Sula's Sketchbook
Damn, absolutely awesome stuff! Color me inspired!

Doont lose your waaaaaay! Its crazy how much you have improved this year, super inspiring, keep the good stuff coming please. :)

Crazy stuff seniora dorada!
This piece is so gorgeous. I love the bluish color accents and highlights.

Great development.
Dat improvement <3 i love it! Keep up the good work :D.

Wow, amazing perspective on the latest. It's so unique!

I demand hand and foot studies. Just to be random.

Moar stuff! Moar awesome! Gogogogooo! Lol


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
@Wreck: thank you <3
@Eduardo: yay <3 thanks man!
@Construction: thanks man :D Dying to get back to that paper and airbrush, but unnng time
@Desirulz: thank you sir! Working on it!
@Bookend: thank you <3 And roger that! I'll add those studies to the list

Yeah, I'll try to get my faces looking decent, so a lot of soft porn incoming.
Which is silly because I hate the soft light they use, but heck, it's where the default pretty faces are.
A quickie for today's study.

[Image: Photo-study-85.jpg]

If you want pretty faces in more interesting poses you can always look for asian cosplayers. (I said asians because they tend to be cute, but pretty cosplayers from all around the world should be fine i guess. xD)
Anyway, waiting for more stuff as always!

@Eduardo: oooh cosplay! Indeed. Did my study today from one of those. :D I do have a ton of cosplay photos, so yep!

[Image: Photo-study-86.jpg]

Awesome study! I really, really like this one. :D Love that poofy hair, woo.

I normally do my studies from:

Hope that helps. Grin

oh, and honestly? I love unusual subjects. Big girls, old people, everything. It's great. Lots of character, and you learn about how to draw things other than 'pretty people', which I think is kind of a misnomer anyways, haha.


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
@Bookend: woo! Thanks for the links. Yeah, I'm going to focus on girls right now because I need to make my female faces more feminine (also, more marketable. I hate all things related to it, but I need to get over it anyway) heh. It's a icky thing, hence why resorting to "default" looks.
But yep, goal is to be able to draw a lot of different faces! So don't worry <3
And thanks again!

So, took me the whole day to draw 7 thumbs. Ugh.
[Image: lineup%2001.jpg]

"So, took me the whole day to draw 7 thumbs. Ugh."

You mean 7 awesome thumbs. There's a difference.

Hey! I see so much progress in this sketchbook! I really liked the portrait of the black lady, you captured the light very well in that one. There's nothing for me to say (because it seems like you're working on everything already), but keep at it. I love your stuff! :)

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@Adrian: haha thanks man <3
@Othra: yay! Hey man, long time. Thank youuu <3

Here, I couldn't sleep so I kept painting.
I wonder if random sketching helps or it's just art-masturbation hah

[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-109.jpg]

Don't be discouraged! Speed will inevitably come. I think that you can probably learn a lot about speed from Andrew Jones, haha. Keep up the great work. Your values continue to get better. Grin


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
@Bookend: yup! Thank you :) Speed will come with time, so yeah. First time doing characters like this :)

Today's study:
[Image: Photo-study-87.jpg]

Is ... is that Mako Mori from Pacific Rim ?

@Adrian: yes it is! The one and only Rinko Kikuchi <3

[Image: Photo-study-88.jpg]

seeing how badass your random sketches are, dunno if they are helping but they definitely arent hurting haha. Mako and the black lady look really good too. Specially the latter, but i guess its because you rendered it more and that nice orange/blue contrast.

Really great stuff lately, keeping me inspired!

@Eduardo: hehe thank you <3
@Jeremy: Thank you :D

Today's quick one
[Image: Photo-study-89.jpg]


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