Triangle Color Picker & Line Tool
1) Can anyone please tell me how to get a triangle color picker in Photoshop ?

(Like MyPaint)


2) Is there a Brush or a Tool in Photoshop that only gives me 1 single color when I draw curves or outlines for drawing?

(The software kinda aliases the edges of the line to make it look softer but it produces variations of color on both sides of the line.)

Hi Prabu, for your first question, i´m not sure but i think what you are looking for is something like Coolorus. Which costs 10 USD. Another free, less powerful option is Painters wheel, but it is a wheel. :P

For the second question, you could use the pencil tool instead of the brush or pick a hard brush and disable the pressure sensivity in brush settings.

Thank you so much. They both worked :).


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