Bjork's Journey with her Sketchbook :)
Hello Peeps! Thank you for looking at my sketchbook. I'm a young girl from the Faroe Islands, with great ambitions to one day become a concept artist.
Critique me hard luvs <3

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Some master colour studies I did mostly to get a better understanding of how to colour faces and which colours often appear.
and then some quick sketches from life :)

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Really love the painting of the girl lit from below. Her expression, and the overall mood pull you into the image.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Some more master colour studies (some better than others), this time focusing on landscapes.
I tried doing something from imagination as well (the cave thingy), and as you can see there is nothing special about it at all, it has no story or anything, but I was more or so focusing on how to shape things out and such... from now on I'm going to push myself more with my work and take the knowledge I've learned from my studies to my imagination work :)

Tygerson: Thank you very much :D it was a self-portrait, spent ages on it haha XD

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Quick update before I go to bed! Here is some of the stuff I have done today
Two studies from photos trying, a quick colour study of one Thomas Cole's paintings ... mine is flipped.. sorry about that.
The last one is just me trying to take the knowledge I got from the colour study and using it to paint something from imagination. Still pretty boring looking, but I'm learning a lot

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Lovely studies! Really liking this stuff.

Ok critique time.

This is going to be something really hard to convey but i'm going to try my best.

On this study I'm noticing some issues with edge control and blending. For the most part the image is solid, good form, colours ect. What i feel ls letting it down a bit is that the rendering feels a bit chalky, you have specular highlights but they don't seem to convey the feeling that the skin has specular properties.
Your version is on the left, mine on the right, Most of my changes are very subtle, i blended and smoothed out a bunch of faces and sharpened up a bunch of key areas to make their plane changes more distinct.
I am using a bunch of soft brushes and hard erasing back to get this effect, and it's really fast to do compared to blending with a hard brush.

If you need more clarification on what i'm saying, or if you disagree, please let me know :).

[Image: oYEB6.jpg]
this last portrait is great, the forms and colour are really well done

Hey you guys! thank you for the feedback :)
Today is really not my day in terms of drawing, can't really seem to get things right: I was trying to do a quick photo study of a crocodile .. and yeah it didn't really go that well, but ah well.

OtherMuzz: Thank you for the critique :) I do have quite a hard time blending and so on so thanks for that tip! However I think you might have changed the mouth too much hehe doesn't really look like mine anymore ;P

anyway, I'm working on this imagination drawing.. so if you guys could help me with ideas and composition and so on that would be awesome, It's still needs a ton of work

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I didn't have any reference lol...

glad it was helpful, i was afraid that it was something really hard to demonstrate in a paintover.

(06-21-2013, 01:43 PM)OtherMuzz Wrote: I didn't have any reference lol...

glad it was helpful, i was afraid that it was something really hard to demonstrate in a paintover.


haha I know, sorry about that :P Thanks again! !
Some more studies... doing imagination stuff takes ages for me haha XD but I am working on about 5 of them atm.. don't know when I'll be able to finish them :c

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little figure study I did yesterday. Will post more later sometime, so stay tune :>

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derps through life. Need to be more confident with my brush and pencil strokes :(

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Great studies!

With the value studies make sure your blacks are as dark as they are in the reference, you seem hesitant, to go that dark in the right parts :).

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
(06-25-2013, 09:17 PM)OtherMuzz Wrote: Great studies!

With the value studies make sure your blacks are as dark as they are in the reference, you seem hesitant, to go that dark in the right parts :).

Have to be a little careful with dark colours though, nothing in nature is 100% black, but yes I am probably too hesitant to go darker with my tones and values.

Quick question! does it take a long time for the photos to load for anyone else ? :O
Well it's all a question of exposure, It's not about it being black, it's about the proportions of dark to lights that is important in value studies. Look at the eyes on that latest value study, look how dark the is it around the eyes compared to the values in the rest of the image.

A photo will still look like a photo if you reduce the contrast, because the important thing is the value distribution(surely there is a term for this?) which shouldn't change whether you are using a full value range or a diminished range.

Does that make sense?

Edit: this image was already high key, so i thought i would do a quick paintover. :).
[Image: QlZFn.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
true true, will keep that in mind and try to push my values a bit more ^^
Thank you for all the feedback btw! :D it's lovely to have someone to discuss with
made some metal studies :) then a quick sketch just to take use some of the knowledge I learned :P
I have no idea how to draw armor from imagination hahah, but it's pretty fun

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I really like your latest studies! Especially the second one! Keep it up! :)
Hey, you did a really nice job on the metal studies, application is always a little hard afterwards. If your having trouble getting it to look right it doesn't hurt to take a glance at your studies, I find it helps soak them in a little more.

I just did a quick paint over, I've only done one before so hopefully it makes sense.

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