Sula's Sketchbook
haha eww this last study turned out so bad haha

Testing things, trying to shake off the "airbrushiness", "used bar of soap", "overrendered" feeling.
Problem is, when I line it up like this, the one that has all this problem is still my favourite.

Not in chronological order.
The 1st one is my fav, it was the last I worked on. The second one was the first.
[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-110.jpg]

Your sketchbook is inspiring, great evolution from the first page. I have to work harder :D
@Alexfreitas: thanks man <3 we all do hehe

*leaves this on the table and runs*
[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-111.jpg]

Let's get this show on the road! New portfolio won't paint itself

[Image: Illy%201%20-%20thumbs%201.jpg]
[Image: Illy%201%20-%20thumbs%202.jpg]

Woo! Sula creating a new portfolio ?! shit's gonna be off the claw... I mean hook :o

I feel there needs to be a graphic novel or TV show made about the char above

I also dig that green hooded chic you hit and ran us with :)

keep it up!!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
I must have gone through your sketchbook about 100 times at work! every time i'm left speechless!Silent

You must have sacrificed so many people to the art-gods.

Really like the depth of field in this one. Quality work, hope your new portfolio comes together quickly!

(12-22-2014, 04:05 PM)Ursula Dorada Wrote: [Image: Photo-study-88.jpg]

@Smrr: :hug: thanks for the support yay! Let's see how it goes :)
@Irish: yay! thank you :hug:
@Pindursky: thanks man :D Haha yeah, I hope so too, but we all know it's.. not all that smooth lol

This happened way quicker than I expected, but it's also very rough.
It's not what I was aiming for, but it's a start. I'll count it as a color study and try it again

[Image: Illy%201%20-%20try01.jpg]

yeeea the loose background works! good pose and comp too i like this one but i hear ya it's hard to find somethin satisfying the first try!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@Fedo: yay! Yeah, just need to try it more, I guess.

Today's warmup.
I'm all over the place
[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-113.jpg]

this chic reminds me of Tracer from Overwatch (upcoming Blizzard game) -- the art style is awesome, this is awesome

(and this is a "warmup" kml)

:D woo!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
bwaaaaahh that's awesome ursula !! your studies and thumbnails !! Very inspiring, especially that portrait "leave this on the table an run" =D

Can't name any fav since all of your work is really awsome looking but i believe you can level up even more : )

Keep it up !

Shin's Sketchbook ▼ ▼ ▼Patreon ▼ ▼ ▼ dArt
@Smrr: a game which there will be fanart off. Obvs. Yay!
@Tien: <3 thank you!
@Shin: yay! thanks man, gotta work mroe!

Today's warmup.
I think I'm onto something here (quick lose study after Wei Wang's)

[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-114.jpg]

crazy cool orc, I like your work!

@Echo: thanks man :D

Second Attempt!
This is more like what I had in mind
[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-115.jpg]

More testing
now back to working with the lines, ugh

[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-116.jpg]

Definitely improved that one painting on that second attempt! I really like that stylized warmup from a few posts back!

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@Jonesoda: thanks man :D haha yeah, I hope this research into how to finalize pays off :)

Sargent Master Study for warm up today
why u so hard sargent

[Image: MS-08.jpg]

I love that 2nd attempt, so juicy <3

my gahd.
never stop.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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