BLOODSPORT 14- BeastMasters!
Simonarpalmer: your pieces are GREAT. The only thing I have to mention is the face of the "beast" - it is too Lion King in my opinion :P

Lions and tigers and bats, oh my. (and goblins)

alright! here’s an update. Running out of time damn it! I can make it, I can make it, I can make it!! :) Anyway I think I’m gonna try adding some colors next. This is not my usual approach to painting. I normally start straight with color so this should be interesting… new technique while on deadline = BRING IT ON BITCH! :D

[Image: tumblr_mkls9c2p7T1rlavnuo2_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mkls9c2p7T1rlavnuo1_1280.jpg]

Pushed the character as much as i want, too much even cos its lost of the dynamic of my composition sketch, think theres some more stuff i can touch up if i get time.
only 4 days to do the creature so i better get a move on. getting my ass kicked by everyone in this thread is more fun than i thought it would be lol

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Really trying to think about composition here, big weakness (among many other things). Have to refrain from just starting to paint over this for a final - that never seems to work out for me.


So here are my comp sketches roughed out, with the proper perspective and whatnot. Also some architecture studies to get the feel of arab culture. Gotta rush to the end now!!

Lovely to see other's people pieces taking form already. GO GO everyone ! =D

I'm still having trouble to decide how the lighting and colors will be, so that the bond between the two card is evident, but I guess there is nothing that some studies aren't gonna resolve!

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Hello everyone, I didn't post yet, but this is what I'm doing since the start.

Here is what I have done for the bloodsports 14 beastmasters. My character is a Champion/Prince/Paladin like hero, that has a Griffin Armor and shapeshifts into a two legged Griffin, that retain a little bit of armor and his sword

[Image: 1.jpg]

[Image: 2.jpg]

[Image: 3.jpg]

[Image: 4.jpg]

[Image: 5.jpg]

[Image: 6.jpg]

[Image: 7.jpg]

[Image: 8.jpg]

[Image: 9.jpg]

[Image: 10.jpg]

That's it! I'll be doing more studies, like lion and eagle for my griffin

Awesome work everyone, I like what you're doing!
Lucas -- so the line in the sand has been drawn! :) I can't dislike your concept... but I look forward to seeing it completed. I had started to lose my motivation to complete this entry... but your post has reinvigorated it. :)
Hello everybody. Can't wait to see finals, because even wips looks so cool) I done my first card (human form) but i didn't even started second :0 What do you mean, daggers is second variation with 'magic' mist from the shoulders looks better then original?) Becouse i add it in the end, and I'm not quite sure that it makes illustration better...

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Well I've been in an art slump for the last two days, so no progress on mine and probably won't get these finished to deadline (will still continue on for a hopeful folio piece regardless). So I thought I would help others out with some crit. If anyone wants crit on their stuff just PM me or add me on Skype (monkeybread) and I'd be happy to give you my opinions :)

. Great progress! I know this is kinda late in the game, but I'd say you need to bring in more hyena design elements into the human form. Right now from her earings which are the most visible, I'd almost say she was going to transform into a boar or an elephant (great idea with the tusk earings though!) It's probably late in the game, but yeah, maybe changing those earrings to hyena jaw bones and some hyena relateds tatoos or something?

@Victor: I love your prep work. It may be a bit hard to match the three characters in their transformed states to the other cards, so yeah definitely use colour cues I'd say to tie them together and the cards together. Perhaps they each have slightly different schemes that distinguish them clearly? Your design work and comps are awesome, so just keep going man!

@Nemanjas: Great work on the render. I find that the arm holding the cleaver thing needs reworking anatomically. It is suffering form "rubber bones" syndrome, the biceps and upper arm seem a bit too pronounced, the forearm musculature isn't correct (check ref). The hand holding the sword is really wide and the angle of it is so extreme it really makes it seem like he is just about to lose the sword. Suggest rotating shifting the sword up slightly

@andreitabacaru I think you've got some nice comps going there. My take on the armour showcase thing was that we were to show armour design more on the human form and then do what we could for the beast form. Lots of people are going for less armour on the beasts, so I'd say just go with what you have. I don't know much about card art, but many cards seem to be 3/4 or even less of the figure so I guess don't be swayed by having to show every single detail of the armour. Just highlight the key points that tie the cards together in your comps...That's my 2 cents anyway. Also it seems that execution is less important than the idea for these, so just nail your concepts.

@Nikt I think it is a good idea to bring in more warm accents because at the moment your piece is mostly quite blue and gray and needs some colour vibrancy to bring it some life; So your idea of warms is good but I think you may have to think about how you integrate it a little better into the piece to not look so added on. Do some studies to help you see what illuminated steam looks like and perhaps using warm accents on the blade and other parts of the armour might be a way to create some vibrancy and contrast to your colour scheme. Overall I think your piece needs work in values to create depth. It may be too late to do that in this piece, but basically you want to create some distance between the BG and the figure and to show form; you could try lightening the background and maybe bringing a bit more cool into it. Also really think about how the lighting would affect all your forms. Considering there is moonlight at the back this could be your cool secondary light source and he should have some rim lighting on his form, and maybe the primary source of light could be originating from him as warm "magical" light or from something off screen. You basically need to bring some complementary colours into the piece and really think about how light hits form to show the volumes of the objects. Lighting and still life studies are the way to go to improve in this area.

Hope that helps people, even if I can't help myself!

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(04-02-2013, 07:29 PM)monkeybread Wrote: Well I've been in an art slump for the last two days, so no progress on mine and probably won't get these finished to deadline (will still continue on for a hopeful folio piece regardless). So I thought I would help others out with some crit. If anyone wants crit on their stuff just PM me or add me on Skype (monkeybread) and I'd be happy to give you my opinions :)

. Great progress! I know this is kinda late in the game, but I'd say you need to bring in more hyena design elements into the human form. Right now from her earings which are the most visible, I'd almost say she was going to transform into a boar or an elephant (great idea with the tusk earings though!) It's probably late in the game, but yeah, maybe changing those earrings to hyena jaw bones and some hyena relateds tatoos or something?

I agree! I love your design and illustrations of the two, but with her wearing feathers and those earings she's not really hyena-like. I would change the feathers to hyena fur if it's not too late =/ anyway: great stuff! =)

awsome to see all the submissions and how people go through the process :) great stuff guys!

here the panda/beast form of my earlier warrior dude :P

*edit and an overview of them both :}

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(04-02-2013, 09:05 PM)rbeek Wrote: awsome to see all the submissions and how people go through the process :) great stuff guys!

here the panda/beast form of my earlier warrior dude :P

*edit and an overview of them both :}

love this one good luck rbeek
(04-02-2013, 02:02 PM)jeshields Wrote: Lucas -- so the line in the sand has been drawn! :) I can't dislike your concept... but I look forward to seeing it completed. I had started to lose my motivation to complete this entry... but your post has reinvigorated it. :)

I'm very glad to read this Jeshields! let's do it! The main purpose of Bloodsports is to challenge ourselves, and this is not a cheesy phrase that I'm just saying... The last one I didn't finish, but learned a ton! I want to finish this time, for me.

So... let's rock it
Some progress with my beast mode and human form....not yet done...still need to push things more!!!

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Lovely work everyone!

Loose composition sketches. Better start motoring with this! Where has the time gone?!?!

Loved the panda warrior! Looking awesome.

Here's some of my carnotaurus beastmaster

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Pretty pumped seeing such an active thread an with everyones stuff coming together.

Nikt - i would ditch the flame idea dude, your first version looks much stronger. I think the main problem is the way the flames cross over his face and shoulders. Try just having warm fire colours inside the shoulder pads instead maybe.

rbeek - you nailed it dude, those panda warriors are sick.

Think ive pretty much finished, just need to do a few final touches, which is crazy because this version too very little time at all. Been learning a ton recently with the bloodsports and i don't want to stop so i might just redo my first one or do some more in my own time. :p
[Image: beastwarriorsecondformfinal_zpsab3543e6.jpg]

Still working on the human form, hopefully i will finish it today, and i will have two days left for the beast form and maybe 6 hours for the final touches.

-rbeek: i´m loving your panda dude, it is difficult to make a panda look baddass. :)

-Royugang: your mythical creature was a great choice, and this composition is looking great!

-Warburton: nice composition in this one man, the picture just needs some more movement and refinement and you are done imo.

wow guys great work! Victor I love your stuff man:D!

here is my human character ive started and also a study for the background :

[Image: schermafbeelding2013040.png]

[Image: environmentstudy2.jpg]

[Image: armorstudy.jpg]

I had time to do some crits :D

rbeek awesome job :) I like this one a lot. I'm not sure what to crit really other then maybe mess around with some of the colors and lighting maybe? I feel like having both pieces use the same exact color and lighting seems a little bland. And you could really use stronger lighting or more saturated colors in the beast mode image to show how much stronger it is. Just a suggestion though :)

Royugang God damn man I love yours. Such a fantastic job with the colors. So I wanted to mention this though, for the beast mode image the comp seems a little strange to me just because my eyes at the moment go to the chest. If you could dim that down a bit and really enhance and push the contrast between the dark of the face of the creature and the light shining behind the eclipse I think the focus could go more to the face. Also, I don't know if you did this purposely but the hand nearest to the eclipse is making a huge tangent with it and kinda looks as if the beast is holding the eclipse in its hand. But again, love it so far can't wait to see it finished :)

croker Those comp sketches look awesome ;)

andrecastalo Nice studies, I'm glad someone is doing a dinosaur of some sort. I can't really supply any crits till I see more work on it so good luck :)

Warburton I really like your piece so far :) I feel like the character is a little cut and paste, maybe try taking some of that teal lighting in the back and having it light the back of the beast a bit more.

EduardoGaray Nice job on making the character unique. I'm looking forward to seeing the beast form. As for crits, maybe try enhancing the blue on the guy a bit more, have it contrast with the background more.

Danar Nice work so far :)

So I think I'm pretty much done unless anyone has any crits? I'd seriously love some I'm really at a loss on what else to do :p

[Image: bsstudies.png]

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