A sketchbook (March 17th, 2015)
Hey guys, gonna try and keep up a sketchbook over here, while following the daggers scheduled as best as i can. lots of awesome stuff comes out of it, Dave and Dan got some wicked motivation here, its inspiring.

anyways heres some old stuff and new stuff to get things started. cheers!

[Image: wowfanart_undead_final.jpg]

[Image: redrobinsketch.jpg]

[Image: crapman.jpg]

[Image: noodle.jpg]

[Image: nudestudy_kitchen.png]

[Image: hardbody.png]

[Image: John_Derek_Murphy_wk2.jpg]

[Image: malestudy.png]

Fantastic work wreck, totaly loving it!

Your old stuff is better than most everyone's new stuff :-)

FlyByKnight: thanks man!

Sprayah: haha ehh i dunno, but thanks for the nice words!

heres a study i did today. bleh.

[Image: Nudestudy_jan2012.jpg]

Looking good man! That study looks awesome! Nice to see you over here as well
I'm a huge fan of your lighting and rendering out texture. You're pretty amazing.

Available for Freelance - Portfolio | CD Sketchbook | Blog | Email
Wreck, Your work is great. You have such control over your textures and lighting! I'm am truly envious. I now have a new benchmark to reach! Thanks!

Awesome work Wreck. Your studies blow my mind.
Note to myself - draw more studies u.u
Cool seeing you here too, great studies!

JasperSandner: thanks man, gotta be every wheres in order to have any chance at this stuff. as we all know.

Zesiul: wow Zesiul, that means a lot, im happy u like what you see!

TylerDonnelly: its a struggle dude, im in no means doing anything you see here with out all my focus on it, constantly trying to tread water when learning how to paint. but me oh my, is it ever a ton of fun! keep at it man, even though we feel like we are treadin water, theres plenty of floatation devices out there that can help inspire you to become more... buoyant.. hehe, fucked up metaphor but i think you know what im sayin.

Nyra: i really really enjoy doing these studies, learning lots and constantly being reminded of things ive nearly forgotten about. keep on doin em!

John Silva: heya John! its always awesome to hear from you! here or anywheres, :D!

heres some more studies and my mononoke poster from bloodsports 5 which im not happy with at all but w/e, live and learn.

[Image: Johnderekmurphy_PM_poster.jpg]

[Image: legstudy1.JPG]

[Image: manladylegs.jpg]

[Image: wreck_backstudy.jpg]

Cool studies, man. Nice work on the bloodsports too!

Impressive studies in here! Great edge control. Keep it comin!
That subtle value and color shift on that back blows me away. Nasty. Do you ever work traditionally?
Good show! Post more!


alexson: hey man, thanks for the kindness man! :D

Dennis Kutsenko: much appreciated dude! more is on the way.

CoreyKLamb: thanks man. i havent done any traditional painting in a very long time, only traditional stuff i do is random doodles with pencil, rarely at that.

lake: thanks man, i really appreciate you takin the time to look!

Here is my Bloodsports 7 submission.

[Image: johnderekmurphy_wreck_BS7_final.jpg]

Crazy studies man! Great job on the cover O: !
final Bloodsport 7. kinda bummed it didnt make it on the Kotaku page, gotta raise my game i guess.

back to drawin.

[Image: johnderekmurphy_wreck_BS7_final_kotaku.jpg]

hot fire
ferrando: sizzlin!

Headin to Montreal to look at some apartments. movin there very soon, depending on how these appointments go, we might find the right place that we have in mind. and if so, then we will be there before to long.

pretty pumped!

heres a sketch from yesterday, my speciality, a dude standing.

[Image: dudesketch_1.jpg]

Like your stuff, you have amazing studies


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