Devin's Sketchbook
Awesome brushwork and texture man, you've really got a handle on that! Any tips for that stuff? I always seem to get way to noisy :(

Ah D: I know that feel man, I know that feel

It's very humbling to read that you feel the same way about tightening up pieces. There's just so many thought processes working at the same time that it's hard to concentrate on what needs to get done. Remembering to incorporate the elements and principles of design in such a way that they meld together seamlessly, while at the same time managing to spark interest through wonderful use of contrast is frustrating right now; but it won't be so difficult in the future.

Take as long as you need to recharge! In the meantime I'll just... y'know, remain in a daze... staring at your work... at those... hypnotic... brushtrokes... D16c4689

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Devin, Devin, Devin, Devin! I'm liking all of this, sir. Delicious brushwork as per usual. :Y

aww thank you guys! I've been taking some time off and doing a little bit of sketchbook work, I really missed the feel of pencil on paper and it made me realize that I have forgotten a LOT of the proportion and anatomy based stuff that I studied in the beginning of the year. I think thats something that I'm going to have to constantly be brushing up on. Hopefully I'll have some pencils to share soon! Things still aren't really flowing that easily but I'm trying to still keep at it, here's something weird I worked on the past couple nights:

[Image: robotthing2.jpg]

[Image: facepaint.jpg]

my tablet is dead again so i haven't been able to squeeze in much digital time, i've mostly been going back to basics in my sketchbook. Here's a quick study I was able to do and a block-in for something mostly using my mouse haha

[Image: quickknightstudy.jpg]

[Image: knightpan.jpg]

[Image: skullstudyblue.jpg]

[Image: ckullstudy.jpg]

some sketchies

[Image: s1.jpg]

[Image: s2.jpg]

[Image: s3.jpg]

[Image: s4.jpg]

[Image: s5.jpg]

[Image: s6.jpg]

[Image: s7.jpg]

[Image: s8.jpg]

[Image: s9.jpg]

[Image: s10.jpg]


[Image: knightonbeach.jpg]

[Image: demonboxers.jpg]

[Image: airship.jpg]

[Image: onrock.jpg]

WOW WOW. Great sketchbook! I adore your colours and brushwork, so good! And such great pencils in your sketchbook, too! I'd totally like to see more of them. Keep up the amazing work!


thank you!

[Image: sn0.jpg]

[Image: sn1.jpg]

[Image: sn2.jpg]

master study after Wojciech Weiss

[Image: weissmasterstudy.jpg]

Really great pencil sketches! And I also really like your studies, the skull studies and the last master study are just amazing :D

thank you :D

actually finished a sketch!

[Image: onrockfinalsmall4.jpg]


Be-a-utiful--!! <3 <3 <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
thank you :D:D

Levitan study and a WIP:

[Image: levitanstudy.jpg]

[Image: totempole8.jpg]

Amazing stuff man. Have you been drawing your whole life?

thanks dude! yeah more or less, started practicing seriously last year.

here's an update on that WIP,
[Image: bazaar4.jpg]

but I think i should try to rearrange this composition, here's an idea:
[Image: newcomp.jpg]

some sketches and and study:
[Image: sketch2.jpg]

[Image: king2.jpg]

[Image: king3.jpg]

[Image: demon.jpg]

[Image: hamburgerman.jpg]

[Image: dualla.jpg]

trying to redo an older painting:
[Image: cathedralnew.jpg]

might wind up doing something closer to this:
[Image: newcomp2.jpg]

[Image: skullvaluestudy.jpg]

Really solid work thus far.

The volume of studies and works in the last posts invigorates! Love the way you handle shapes in your enviros and just the overall themes you tend to work with.

Keep pushing, man. All this compressed action is going to beget BIG progress.

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
thanks dude :D I sure hope so haha

[Image: cardinal2.jpg]

[Image: blackrobot.jpg]

[Image: orangerobot.jpg]

[Image: castersketch.jpg]


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