Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
Trying to do more finished shading taking a long time :) but it´s fun

Doodling turning to portrait practice turning to illustration of a elvish minstrel

Some pencilling and a plein air gouache sketch enjoying autumn in a park

Really beautiful pencil sketches as always. I love the "in the wild" challenge.

You're turning out some fantastic horror pieces. Love the fleshy look of the room, and the variety of creepy things embedded in it. The lighting casts a fitting mood over the scene. You have a knack for creating things that look both powerful and repulsive to get near.

I'm no horror expert, but one thing I think that would amplify this sort of piece is awareness/intent and threat level. For example, the eyes on the far side of the room look amazing, but they seem unintelligent and unaware of the sorcerer. I'm curious how it would change such a piece if they were all staring at him, as if aware of the intrusion. Likewise, he appears safely out of reach of any tentacles and fanged mouths (all on the far side of the room), but how would it feel if they were arranged such that he/you couldn't quite gauge if the room could eat him at any moment?

Or if the bag of holding had a second arm thing that was just brushing the hand that was pulling out a spear, like it always notices its use and may decide to bite your hand off. Again, awareness.

Again, just a thought to consider. I'm way impressed with the skill and imagination that goes into those things.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


@Tygerson: Thanks so much for your input and likeing my stuff :) Great ideas also for the horror images as they would be very fitting. In these cases I couldn´t do something like that, because they are client pieces and all demon images where illustrations for lesser demons, basically protoplasm that can be summoned and put into any form the caster wishes, so the threatlevel to the caster can´t be high as he is in total control. The only thing the caster can´t control is the disgusting look as these lesser demons feed of disgusted feelings. The room is actually a layer of that demon mass, sealing it off and creating a strong demonic aura that eases any casting regarding demons, so a greater demon is easier to summon in such an environment.
As a real stand alone horror painting adding a threat to the caster would definitely add more suspense and tension. Maybe I´ll do a similar painting with just that in the future

Pencil sketching some scene starting out with a guy standing, adding a lantern, had the feeling, I needed to add fog and a moon and ending with a mixture of the hound from baskerville and a hound of tindalos....oh and some ballpoint pen expression sketching

Time again for some update...too long already. Some pencil storytelling practice and some quick sketch for Halloween


Here´s some update with different stuff. First a step by step of my usual drawing process (includes mistakes :) ) Sorry about the quality, it´s only smartphone pictures in bad lighting

1 - Starting a pose, no idea what to draw, start with gesture and head structure
2 - Fleshing out the limbs
3 - not happy, change arm pose, still no idea what the character is...
4 - vagely an idea is forming, maybe a serving wench or a mage?? Changing the head
5 - adding a face and anatomy
6 - not really happy, she leans over too much, changing the head again to be more chin up/arrogant, tilting the torso, that means redraw :)
7 - Ok, she´s a mage. Adding face/hair
8 - Erase anatomy slightly and add clothing/accessories on top, cleaning lines
9 - Indicating different values of materials

Here´s the finished sketch with basic rendering:

And something digital for a change, portrait practice. 2 were done from imagination and 2 were first done from imagination, then take a reference photo (can be any portrait, any angle, doesn´t need to match the painting) and use it to enhance the painting

Aaaand since I binge watched Stranger Things (love it, love it, love it) I doodled a demogorgon at my latest RPG session. I tried to see what I remember of its appearance. Doesn´t have a real structure underneath, just a thoughtless doodle

I like seeing the trial and error process of the sketch. (And the final sketch is cool.) Do you often start with a pose and decide who the character is after?

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


(11-14-2017, 03:52 AM)Tygerson Wrote: I like seeing the trial and error process of the sketch.  (And the final sketch is cool.) Do you often start with a pose and decide who the character is after?

That happens a lot. I would say that in 6 out of 10 drawings, I don´t know what I want to draw. In starting with a pose, you get rid of the blank canvas and ideas are starting to form of what this figure could be. Developing a slight background story when drawing a character helps to get inspired.
Sometimes I literally just do random scribbles on a blank page until I see something (usually resulting in a stiff pose, because I skipped the structure phase :D )

Not too happy with my recent pencils...oh well, on to the next

Didn´t know what to draw, so I wanted to do a batman, but in the middle, I thought of Stranger Things and the demogorgon, so a demobatman happended...

More portrait practice without reference and an egyptian influenced supergirl

A commission I did recently for an anouncement poster for a Terry Pratchet live radio play, that will be performed live on stage here in Innsbruck. (Title is german and reads Men at Arms) I kind of wanted a film noir - retro 50s/60s movie poster feel for it

Lots of pencilling as update. The usual sketches and one just with line (plan to render that one in colour) and some doodle pages from my small crappy sketchbook. I did those while having a meeting at work....

Silly pencil sketch and some quick ballpoint pen sketches/studies of expressions as I´m getting more into those

Small update with pencils

So, larger update here, I´ve been to Vienna as always this time of the year and did some pencils on the go, starting with a sketch on the train (including a porg quick sketch as I have been watching Starwars the day before), followed by some live portraiting at the breakfast table and some studies at the Raffael exhibition at the museum (he did some awesome penciling, very delicate and fine lines, beautiful!), then some Christmas Cthulhu done at a bar very late in the evening (and not completely sober :) ), then people sitting at various coffee houses and a few sketches for fun on the way back (including a young Spock and my interpretation of Munchs painting The Scream - noticing that the recent facial expression studies were handy :) )

Christmas card I did for fun. Merry christmas to all of you!

So, had a longer drawing break due to various time constraints and holidays, but time to get back to work :) Right sketch is a first concept for a seductive demon as I´m continuing to  illustrate an RPG book about demons. 


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