Coby's sketch book

Nice sketchbook man :D Keep it up.

If I may suggest, look for reference for the belly of Miss Vader here - the concept is really nice, but those muscles aren't quite there yet. Should be easy enough to find ref.
If you don't know where to start, I suggest here:

(06-08-2013, 12:18 PM)Ursula Dorada Wrote: Nice sketchbook man :D Keep it up.

If I may suggest, look for reference for the belly of Miss Vader here - the concept is really nice, but those muscles aren't quite there yet. Should be easy enough to find ref.
If you don't know where to start, I suggest here:

Thank you. I am re-working it now. Your sketchbook is Wonderful btw!


Just some study's I did the screen shot I did today. I have a bunch of other stuff but I dont have time to scan them right now as they are pens and pencils on paper.
landscape study. I think I learned allot from this. i am not posting much. I just don't have tons of time anymore.

2 hour study
Heya, your studies are wonderful!

You may be lacking time, but my goodness, check out that improvement!

That octo study is very interesting -- it shall be cool to check out what you whip up using what you learned from it!!

Keep up the great work, Coby!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
smrrfette Thank you.




I think James Zapata's work is awesome and wanted to study it.
Heey mate. Awesome sketchbook. Your doing healthy mix of studies and personal work, which is always great. I love this new faestock study. It reveals much improvements in your technique. Keep it up! Have a great 14 ;)

Ramalooke sorry for the late response. Thank you.

I haven't been here forever and need to start back up. I have been busy with work and study and family. just thought I would update.

Some of these are absolute shit but I am trying to stay busy with the limited time I have.

Good and fast progress, sir. More please.

I like your master studies. Are you doing the Noah Bradley class?

Is that a James Zapata study up there? :) Pretty cool. Always considered doing studies of some of the digital pros.

@ Craig Paton Thanks, No I am doing the Jason Manley level up. Yea the Zapata study I really enjoyed doing that, I learned allot from it. I do want to study more digital master but for now I'm sticking to dead old masters.
oh wow, those are some mean value studies:) especially the quicker ones, i think you are very efficient when it comes to run'n'gun value recognition/application. ogogo!

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
@ Doolio Thank you.



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