places where light shouldn't be able to hit, like her ear and shirt collar. I don't know too much about color and light though, that's just stuff I would have done XD

Good luck on this piece! the Proko videos txchris linked to you are golden for learning this head construction stuff.

My goodness Sam thank you for the paint over!! I wasn't honestly expecting that at all. You've done such a fantastic job I just hope I can render my mess up to be something somewhat near as good.

As for giving an image big enough yes that was my fault there I accept that one oopse.

In regards to what you said I can see what you're saying!! And I will honestly reply to your properly over the weekend. It's 1.19 and I have to be up early as my brother is moving in tomorrow (He's coming from Scotland to England) so bit crazy my end atm ~ simply haven't found time for art today :'(

Also yes I should post in the crit forum. But I'm one of those who don't like troubling people but at the same time crave help and improvement. I can be my own worst enemy.

But thank you so much again for what you said and the paint over. I'm thinking I am over thinking this piece since I'm trying to work from someone elses imagination with nothing but an endless changing text description. But I shouldn't blame her, I suppose.

Thank you again and I promise I will look over your sketchbook and your deviantART over the weekend. I'm sorry this is so short... you're so wonderful in doing that for me and I don't want to let you down but I have my better half here tapping his foot claiming it's bedtime and I have to turn my laptop off and go to sleep ~ men! Lol... Thank you again and thank you for taking the time to look over my sketchbook it's so appreciated. Thank you!! Seriously!!


Ps. I look forward to learning more from you, what I have seen thus far is brilliant :)

Pps. I generally want to take my work towards semi-realism. Inspired by fantasy, sci-fi and horror. ...though looking at most of my work you'd never believe that lol. But I am learning and would love to do concept art. ...but I'm sure too many people are saying that lately... but it's good to have a dream :3

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 

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