Pnate's Almost Daily Sketchbook
Sweet brushstrokey stuff in here! Enjoying your quick pieces. Amazing how much you're able to show in the early stages.

That sense of design you've got just keeps getting keener, man.

Your speed's gone up like mad too, the spitpaints are a great way to practice, eh? Especially when we're up against all the pros that post.

Anyhow, good to see you pushin' those limits! You're going to shatter 'em if you keep it up.

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Damn it, man! You and those women, I'm mirin' pretty hard right about now. Inspirational as always, I've been getting my womanly love on as well thanks to you. I'll see if I can get some lady sorcerers to fight your mages, haha.

Also, that WIP of yours is looking really good. I'm loving the mood and colors so far, can't wait to see more updates. This may just be me, but I'd suggest maybe extending the canvas out and up a bit more on all sides. Her hand, head, and the guys head all feel a little too close. Again, this is probably just me and how I like things, I don't see anything wrong with it compositionally. :]

Keep it coming my good man!

Nowio - thanks! :)

Much thanks Razzzzz!

Einver - Yeahh man those spitpaints are really good practice. And seeing those godly talents on there everyday are awesome for motivation

Archreux - Thanks man, definitely make some of them sorcerers :) Appreciate the crit on that one, I think it does look pretty cramped I'll have to experiment with expanding it. Good eye!

Dead valentine
[Image: 2fQwKtf.jpg]
[Image: EH4Jdve.jpg]

I like how serene that study looks in this last post. You may have been able to go a bit darker in the foreground, just to help separate the midground from the foreground, but maybe thats what it was like in the study? But yeah, your spitpaints are really improving, I am wondering whether or not to join that. It would be good to warm up with every morning.. Hmm...

Keep up the good work man :)

Jaik - Go for it! The spitpaints are a great exercise :)

[Image: n76DlmR.jpg]
[Image: F2LbP1e.jpg]

Aww, she's cute! Nice skin tone variations.

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Lyraina-Thanks! I forget who that is but I think it's an actress

[Image: CnENfBK.jpg]

Awesome updates as always man, it always feels like such a long time very time I post here because of the amount of updates you produce lol. Not that that's a bad thing of course ;)

The latest wip on the previous page looks exiting too, I hope you get a chance to follow it through because it looks awesome already. Your ability to paint skin tones always amaze me too lol.

On a side note, a possible crit which ive noticed in some of your works, mostly the imagination stuff is to perhaps try pushing the contrast some more in some of your pieces. The darks especially can sometimes look a bit muddy.

A did a quick adjustment in that latest portrait as an example, I hope you don't mind. All I did was go into image>adjustments>levels and moved the darks some more and dropped one big white soft blob on the face with an overly layer. Might have gone a bit overboard but just wanted show you what I mean.

Hope this is some help man, if not, my bad lol. Just wanted to try and offer something constructive and not ass pat too much ;p

Oo thanks for the paintover man! I have noticed that I tend to not push contrast enough. Appreciate you taking the time to give me a real crit :) that's very helpful for me

Bleh. Not sure if this is pushed enough but gonna move on. Further crits welcome if anyone's feelin it
[Image: i6wkkop.jpg]

It's looking good, but the right eye (our left) looks like it's not quite looking in the same direction. Plus it appears that the body is flattening out some (mainly due to the lack of shadowing).

I'm liking the detail work though. From the head? Or from observation?

There is usually more on my blog...

(02-19-2014, 05:46 PM)pnate Wrote: Oo thanks for the paintover man! I have noticed that I tend to not push contrast enough. Appreciate you taking the time to give me a real crit :) that's very helpful for me

Bleh. Not sure if this is pushed enough but gonna move on. Further crits welcome if anyone's feelin it

That is an absolutely stunning portrait! I liked seeing your progress through it, from soft to sharpened.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


matkaminski - thanks man! I adjusted a bit for my deviantart based on your advice :)

Thanks Tygerson!

[Image: fbSPt8X.jpg]
[Image: 3hz8Ynm.jpg]

Oooh love that last portrait! Nice one. If anything, you have the shadow area of her face falling against a dark background - you're losing the silhouette a bit there. It makes for an very sad/hopeless feeling that may be what you aimed for, but maybe pushing a bit of light behind her (left area of the piece) just so she feels a dark shadow against the background may help with the silhouette reading.

Just a small nitpick, not even sure it's going to work. It's very nice as is.

And yay, love the armor sketches <3

Thanks Ursula! I thought about putting in a light on that side but wasn't sure if that would be too many light sources going on. But like you said, that probably would have helped a lot with popping the face out a bit. Notes for next time! :)

studies for next piece
[Image: 0a06cVS.jpg]
[Image: b94kL5O.jpg]

Oooohhh I like where the last round of sketches is heading! :)

There is usually more on my blog...

thanks matkaminski :)

[Image: PzvjW0P.jpg]

WIP progress
[Image: kPgOYsX.jpg]

I love those vibrant colors you're using!

Thanks DoubleThink!

mountain pond
[Image: Fwo17w6.jpg]
mushroom magician
[Image: 77UL010.jpg]


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