Toxicpanda's Death Note
My name is Kristina. I'm from Croatia and atm 19y old. I've been drawing all my life but I've never done anything in digital kinda way.
Got my tablet on 24.09.12 (month ago) :'( wish I got it earlier in my life. Oh we go,journey or my progress over few months hopefully.
First some of my drawings.
[Image: weeklypost.jpg]
great traditional work
[Image: weeklypost2.jpg]
[Image: weeklypost3.jpg]
Welcome to daggers.

Good start to your sketch book, keep pushing yourself with the tablet and watching digital painting videos to help learn different process- youtube has feng zhu and xia taptara ( also covers a huge range of techniques.

Beautiful sketches, these tell me you are very artistic, with hard work you will go far.
Keep them coming and less Wow :P, tho guilt free play is also very important for improvement,
its finding the balance between work and play right?

Take care.

(11-11-2012, 09:04 PM)Liberty Wrote: Beautiful sketches, these tell me you are very artistic, with hard work you will go far.
Keep them coming and less Wow :P, tho guilt free play is also very important for improvement,
its finding the balance between work and play right?

Take care.

work is play to me, I get paid to do paintings and concepts for companies ad I love doing it, so it feels more like play then work

Yeah pretty awesome, ideally thats what everyone should have,
to me on the other hand drawing builds up stress so I need stress relief like walking, exercising or socializing but usually is having fun what works the best to recover.

I dont know, that seems to be quite vague territory, like separation of hard work from talent, or as
you pointed our work and play, there seem to be people on both sides of belief or feeling on the subject matter so its hard to make general claims.

So to sum it up you dont need balance because painting brings both to the table, for those who dont have that, there has to be balance, so you dont fall into the trap of being hard worker drone or procrastinator as opposite, but somewhere in between.

Take care.

(11-12-2012, 01:27 AM)Liberty Wrote: Yeah pretty awesome, ideally thats what everyone should have,
to me on the other hand drawing builds up stress so I need stress relief like walking, exercising or socializing but usually is having fun what works the best to recover.

I dont know, that seems to be quite vague territory, like separation of hard work from talent, or as
you pointed our work and play, there seem to be people on both sides of belief or feeling on the subject matter so its hard to make general claims.

So to sum it up you dont need balance because painting brings both to the table, for those who dont have that, there has to be balance, so you dont fall into the trap of being hard worker drone or procrastinator as opposite, but somewhere in between.

Take care.

I honestly never build up stress, I do take breaks though cause like everyone a break is needed to reboot your brain if you tire yourself out, I always have fun bringing imagination to life, and I 've found a very nice balance for work and play, to me work is maintaining my family life while play is what I do for a living, but as an artist it is hard for us to determine both as we find pleasure in both itself, if you don't you need to be doing something else :)

Wow guys, that hurts. Nevertheless thanks for sharing your experiences.
Altho I was initially about to write back all the things in my mind to clarify my intent I realised its not about me here, and I never imagined in the first place I would set your alarms off .
So thank you again and I hope we will see more artwork here and more positive spirit.

Take care.

(11-13-2012, 09:48 AM)Liberty Wrote: Wow guys, that hurts. Nevertheless thanks for sharing your experiences.
Altho I was initially about to write back all the things in my mind to clarify my intent I realised its not about me here, and I never imagined in the first place I would set your alarms off .
So thank you again and I hope we will see more artwork here and more positive spirit.

Take care.

Oh no dude I wasn't being negative at all sorry if it came off that way I'm a very layed back and poositive oerson, my responses were directed towards the subject of work and play not towards you lol

[Image: weeklypost4.jpg]
good start for a sketchbook, very nice traditional work! Aside from the drawings I'm also liking the Lana and Sherlock pictures. Especially the colors in Lana's pic are really pretty <3

In general, I'd say, you could work on your value range to give your works more depth.

What I really, really like about your latest pic are the eyes (and eyebrows), they are very intense and piercing, they immediately draw you in. *__*
(11-26-2012, 03:13 AM)natzetta Wrote: good start for a sketchbook, very nice traditional work! Aside from the drawings I'm also liking the Lana and Sherlock pictures. Especially the colors in Lana's pic are really pretty <3

In general, I'd say, you could work on your value range to give your works more depth.

What I really, really like about your latest pic are the eyes (and eyebrows), they are very intense and piercing, they immediately draw you in. *__*
Woho :D Thank you so much for your comment, I'll work on that. I just started painting two months ago so I'm really working my best (can't do much because of college) to improve.
Thank you for visiting my sketchbook :3
[Image: weeklypost5.jpg]
congratulations on passing your exams! :D

can't wait till the black + white portrait is finished. so far i love absolutely everything about it, especially the eyes and nose.
Oh yay! :D Thank you. Well I'm not sure how am I going to finish it xD I might turn her into some mighty warrior, mage or something, or just finish the portrait as it is^^ we'll see :D
Portrait of my cousin for her birthday :)
[Image: weeklypost6.jpg]
great stuff.. I like the values on the face.
The irises are different in size and color .. but maybe it is this way for your cousin.
I appreciate the work you did into the blouse but wonder why don't you define the upper edge of the collar with a clearer edge?!
hope to see more of your work - and also hope to catch you online streaming again!

Beautiful them portraits.


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