Thanks man!

[Image: yPvgHz.jpg]

this one was really pushing me so my linework quality dropped.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Bit off a bit more than i could chew this morning so i went way over my normal study time... i try and finish these before midday, but this one went to 2 pm

[Image: obRIx0.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
[Image: g7yzjK.jpg]

Yeah this one aint going up on facebook...

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Your recent few peges became really strong all of a sudden. Is there a particular reason for this breakthrough? Seeing as you're an analitycal type, you can probably identify it.

Good wokt, keep this up.

BTW, in case you didn't know, there are special glasses that help colorblind people see colors better.

[Image: ExGMCD.jpg]

This one damn near killed me. 5 attempts before i was happy with my layin, and it's still not great.

Thanks Piotr.

I'm curently writing up a massive document about the mental shifts i've gone through, but to sum it up. I learnt about the brain, and worked out strategies to optimize learning, and the other big thing is i stopped using my art skill as an identity. Have a read of this article:

Actually the other main thing is the idea of holding yourself accountable to quality, all the best studies you can do seem to have some sort of quality checking mechanism built into them.

Also those glasses work by filtering out non rgb light to increase saturation meaning it only works in full spectrum day light, doesn't work with the RGB light coming from our monitors.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Nice butts and titties. 

Now that I got the 12 year old self of me satisfied with that comment. 

I'm really impressed by you analytical approach to studying you're taking. Your latest poses and gestures really came out great but then again you're personal work always felt very dynamic and and fun to me atleast what I've seen in this sketchbook here.

If you want to set yourself an challenge try to draw people interacting. It creates a whole other dynamic of shapes and poses that you usually don't get if you just pose singular characters.

Thats all from me right now.
Thanks man.

I have a pretty solid plan on moving through my anatomy again, really trying to work out all my problem areas before i move onto way more challenging things like people holding other people. But it is a good idea, just going to take a while to get there though.

[Image: GbchgY.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
[Image: 1Lr28n.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
WIP Robutt.

[Image: xNhpZk.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Hey Othermuzz that " Robutt " this incredible *0* . I really like Mecha ( Evangelion , Ghost in the shell ) ^^.

'The best way to have a good ideas is to have a lot of ideas ' Linus Paulingth

Todays study was a bit more laidback.

[Image: lIQObX.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Is that bone within the hand from some reference? Does it really go across the arm so much? It seems I got it completely wrong till now...

Xray pics! Yeah i was suprised as well!

[Image: lat-elbow-xray.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
[Image: eh0Klf.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
[Image: eVutjR.jpg]

Getting a bit burnt out with the really tedious studies, so i'll change it up for a while.

Also bot:

[Image: PMrRSTY.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
[Image: asVXUQ.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Awesome studies dude! I love how clean your skeleton studies are - great idea to use x-rays as reference!

Keep going mate!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Thanks man :D!

[Image: Yv8TQC.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Did some photo studies this morning.. and just as i was finishing sai decided to crash, so yeah, managed to kinda save them, lost the top half of the snow scene though.

[Image: iXE1SP.jpg]
[Image: R6w9iW.jpg]

photos from

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book

[Image: Sa3DgK.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book

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