Oh Sweet!
Love your hands studies =) Can't wait to see more.
Great sketchbook!

gangstershit- Hahaha which is funny a lot of them actually watch anime now and then. But yes I am and I'm already having a lot of fun!

Silwynar- Oh man thanks for the suggestion! When I filled in the shadows the contour of her cheek really helped flesh it out more thanks!
[Image: chihiro2.jpg]

Zaphk- Thanks! I hope to be doing some torso's and forearms soon and probably more hands.

Knut- Thanks!
sweet skill you have here

Available for Freelance - Portfolio | CD Sketchbook | Blog | Email
Beautiful work! Excellent studies! Continue, continueeeee!!!!!!! Love the drawing style in post #18 hope to see more!
Thanks Zesiul!

And thanks Dennis will do!

Here's some recently color studies, I have some torso charcoal studies in the works along with a German armor study and a chicks face I'll be working on over the week.

[Image: cm_1-1.jpg]

Some studies of Carol Marines lifedrawing work. My stuff felt like it was getting too tightly rendered and dull so I did some studies while kicking back with some buds in Pchat.

[Image: eyestudy.jpg]

Study warm up before I started working on a complex face.

And some old concept work from a year ago! Some of it was for some mobile games.

[Image: tumblr_lzazwrjxip1r0v3zr.jpg]
[Image: vc.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lzc9a7oZc51r0v3zr.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lzc9a7oZc51r0v3zrdd.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lzc9a7oZc51r0v3zrfds.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lrbp0alvjj1r0v3zr.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_lzc9a7oZc51r0v3zrfddswe.gif]
[Image: ohmy.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lt8wcupujZ1r0v3zr.jpg]
Badass stuff :D

Awesome work! Really like the color studies, did you do those from life or photo? The alien designs are pretty sick too, noh mask influence?
Keep posting :D
Thanks Archipelago!

Oh Vertical they are studies of this wonderful painters work- http://carolmarine.blogspot.com/ I was really curious about her color selections and learned a lot from trying to mimic her painting process digitally. It's nice to see the brush strokes so vividly.

Hahah one of the aliens is a concept inspired by squishy balls and Bob Pinciotto from that 70's show. I pull from a range of sources, the space ships were heavily inspired by bumper cars and Jetsons. Since I was told to make it like Jetson's...but not like Jetson's...
[Image: figdraw.jpg]

[Image: lady.jpg]

[Image: draw2.jpg]

Oh wow, these are all super hot! :O
Awesome work and studies :D
Thanks guys! Here's a bit more, trying to do a figure draw a day now.

[Image: satfigdraw-3.jpg]
[Image: draws.jpg]

Had to invent an arm, some huge chunks of her legs for this one.

Bonus pic from when I was 16. I set the bar too high on this one, never will I achieve such a masterpiece like this again.
[Image: yesss.jpg]

I think I'm in love with your lines, loving the alien concepts too!

Thanks rich!

A friend suggested I post some of my old concept art as a benchmark here and continue re-working an old concept into a better design.

[Image: endless_faces_by_ikager-d3gfsnj.jpg]
[Image: genieeetime.jpg]
[Image: 1284969823.monstrum_troll_bak.gif]

So some old stuff I'm going to revisit soon.
[Image: 425_max.jpg]

Especially her, she's going to get a re-haul on her anatomy and going to be more fairy like.
[Image: c72.jpg]
[Image: sils1.jpg]

Rehauling his robo parts too and going to make them more plausible but still echo his wifes anatomy some.

[Image: planthings.jpg]
[Image: bigguy.jpg]
[Image: 846_max.jpg]
[Image: 24_max.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_m153uhP3kZ1r0v3zr]
[Image: tumblr_m153uhP3kZ1r0v3zr]

[Image: tumblr_m153e8hZtQ1r0v3zr]

Adventure Time

Nice work man! Likin the style on the last one. Hope you have fun with the redesigns.
[Image: skullgirls_polished_npcs_by_eyecager-d4wfmuj.png]

Some work I did for Skullgirls, I'll post the clean up anims I did when I get permission to grab them.

[Image: backs_and_shoulders_by_eyecager-d4vfblh.jpg]
[Image: musckles_by_eyecager-d4wvqvi.jpg]
[Image: ctrl_paint_basic_render_exercise_by_eyec...4u2lsg.jpg]
Great work as always! Awesome studies
Thanks Dennis!

Thanks so much everyone! I been under the weather pretty severe these last two weeks. But slowly getting better.

[Image: advanced_lighting__assignment_1_by_eyecager-d4xzxdg.jpg]

Assignment 1 from Sam Nielsons Advanced Lighting class.

And here's some Skullgirls anims
[Image: painwheel_gaelbolga_by_eyecager-d4xldrt.gif]
[Image: painwheel_block_by_eyecager-d4xliwb.gif]
[Image: m_fortune_cwk_by_eyecager-d4xp0wb.gif]
[Image: valentine__izuna_drop_by_eyecager-d4xow1j.gif]
[Image: m__fortune_burst_by_eyecager-d4xsnqa.gif]
[Image: parasoul__wake_up_by_eyecager-d4xlpb3.gif]
[Image: 000b2afb.jpg]
[Image: 000br39w.jpg]
[Image: 000cg95e.jpg]
youre killin it ! really inspiring

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