Sula's Sketchbook
Ahhhhhh. So much awesome stuff in here. The deer piece came out so good, and these last pencil environments look great. Keep it up Sula, really inspiring stuff :D

@JakeB: woot :D Thank you!

Kicking in Painting Drama 2 week 3, the first of many
[Image: PD2-04.jpg]

Awesome art. The ladies look totally gorgeous :))
The deer piece turned out amazing! The warmth of the fallen deer, the sickly color of the hunter's skin, how you cover his face, and that buck! I didn't think deer could look so imposing, but I'm thinking I'd rather get on the wrong side of a bear than that particular buck.

By the way, I watched that "Why artists don't get good feedback" and thought, "Yay! I'm slowly dragging out of the "bad" stage. Next stop, boring stage!"

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Cool mushroom forest! The yellowish atmosphere gives it a sickly feeling like the mushrooms are poisoning everything but at the same time it feels strangely inviting. Thats just my first impression. Looks great!

@Tygerson: Thank you :D It's a very nice brazilian legend, glad you enjoyed it! And hahah yeah, hopefully I will be able to move out of the boring stage soon lol
@Hypnagogic: :D Thanks! Yeah, it's a toxic place, and exactly because out that it's very peaceful and silent. I kinda of liked the concept, glad it is showing through! yay!

And uh
bad art today
nothing worked
But as promised, here it is :p Supposed to be PD2 week 3 image 2, but i will probably rework it tomorrow
[Image: PD2-05.jpg]

Your bad art is still good art, but i know what you mean :p it's normal for artist and we are always struggling with it no matter what level we achieved. Otherwise it would be no fun? :D

Holy shit Sula, your stuff has exploded recently! That latest deer piece is on a different level.

Really awesome to see, I think if you keep killing it like you are doing great things are waiting for you around the corner. Keep pushing!

Just going to repeat what everyone else already said; the deer piece turned out fantastic.

I love the colour palettes in these environment pieces. I wish you luck with your move to full time freelance. I'm soon to try the same thing and I can appreciate how utterly terrifying it feels.

@Madzia: haha yeah, it's the thing about enjoying the process more than the end result. I think I just clicked about it - I can paint it pretty ok, but my designs are VERY childish still. So now I can focus on something :)
@Warburton: aww thanks man :hug: And yup! Working like I mean it
@Ignats: Thank you <3 And best luck :D

Haha okay, couple of updates today. 1st, today's failed enviro:
[Image: PD2-06.jpg]

And a couple of client images I can finally share:
[Image: Ballistic1.jpg]
[Image: Ballistic2.jpg]

How is that smoke billowing out of his gun so softly if he is flying through the air? xP

I think that its great that you are biting the environment bullet. These are the best posts to look back on in two months and laugh at :D or cry.. if you arent better yet, but that seems unlikely looking at how you progress with everything you put your mind to :D

Your environments are already very good. At least very pleasing to my eyes ^^
But anyway, I was wondering, have you ever tried out this technique or something similar?
I think it's a real sweet way of blocking in the mood and colors. And awesome if one doesn't know what the draw beforehand.

I need to join you in tackling environments, hopefully your courage inspires me to follow :p

@Jaik: shh don't tell anyone haha. And yup, I hope so. It's frustrating, but I hope it's worth it. I am going to dial the speed button two settings up and see what happens
@Adzerak: Thanks man :) Awesome link! I tried to apply it already. Indeed, trying to do it with only lines was holding me back quite a bit.
@Skeptical: Let's do eeeeeet

*Sula equips shotgun

[Image: PD2-07.jpg]
[Image: PD2-08.jpg]
[Image: PD2-09.jpg]

not what I was supposed to be doing, but hey, it's saturday

[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-70.jpg]

omnomnom - the sound my eyeballs are making

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Careful of tangents, the mountain behind the fortress essentially creates a tangent down the right side. Also, do you start with a horizon line in place? The purple one feels kind of off perspective wise. I find by first establishing the horizon line 'fast' enviro's are much easier to do. The colours are amazing though. The more I look at your work the more I see that you have a really nice way of handling colours. Can't put my finger on it yet, but I think I would be able to pick one of your pieces just purely by the colours used :D

EDIT: You always update when I am writing a comment lol xP That last piece is AWESOME. I love it. Especially the shoulder armor :D

@Toodles: <3 lol

@Jaik: Woo yes!.. I actually had forgotten to draw the horizon line. Nope, please don't tell anyone? Hahah. Thank you! And yes, I actually wait for you to start typing to update. :p Back to enviros soon, I will keep that in mind.

[Image: tumblr_min1zm207w1qhtl9zo1_400.jpg]

[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-71.jpg]

Warming up for Panting Drama 2 week 4. This week we will practice extreme value and palette restriction. I didn't dive into the value restriction yet, but I tried to make the saturation work in my favor.

Also, Still trying to push depth. Feels a bit like progress :) even if I miss the colors.

[Image: PD2-10.jpg]

Desolate. Lots of depth. The thing in the upper left looks nasty.

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