BLOODSPORT 14- BeastMasters!
AWESOOOOME WORKS everyone!! It was a pleasure to be part of this amazing challenge with you all once again though I almost kill myself but, hey, BLOODsport, BLOOOOOD hahaha Best of luck everyone!!!

So here are my finals!

[Image: bs14regular_isrartistic-com.jpg]

[Image: bs14advance_isrartistic-com.jpg]

Damn some amazing entries from everyone. Lovin itttt
Here's my final nom nom nom

[Image: qHTxJUZ.jpg]
[Image: cRbvoYV.jpg]
[Image: nw0OBfn.jpg]

Whooooa, great work everyone!!! :D Bloodsports is getting epic more and more!

Here are my finals:

The human

[Image: 05_04_13_human2_by_mateusrocha-d60jehw.jpg]

The advanced

[Image: 05_04_13_wolfie2_by_mateusrocha-d60jehs.jpg]

Great stuff guys, nice to see them done!

This is how much I managed till the deadline.

[Image: beastmasters14illu1finalvar2_zps868b70d6.jpg]

[Image: beastmasters14illu2final_zps13bfe659.jpg]

amazing entries guys
heres my stuff

Human form:
[Image: final%201.png]

Beast form:
[Image: final%202.png]

comp sketchs
[Image: comp%201.png]


[Image: study%201.png]

[Image: study%202.png]

[Image: study%203.png]

[Image: study%204.png]

[Image: HJPaVpE.png]

character final

[Image: Aa89tKS.jpg]

character sketches, once i decided to go for the octopus i was torn between going for a feudal japan design with elements from the fisherman's wife tale or roman design with elements of the god neptune, went roman in the end

[Image: K72fhHy.png]

here are my submissions for blood sport 14, i Really wish i had more time to work on this idea. too much homework and not enough hours in the day.

any feed back from anyone would be great. i really wasn't feeling this project the last stretch of this week, so i was kina disgusted with how it turned out. :(

i really tried to do something different.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Cut it close, but I made the deadline sending mine into the dropbox. Phew.
Now to post here!
Question: What's worse than a pyromaniac alchemist?
Answer: A pyromaniac Fire Salamander.

My finals:
[Image: 679865e9-2f17-4b23-8449-7b76a935e7ba.jpg][Image: 4bb6ef7d-2cf3-4449-9f0c-20b54dd2301d.jpg]
My WIP stuff:
[Image: brainstorming.png]
[Image: Wyvernorsalamander.png]
[Image: SalamanderReference.png]
[Image: SalamanderBeastformpart3PresenatableVersion.png]
[Image: RevisionsPart3.png]
[Image: workingonfinalforbeastform.png]
[Image: workingonfinalforhumanform.png]
Since I couldn't finish this any further before the deadline I'm just posting the WIPs of what I have so far. Sadly I just came back from a holiday, otherwise I would have had at least a little more time :) Anyway, the topic was so awesome and everyone had such great ideas, I just had to draw something.
So, here's what I have, not that beastly but anyway.

And studies:

Any further refinements will be in my sketchbook as to not spam this thread after the challenge is over.

Hey Guys,
Everybody did some awesome work here. We gave our best it seems for the time that we had. I did not get a chance to fully complete my little warrior and his useless transformation :) but I will finish the little guy in my own time. I loved the challenge and I look forward to the next BLOOOODSPOOOOOORTS!!!!
GRAAAAHHHHH!!! X__X ……… .. . . .

Aahhh…. It’s late here and I am loosing it, been by the screen for too long... I’m of to bed, best of luck everybody!. ;)


Hey Guys, congratulations to everyone that gave this a shot, lots of awesome stuff!!

For myself, another piece for my stack of unfinished pieces, I tried really hard, my arm and wrist are actually burned up and I'm so so tired, but it was worth the experience. I guess I overwhelmed my self with this, and ended up not being capable of finishing on time. But it's all about pushing it! Hopefully I'll get these bloodsports finished any time soon, maybe I'll have to step aside from a next bloodsports to finish them up!

So these are where I could get myself to on the illustrations, still quite unfinished, there are some design elements like the Ear shaped tiaras that I didnt have the time to do yet and the colors are just halfway through one of them.

Anyway, great job everyone!

TRAILER for my card... lol XD

(04-06-2013, 08:18 AM)Victor Quaresma Wrote: Hey Guys, congratulations to everyone that gave this a shot, lots of awesome stuff!!

For myself, another piece for my stack of unfinished pieces, I tried really hard, my arm and wrist are actually burned up and I'm so so tired, but it was worth the experience. I guess I overwhelmed my self with this, and ended up not being capable of finishing on time. But it's all about pushing it! Hopefully I'll get these bloodsports finished any time soon, maybe I'll have to step aside from a next bloodsports to finish them up!

So these are where I could get myself to on the illustrations, still quite unfinished, there are some design elements like the Ear shaped tiaras that I didnt have the time to do yet and the colors are just halfway through one of them.

Anyway, great job everyone!

Even without being finished these get my vote! Lovely!
Hey guys, thank you for extending the deadline over the weekend.

I've been following the daggers for a while, but it's the first time I "finish" something to participate in the bloodsports.
I don't have much time to draw on weekdays, and as a consequence it takes me a lot of time to draw anything.
I don't have much studies this time because I wanted to finish it and participate, but I couldn't finish, I planned to use the reference pics but I didn't.

I'm drawing faster now, I've tried to finish the illustrations before, but this is the first time I'm that close to finish. I'll keep on trying to finish on time and improving of course.

Congratulations!! You guys did amazing artworks, I guess I won't be even close to the top ones.

[Image: bloodsports14entryjulia.jpg]
Hello everyone, this was my first time participating in a Bloodsport Challenge and I just finished up my pieces last night. You can see all my progress shots and studies on my blog:

Hopefully I can get a chance to meet the deadline for one of these at some point, but I mostly wanted to focus on doing some solid portfolio pieces for this one.

It's been really cool going through this thread and seeing what everyone's doing. I have some ideas for how to push things further for the next challenge I participate in. Thanks for looking!


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